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Nerf tracer missle now


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Yea how could that not go wrong.


You have no idea what you are talking about. Im geared up in all champion and columi, have over 20k HP as a DPS. But still I go down much faster than any tank around. My healing can't be used on myself in combat. There's pushback and it doesn't heal for enough.


So to recap, L2P and Merc mitigation sucks.

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Yea how could that not go wrong.


Their dmg reduction is a bit ridiculous considering none of the commando/Merc trees are tanking. Its as though Bioware just go tired of making medium sets after they screwed the pooch on Marauders and decided to just leave a DPS class in heavy armor.

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You have no idea what you are talking about. Im geared up in all champion and columi, have over 20k HP as a DPS. But still I go down much faster than any tank around. My healing can't be used on myself in combat. There's pushback and it doesn't heal for enough.


So to recap, L2P and Merc mitigation sucks.


The irony of the end comment is astounding. No if you are dieing fast, then you are the one who sucks l2p.


I watch consistantly 3-4 people beating on merc/commandos for AT least 20 seconds before they go down. I crit most geared players with shock for 3k as hybrid 23/0/18, I crit merc/commands for about 1400-1500. When they pop CDs I see numbers like 400-800 on big attacks.

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You have no idea what you are talking about. Im geared up in all champion and columi, have over 20k HP as a DPS. But still I go down much faster than any tank around. My healing can't be used on myself in combat. There's pushback and it doesn't heal for enough.


So to recap, L2P and Merc mitigation sucks.


You're not going down as fast as a Marauder im betting, and doing more damage at the same time... from 30m

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You're not going down as fast as a Marauder im betting, and doing more damage at the same time... from 30m


Mauraders have defensive cooldowns and a vanish, we have a 12 second shield on 3 minute cooldown that reduces dmg by 25%, no we die just as fast.

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The irony of the end comment is astounding. No if you are dieing fast, then you are the one who sucks l2p.


I watch consistantly 3-4 people beating on merc/commandos for AT least 20 seconds before they go down. I crit most geared players with shock for 3k as hybrid 23/0/18, I crit merc/commands for about 1400-1500. When they pop CDs I see numbers like 400-800 on big attacks.


Now its a L2R (learn 2 read) issue. I didn't say I go down fast. I said I go down faster than any other tank around.


Either your toon sucks, or you just dont know what you are talking about. Anyone who has any knowledge of this game knows that there is no way a Merc can tank 3-4 people for at least 20 seconds.


You lose all credibility by saying that.

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Yea how could that not go wrong.


By defensive CD's of a tank you mean our 2 min CD that reduces incomming dmg by 25%? that is by far better than the bubble that sorcs get, or any of the escape type abilities other classes get. And your speaking of our baseline heals that have to be casted, can be interupted, and heal for maybe 3k on the large slow one if it crits?


<edit> not to mention that if you force us to try to out heal your dmg (impossible if your worth anything) we are no longer doing any dmg.

Edited by ugig
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A DPS class in heavy armor doesn't hurt. What hurts is that its a more effective form of mitigation then what many other classes have. Its certainly NOT tank level though.


Since most tanky things like assassin absorb shield dont work against crits, the most important mitigation stat in pvp is armor value against most attacks. They have the same armor as a tank and they have defensive CDs that bolster their already strong mitigation. They are just as hard to burn as any tank specced class in pvp.

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The irony of the end comment is astounding. No if you are dieing fast, then you are the one who sucks l2p.


I watch consistantly 3-4 people beating on merc/commandos for AT least 20 seconds before they go down. I crit most geared players with shock for 3k as hybrid 23/0/18, I crit merc/commands for about 1400-1500. When they pop CDs I see numbers like 400-800 on big attacks.


here's a thought...those merc/commando's are Bodyguard spec. I know, I am one, and I do this to people all the time. The difference being, I don't have tracer missiles. *gasp*

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here's a thought...those merc/commando's are Bodyguard spec. I know, I am one, and I do this to people all the time. The difference being, I don't have tracer missiles. *gasp*


I dont think there is anything wrong with tracer missle. I think there is something wrong with tanks who run around healing people.


Anyone remember warrior priests in wow, yea that was balanced.

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Wheres the balance. Op's and scoundrels were killing too fast doing half HP in 5-6s. well Tracer missle spam can take 3/4 of my HP is 3 hits. 3.2k 3.4k 2.9 . That is killing much faster then intended per bioware.


Balance this crap out.



Tracer Missle has a 1.5sec cast time ... 3 tracer missiles is me standing still for 4.5 seconds ... incidentally standing still for 4.5 sec is more than enough time to get killed in a WZ.

