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So...Server Community's seem to be...Lacking?


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Ok so i have been on Bergian Colony since the head start and have noticed a decline in players who arn't simple out to troll everyone possible and guilds that all think they are "expert players" due to having played EQ2.........(your not...your really not) Anyhow due to the lack of a server transfer function i have been wondering if anyone knows what Rp servers might have good community's? In which case my self and possibly 2 or 3 others might move and re-roll from 50 and being tier geared just to escape the trolls.......That or if bioware will admit they might be putting transfers in soon i would be happy to wait a few weeks........(Right now getting hardmode groups is like pulling teeth.....) Anyhow! I love the game but has anyone else noticed a lack of community or is it server only? (Or maybe empire only? the odd republic player i talk to see to be fine)
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In my so far limited experience, I've run into more nice and talkative people on the Republic side, as opposed to the Empire. I hate to bring up WoW, but it feels a lot like that. The players playing the good guys are nicer and the players playing the bad guys, not so much.


Overall, my experience has been positive, but more frequently, I've had better encounters on the Republic side.

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I haven't had any issues on my server (The Jekk'Jekk Tar). My guild is pretty fun loving and helpful, though small at the moment. I know of at least two or three others on the same server that are bigger and just as helpful too.



This much of a change alone is tempting me to move servers......like i said before all i see in general chat and from players is trolling and people who think playing eq2 makes them "More Skilled" then anyone else. :rolleyes:

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Rubat Crystal doesn't have much of a community, that said I haven't run across any trolls either. Just about everyone I have encountered has been friendly except for a few notables who don't like grouping with anyone outside of their own guild.


I am seeing this more and more on different servers though. It's not common, but there are more and more posts about the lack of community, difficulty finding groups, etc. on all of the servers.


And here I thought Rubat Crystal was the only one.


However, I'm on the republic side, so perhaps that has something to do with the friendliness. Also, Rubat Crystal is an RP/PVE server, but I haven't seen much in the way of RP guilds. If they are out there, then they haven't really made themselves known yet.


If you ever decide to come to Rubat Crystal, Look me up, my level 50 toon's name is Carsen.

Edited by CriticalMasses
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Rubat Crystal doesn't have much of a community, that said I haven't run across any trolls either. Just about everyone I have encountered has been friendly except for a few notables who don't like grouping with anyone outside of their own guild.


I am seeing this more and more on different servers though. It's not common, but there are more and more posts about the lack of community, difficulty finding groups, etc. on all of the servers.


And here I thought Rubat Crystal was the only one.


Nope Rubat sounds like a paradise to me......:p

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It happens in a lot of MMOs, but SWTOR appears to be affected the most out of any I can remember. A lot of people end up joining guilds and playing nearly exclusively with their friends (How many people do you know that turn General chats off? A good number of them.) This leaves pretty much the trolls left. While that's not always the case and it can make it look like a server is full of trolls, its mostly because the non-trolls have simply found their guilds and friends.
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It happens in a lot of MMOs, but SWTOR appears to be affected the most out of any I can remember. A lot of people end up joining guilds and playing nearly exclusively with their friends (How many people do you know that turn General chats off? A good number of them.) This leaves pretty much the trolls left. While that's not always the case and it can make it look like a server is full of trolls, its mostly because the non-trolls have simply found their guilds and friends.


my servers guilds are made OF trolls..........it doesn't help that half randomly face pull mobs then blame the melee dps -_-

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I've been playing on Mind Trick so far. Now granted this is not an RP server but a regular PVE server. However, on the Republic side, for the most part the people seem really nice, and usually plenty of flash point groups going on of all levels. You'll run into ******s anywhere you go, but for the most part I am quite happy with the Republic side of this server. I tried making an Empire toon on the same server though and was not at all impressed with the community. General chat there was definitely filled with trolls. Its a shame the Republic has a lower population, but they do seem to be a hell of a lot nicer, generally speaking. Edited by Rynnalee
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I've been playing on Mind Trick so far. Now granted this is not an RP server but a regular PVE server. However, on the Republic side, for the most part the people seem really nice, and usually plenty of flash point groups going on of all levels. You'll run into ******s anywhere you go, but for the most part I am quite happy with the Republic side of this server. I tried making an Empire toon on the same server though and was not at all impressed with the community. General chat there was definitely filled with trolls. Its a shame the Republic has a lower population, but they do seem to be a hell of a lot nicer, generally speaking.


Ya i hate to say it but i noticed this too...its really to bad i am a HUGE sith fan...but i might just have to reroll republic and go dark jedi.....:rolleyes:

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