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PVP - A Long Hard Look At The Good, The Bad And The Ugly


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Hey Fellas,


I am a very long time experienced PVP'er (mostly WoW - 5x Glad, don't hate me for it). I want to point out some obvious flaws in the current state of PVP and allow everyone to add in their 2 cents to form a complete list of what we feel needs to be changed for the better.


This post will be focused on PVP flaws and needed fixes. We want to keep the PVP community strong, because SWTOR has such a great potential to be a fantastic and competitive PVP gaming experience.


I want to stay away from specific Class imbalances for now and focus mostly on Warzones/Ilum.




Wins not counting. I saw in the current recent patch notes that hopefully this has been fixed. Nothing is more frustrating than being at 8/9 in the weekly on Monday night and winning 3 games in a row at 2 AM that don't count before finally giving up and going to bed - missing out on the next week's weekly.


Quitting out early. There should be a deserter penalty given to players who leave Warzones before they are complete.


More than 8 players?? I've been in games with 12 Empire players against 8 Republic opponents. Nuff said.


In Huttball, Powertechs and Assassins can sit in their spawn, and pull enemy players into their spawn before the enemy can cap the ball to score a point. When doing so, the enemy player is instantly killed. I have been in games with players who will actually stand in the fire to commit suicide, just to respawn and deny a cap by pulling enemies into this insta-kill barrier. This should be immediately looked at. (We ended up winning still - silly Republic Shadow)


Kicked to the Imperial Fleet? When I join late, and have to wait for load times, to miss the initial spawn release at the beginning of a game, I'm most often removed from the Warzone and placed on the Imp. fleet. This is retarded.


Adrenals - Why are these usable in Warzones? World PvP is much different, but Adrenals should not be allowed to be used in Warzones. It is making Biochem an absolute must have for serious minded PvP players, and a severe imbalance to players who have chosen a different Crew Skill. I'm all for having the ability to customize and min/max your character to be as competitive as possible, but this should be looked at.


Bags - The bag system has a great number of flaws and is probably the absolute worst reward system I have ever seen in a PVP game. There are players who hit level 50 and immediately have full Champion gear, and other players who are valor rank 59, and have been grinding their butts off for weeks straight to have only 3 pieces. I myself opened 6 bags today with no rewards. I would suggest that there are no repeat rewards given and that the drop rate of Champion gear per bag be increased. Or that the system is scrapped and go to a point system, where you get points for quests and are allowed to pick and choose how to spend them.


Also, why do Battlemaster players still receive Champion gear bags? This is a very silly concept. Battlemaster and above ranked players should only receive Battlemaster bags from Daily/Weekly quests, as the Champion level gear has now become obsolete. This is a no brainer.


I also believe that there should not be a cap on the number of Champion/Battlemaster Bags a player can acquire before he is the appropriate valor rank to open/wear the Champion/Battlemaster gear. For example, if I am a level 50 rank valor player grinding for Battlemaster with full Champion, why can't I start earning Battlemaster rewards for the future and stack more than one Battlemaster bag?


Medals - Why are there Defensive Medals, and no Offensive Medals? If I score the ball in Huttball, I should receive a Medal or reward for doing so. I get medals for Defending Capture points, but not for Offensively capping them? This is silly.


Resolve - Resolve is probably the worst mechanic in the game currently. Every single class in the game has a wide array of stuns, interrupts, knockbacks and incapicatating abilities. Resolve does not work well enough in preventing players from being chain stunned/knocked back. A knockback should instantly fill the resolve bar, and the resolve bar should stay full for a much longer time period. This forces players to think smarter about when to stun/knockbacks. At the very least, knockbacks should have diminishing returns with other knockbacks, and stuns should share DR with stuns as well.


Snares should count towards resolve.


(BTW, Operatives are better off after this recent patch, because they can now chain their opening stuns with disregard to the Resolve bar because of how broken it is - its not the class, its Resolve)



Daily/Weekly Quests:


If I complete a Daily or Weekly quest the day I receive it, but turn in the quest the following day, I can not then get the quest for the Daily/Weekly for that day. This needs to be fixed so that completing the quest, not turning it in, counts respectively.


The 150 Kills requirement for the Ilum weekly is very steep for both factions. Republic players are outnumbered and Empire players have too few Republic players to kill. I would suggest to have armament spawns in more than just the Central location, with a faster respawn timer, as well as lowering the number to 90 (3 times the Daily, just like Warzone wins).