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Since most tanky things like assassin absorb shield dont work against crits, the most important mitigation stat in pvp is armor value against most attacks. They have the same armor as a tank and they have defensive CDs that bolster their already strong mitigation. They are just as hard to burn as any tank specced class in pvp.


Did you miss the part where tank stances ADD additional armor?

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Basically if mercs are stacked, you interupt one, eat tracer off another and another.


Same trick is pulled regularly and has been done since the game went live with Sorcs tab+lightning everything that moves.


And the problem with this? In a team game, the balanced team should have the advantage not the one that purposely stacked the crap out of one or two classes all with the same or similar builds.


This isn't saying "holy trinity" should beat all but when tracer and lightning spam are causing WZ's to be absolutely obnoxious places to be it goes against "fun" and into the realms of "frustration"


Now here is where the actual problem lies....if you hear me out.


What this team composition would be known as in any other MMO game is a "spike" team, all dps classes using dps skills to "spike" down a target, however a "spike" team is countered by a "turtle" team which is the likes of Tanks and healers making an impervious wall that slowly chip down the spike team one by one.


Unlike other MMO's where the spike team theory exists and it's counter exists, there is simply no counter to the spike team in SWTOR, at all.




Because of defensive cooldowns, because Sorcs/Mercs can't be simply "chipped" away since they get some base healing skills, because of the utility that Sorcs possesses, because Mercs can get on par mitigation with most tanks and not sacrifice damage for it.


Quite simply put, the utility, survivability and damage of Commandos/Mercs and Sorc/Sages is absolutely ludicrous, I don't care if you have to "stand still" for 1.5 seconds to "cast" you have everything you need in your toolkit to more than polish off anyone 1 on 1 and perform above expectations in teamplay.


This is skewed balancing and quite frankly a joke.


I'm sick and tired of hearing the pathetically poor attempts at defending these class mirrors, LoS works against ANY ranged class, interupt works against most classes if not all that have a channeled ability, these are basic hints for basic pvp play at the most infant of levels.


So I interupt your tracer missle? Then what? Oh that's right you rocket punch me backwards and unload until tracer comes back up.


So I LoS you? Then what? Oh you follow me or move to a position where I must pass and will have a heck of a time trying to get to a spot to break the LoS.


So I get into melee distance? Then what? Oh you use one of your knockbacks and/or Stun me then proceed to kite me at a safe distance where I cannot leap towards you.


So I actually get through all that and continue to wail on you? Then what? You already got extra mitigation from tracer spam aaaaand here is another 25% so now you can dps race me to death.


So I get you low then what? You stun and heal yourself, now I have to start again and if my medpacks are on cooldown I cannot heal so you have won the fight by default.




Basically put, you mercs and sorcs needs to put a sock in it, suck it up, stop spamming l2p you are all noobs, etc and start realising...You have too much of your own way right now and it's going to change.


So rather than pretending that it was intended, because it clearly isn't...start looking at ways to change it so the class for the better.....or don't say I didn't tell you say when the nerfhammer falls in your direction and it hits you harder than you thought it would.


Op/Scoundrels are testament to this, most were in denial, the FOTM'ers are gone, those of us that knew it had to happen were happy with it after it happened, adapted and continue to enjoy our class.


Oh I get it now. You got nerfed already and are hell bent on seeing everyone else nerfed to compensate for your loss of easy mode.

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The irony of the end comment is astounding. No if you are dieing fast, then you are the one who sucks l2p.


I watch consistantly 3-4 people beating on merc/commandos for AT least 20 seconds before they go down. I crit most geared players with shock for 3k as hybrid 23/0/18, I crit merc/commands for about 1400-1500. When they pop CDs I see numbers like 400-800 on big attacks.


If you saw a merc or commando taking hits from 3-4 people for 20 seconds then you were blind to the healer keeping him alive, learn some awareness.

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Replace the less then stellar enhancements in your PvP gear. That's a big source of it.

EDIT: I'd also like to note it was on a different topic then what you're referring to if you'd have followed the quotes. Seriously...


so youre telling me that fully geared mercs who replaced all their mods with crit/surge hit too hard? i think thats kind of the point of pvp armor lol


i dont quite see where youre getting at with your edit. no i didnt read everything, i see 30+ pages of this thread and every time i come back i see 10 more pages. i fail to see how this proves your point or disproves mine

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Did you miss the part where tank stances ADD additional armor?


Yea my additional armor puts me at about 6k, as assassins where cloth, the stance puts me on PAR with heavy armor targets. You didn't disprove my point, and by the way you argued it, I don't believe you realize that assassin tanks wear light armor and the stance is only a means to make us the same as other classes. Our "special" tank mitigation stat, absorbtion is horrible in pvp, we are the same as a heavy armor wearing merc/commando.

