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This is a joke right ????


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Just bought the actual game at a retailer. It even says on the box the actual launch is on the 20th. Anything you get now is extra, stop complaining :p. If you really cared that much about the early access, you would have pre-ordered in July. Edited by John-Gerald
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A quick update on today's invites, and a little preview of tomorrow.


Today, we invited people who had pre-ordered up to the very beginning of October (roughly). Tomorrow, we're going to be inviting the same number of people again; that will take us up to the last week or so of November. On Friday, we'll be inviting even more, and we'll give you an update on that tomorrow.


You'll see more servers coming online tomorrow, and almost certainly there will be some queuing. That was always expected. As a reminder, our plan here is to maintain healthy server populations post launch, and during the excitement of launch that will mean queues. That said, we'll be working hard to keep those queues reasonable.


We'll check back in tomorrow with another update.




Wait so everyone who pre-ordered from october must face even more queue's, while everyone who got in 2 days ago had no queue's at all and if you knew their would be queues , why the hell didnt you just open the gates ??


I cant even see myself subbing atfer this epic failed launch and i will never pre-order a thing from you again.


Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering

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everyone making new chars to start out with friends, so all starter quest mobs will be camped

For the record, all zones are instanced, so this isn't really possible. If a zone starts getting too full, the zone locks and a new one is created for anyone just logging/zoning in. I believe even moving through a story zone will cause you to shuffle instances, so the zones are constantly re-balancing.

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For crying out loud, why does everybody feel the need to moan about every little thing.


Because they are small unstable children that don't have anything better to do then QQ'ing about everything. "I WANT IT NOW, GIVE give give, cry cry, (throw computer in the wall) I want to first!!"



And replay to the original post:


They haven't even started up every server yet, and if you think this launch is a fail, then this prob is your first and only game release ever!





"You'll see more servers coming online tomorrow, and almost certainly there will be some queuing. That was always expected. As a reminder, our plan here is to maintain healthy server populations post launch, and during the excitement of launch that will mean queues. That said, we'll be working hard to keep those queues reasonable."

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If there was any justice or good in the world every one of you who claims they intended to quit would do so. I hope your motherboard burns out.



What a pleasant person you are..... some people are upset and venting frustration, you wishing real life problems on them... who's the real monster here ;)

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Because they are small unstable children that don't have anything better to do then QQ'ing about everything. "I WANT IT NOW, GIVE give give, cry cry, (throw computer in the wall) I want to first!!"



And replay to the original post:


They haven't even started up every server yet, and if you think this launch is a fail, then this prob is your first and only game release ever!





"You'll see more servers coming online tomorrow, and almost certainly there will be some queuing. That was always expected. As a reminder, our plan here is to maintain healthy server populations post launch, and during the excitement of launch that will mean queues. That said, we'll be working hard to keep those queues reasonable."




The servers are available, there will be queues anyway as you have just quoted from the developers, so there was no reason to stagger early access.


If all those servers had been made open on the first day and a cap on each server put in place everyone could have been in on day one, then the sever cap could be increased day by day so people can change servers etc not effecting those that have already moved out of lower level zones (not that it would matter as anyone playing the game as a MMO would have already realised in the BeTA that the game is instanced so you will not have more than a handful of people in the same place as you anyway).

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Good thing I took Monday-Thursday off this week, lol. Hopefully I get invite today. Reminds me of going to store to buy an R2D2 when I was 7, after seeing Star Wars at the Drive IN; all excited. The only figures left were Leia and Obi wan....but just as we had given up hope , my Dad found a R2D2 that had been torn from the package and was laying under some scatted packages on the shelf floor. So, sometimes even when you don't get the thing you want right away, it doesn't dimenish the joy you have when you finally get there. Cheers all! Continue to search; I am sure there is an e-mail invite under the packages some where.

Highest Regards,


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Everything goes according to plan and works perfectly so far.The game gone live and the word is spread all over the net.Early access is another advertising cookie that boosts the preorders but also make ppl talk and look around foroums like this one.Even the players to be like myself are playing by searching this foroum replay or cry about but thats also another part of all this big advertise plan for the developers to open more pockets.Get in and play today or tommorow wont do any different as the date that i will get bored from a game one more time waits somewhere in the near future.....And so it is.....
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The servers are available, there will be queues anyway as you have just quoted from the developers, so there was no reason to stagger early access.


If all those servers had been made open on the first day and a cap on each server put in place everyone could have been in on day one, then the sever cap could be increased day by day so people can change servers etc not effecting those that have already moved out of lower level zones (not that it would matter as anyone playing the game as a MMO would have already realised in the BeTA that the game is instanced so you will not have more than a handful of people in the same place as you anyway).

The point wasn't so much to limit queue times or prevent server stress as they were to create an even population balance across as many servers as possible to limit the need to perform server mergers later.

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hehe ok i thought i was angry not getting in but im changing my mind these threads are hilarious. /rant this /rant that. awesome. and every thread its the same QQ. "Help i didnt get in today im gonna cancel preorders you a**holes". hahaha funny stuff:D:D
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I thought that post was exactly what was needed, great communication and a general timeline. I know I may be in today or tomorrow and I will plan accordingly. It is sad that this seems like a no-win situation for Bioware and I feel like they are trying to listen and respond.
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Waah waah waah... Don't you people ever tire of it?


But then again, drinkable water is supposedly dwindling day by day, I guess desalinated tears could be a good substitute.


Carry on.


Naw man... I'm working on a plan to convert nerd-rage tears to biofuel. Much more profitable.

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