When I turn in a Daily/Weekly, why am I not rewarded with Valor? Normal quests reward experience - PVP quests should reward a large number of Valor. This would additionally incent players to complete Daily/Weekly quests regularly as they are grinding to Battlemaster rankings.


I also would like to see more quests added. Perhaps a quest to achieve 8+ medals in a Warzone. Or Warzone specific quests, such as Score the Huttball, or Download the data in Voidstar in under 5 minutes. This would allow players who are trying their best to win, but simply our outmatched because of their pug teammates lack of.... you know what, to at least be rewarded for their efforts.





When I die in Ilum, I can /stuck and instantly reappear where I was killed, allowing me to pick off the poor guy who beat me down and is trying to heal himself back up. (Sorry to all you Repubs who owned me)


Server population imbalances. Its been said before, and its obvious to see, Empire is just much cooler than Republic, and thus we outnumber the poor guys fighting for good. And by a very large margin. This completely defeats the purpose of Ilum. Republics don't have a chance and Empire players are fighting for the scraps, few are far between. I think that the zone needs to be sized down considerably so that players have a greater chance of finding each other and engaging in combat.


As I said above, armament spawns should be greatly increased and added to both Northern and Southern Assaults to allow players to engage in more places for the rewards armaments provide.


Kills not counting - When I've killed the same Republic player twice in a 3-5 minute span, I only get credit for one kill. I can understand the thought behind this, but its not working. Because there are so few Republic players to find, let alone kill, each kill should count. There should be no hidden immunity timer.


Outlaw's Den: This area has great potential, despite how inconvenient it is to actually get there. The big issue I see, is that the spawn time of the chests is RIDICULOUSLY too long. I've spent several hours there, killing the elite mobs, killing trash, thinking of any way to get a chest to spawn - with no luck at all. I found two chests in an hour. Why not throw these chests into Ilum? Make players engage in combat over who gets to loot the chest. Ilum needs greater incentives for players to compete, besides just getting a crappy daily quest that really just involves running in circles around Central Assault for 6 hours, fighting with my teammates for Armament spawns.




Arenas. Arenas have a lot of push back from players in this game. Understandably so. But I definitely would love to see a competitive based PVP system for smaller, tighter groups of players. Such as a 4v4 Warzone (thanks reply in this post) or something to that effect.


Auto Camera Follow: WHY CAN'T I DISABLE THE AUTO CAMERA FOLLOW YET??!?!?!? This is a complete joke. Try running and targeting an opponent from behind you. Hint: YOU CANT!


Auto Facing for Spell Casts: When I cast a spell, say Force Lightning as an example, my character automatically faces the target that I'm casting on after I initiate the cast. It doesn't matter that my enemy runs behind me to avoid being hit, I just automatically turn with him until the cast is complete. This is super noob friendly and should be looked at.


Targeting: The targeting in this game is probably the worst I have ever experienced. The lack of macros for Focus/Friendly targeting, on top of the fact that its nearly impossible to click on either an opponent, but especially a friendly player (guard/heals) makes targeting the #1 fail in my book. This really needs to be fixed.


Ability Delay/Denial: Sometimes I spam my Vanish (forget the real name of the ability on my Assassin) and it looks back it me with a smug smile, deciding not to comply. Ability Delay hopefully is already being looked at, but what about when abilities simply don't go off at all?


Combat - It takes way too long to get out of combat. Way, way too long. I can sometimes sit in one corner, not being attacked, healed or even remotely close to an enemy player and wait up to 45 seconds to get out of combat to heal myself. Fix this!



Let me know what you guys think. Certainly not everyone is going to agree with me, but I think most of these changes are reasonable and overall would be healthier for the game.



Edited by Koskilicious
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If Bioware don't start addressing the faction imbalances rife on virtually every server there won't be much point in implementing any of those changes as Empire will just play Huttball from here to eternity. At the very least there should be low, medium, high indicators for each faction on the server select screen so that perhaps at least one server can have a decent Republic community.


Also an arena system is fine provided that it only rewards, at the best, equal gear to the current system. The last thing this game needs is a wider gulf between new and old 50s.

Edited by CommonKnowledge
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BTW I think there should be gear for players that reach a certain rating, make the stats the same as your current conquest/battlemaster gear but just make it look more flashy or change the colors up just to make players more attracted in competitive pvp that will be rewarding as well



Sry if this makes no sense im really stoned trying to type this

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I hate the huttball line death, but since BW said it was 100% legal and doesn't feel anything is wrong with it, I've resigned to use it whenever a team is winning so that more people complain about it. I've done the die in a fire and guarded that line.