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This proves you know absolutly nothing about the class your complaining about and make the rest of anything you say suspect. The uppercut knockback has no slow on it and only barely knocks you back out of melee range, 5m is all. jet boost is the aoe knockback with a 60% slow on it, 30 second CD, 20 if tallented.


Forgive me if I don't have a Merc or commando and for being confused between the different knockbacks, I simply called it an uppercut knockback + slow coz... well, that's what it looks like. Also, I think that person who said "AND THEY CAN HEAL THEMSELVES" was referring to the heal-specced/tracer-specced hybrid - the big heal becomes pretty quick and a crit can heal them for more than 50% health. As for what they said about mercs having the armor of a tank... well, no, they don't. They're highly vulnerable to the 2 damage types armor doesn't give and are still moderately squishy.

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Yea my additional armor puts me at about 6k, as assassins where cloth, the stance puts me on PAR with heavy armor targets. You didn't disprove my point, and by the way you argued it, I don't believe you realize that assassin tanks wear light armor and the stance is only a means to make us the same as other classes. Our "special" tank mitigation stat, absorbtion is horrible in pvp, we are the same as a heavy armor wearing merc/commando.


Careful now. You may be next on the whine fest since you're a stealthing assasin tank!!

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LMAO, us OP's got it, now the noobs need something else to cry about. It's funny how none of these horribads don't understand the concept of interupting. If Sorc's and Sages didn't make up the majority of the classes we'd be hearing rage about them as well. First comes the Mercs though. This is too funny.
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Tracer Missle has a 1.5sec cast time ... 3 tracer missiles is me standing still for 4.5 seconds ... incidentally standing still for 4.5 sec is more than enough time to get killed in a WZ.


LOL true.


On occasion, if I have my relic, adrenal and hit the expertise buff in a wz, I can crit for 3k three times in a row, however half the time I'm not that lucky, I'll hit twice and crit once, or hit 3 times with no crit. Sometimes the stars align and I'll hit three crits in a row for 3k a piece. I can't polish anyone off with three tracers though. I only have 560 expertise though.

Edit-and thats against someone in horrid pve armor


Usually I have to tracer missile x 3, heatseeker, tracer x2 than railshot(and someone preoccupied with someone else will die). That involves alot of standing in one spot squeezing out my tracer lol

Edit-if I'm noticed I use stuns, and knockbacks in my rotaton, plus I use unload if the unload bonus is up.


Honestly though, if I'd known what an stationary target class merc was, i would have rolled a powertech

Edited by williambr
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If you saw a merc or commando taking hits from 3-4 people for 20 seconds then you were blind to the healer keeping him alive, learn some awareness.


He can heal himself, you have this nice CD that stops interupts and knockbacks for 12 seconds. Maybe you should learn to play. There is no reason a healer should be able to sit in place and take that kind of damage.


But yea I'm sure im so bad I don't realize their is another healer, the other healer must be why my attacks are hitting for 1/3 their normal damage.

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Yea my additional armor puts me at about 6k, as assassins where cloth, the stance puts me on PAR with heavy armor targets. You didn't disprove my point, and by the way you argued it, I don't believe you realize that assassin tanks wear light armor and the stance is only a means to make us the same as other classes. Our "special" tank mitigation stat, absorbtion is horrible in pvp, we are the same as a heavy armor wearing merc/commando.


...I'm playing an assassin. So far the armor has been close to a juggarnaut in tank stance I played briefly. I'm sure when I spec into the additional 20% armor, it will help. Not to mention guess who has the most elemental and internal absorption.. oh, that's right, assassins.


I agree that TM is OP, but seriously? No, they're not tougher than tanks, not assassins even, quit trying to make a ridiculous claim like that.


so youre telling me that fully geared mercs who replaced all their mods with crit/surge hit too hard? i think thats kind of the point of pvp armor lol


i dont quite see where youre getting at with your edit. no i didnt read everything, i see 30+ pages of this thread and every time i come back i see 10 more pages. i fail to see how this proves your point or disproves mine


The fact you were quoting something of mine that had a quote in it, you should at least see what the conversation is about first. Otherwise you're jumping into a conversation without a damn clue. Anyways, they hit damn harder than other ranged DPS without that, but its the explanation for the 3k crits, the claim is they don't happen, but they do and that's why. If you want to make a new excuse up every time you people are proven wrong on something, something is messed up.

Edited by Kuari
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Careful now. You may be next on the whine fest since you're a stealthing assasin tank!!


They can take stealth for all I care, their is almost no benefit to us having it. We get a ****** opener and unless your running deception for the 6second force regen, there is no reason to really stealth.

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