There is only ONE way to avoid this that you can control and that's using force immunity abilities. People said "oh go to the sides on the far edge", but no you can see them moving and move with them and the goal is a straight line so eventually they will be in range. If you're in range to stun them, they can already pull you.


So yeah I'm going to use the hell out of it until someone addresses it and making people cry will be the only way to do it.

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Sup Koski, I remember you.


You make some good points, but I will never be pro-arena in MMOs that aren't designed around PvP (see Guild Wars or Planetside). In any MMO with a real PvE experience at endgame arenas just suck up dev time, increase community tension, and generally don't provide enough return for the effort expended on them. Look at how Blizzard now ignores arenas entirely and just lol at complaints about arena balance.


I have no particular desire to see ideal combos progress past 1 of each basic class in a 4-man group.

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I hate the huttball line death, but since BW said it was 100% legal and doesn't feel anything is wrong with it, I've resigned to use it whenever a team is winning so that more people complain about it. I've done the die in a fire and guarded that line.


There is only ONE way to avoid this that you can control and that's using force immunity abilities. People said "oh go to the sides on the far edge", but no you can see them moving and move with them and the goal is a straight line so eventually they will be in range. If you're in range to stun them, they can already pull you.


So yeah I'm going to use the hell out of it until someone addresses it and making people cry will be the only way to do it.


Yeah, we had to get creative to avoid it, but it seems very, very obnoxious to allow something like this. If Bioware has already addressed this and come to the conclusion that its fine, then I just have to throw my hands up and realize they will just never be on par with other developers like Blizzard.

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Sup Koski, I remember you.


You make some good points, but I will never be pro-arena in MMOs that aren't designed around PvP (see Guild Wars or Planetside). In any MMO with a real PvE experience at endgame arenas just suck up dev time, increase community tension, and generally don't provide enough return for the effort expended on them. Look at how Blizzard now ignores arenas entirely and just lol at complaints about arena balance.


I have no particular desire to see ideal combos progress past 1 of each basic class in a 4-man group.


Fair enough. In a perfect world, a game developer that was serious enough about PVP should have the resources to take care of their PVP community well enough to make the necessary changes. But I definitely hear ya, PVE almost always dominates PVP in terms of community and popularity. Which sucks for us hardcore gankers and griefers that just want to have a great, competitive mmo to pvp on.

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For the most part, the OP is right, and things need to be fixed.


But to the Arenas, that idea is horrible. This game is for groups, with each class covering another's weaknesses, and small groups wouldn't allow that, and trying to change classes to suit the arena would kill the game far too quickly. If anything, they need to fix warzone issues (FPS, Lag, bugs, etc) and then add LARGER battles, not smaller. Think 12v12, or 16v16, or even larger! Bigger maps are needed, of course.


Just to please Arena-lovers, they could throw in a single room on the fleet to allow small or solo groups to fight each other, but for nothing more than boasting rights. No Gear.

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bioware doesnt care for our opinion , bioware doesnt care for what you think about pve , bioware doesnt care for what you think about pvp , bioware do stuffs, you like you play , you dont like then stop playing , they already have profit with this game , so now on they are just increasing it , if the game lasts 1 more year perfect, if lasts more even better, if not , no problem is already ok :D Edited by akunamatata
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bioware doesnt care for our opinion , bioware doesnt care for what you think about pve , bioware doesnt care for what you think about pvp , bioware do stuffs, you like you play , you dont like then stop playing , they already have profit with this game , so now on they are just increasing it , if the game lasts 1 more year perfect, if lasts more even better, if not , no problem is already ok :D


I wish I could say that I didn't agree. Its a new game, and so the demands are high, but Bioware should be aware of how fragile a new game like this is. There are other options out there, and if they don't show that they are ready and willing to make the changes they should be making - "you dont like then stop playing"

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I wish I could say that I didn't agree. Its a new game, and so the demands are high, but Bioware should be aware of how fragile a new game like this is. There are other options out there, and if they don't show that they are ready and willing to make the changes they should be making - "you dont like then stop playing"


i ll take as example the qq around operative nerfs, did you saw any post from dev team about the changes? no , not a single word has been said by them about that. they dont care for comunity, or better they care " if you pay or not".

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One way to fix the pop. imbalance would be to grant *significant* XP bonuses to PVP for the outnumbered faction. It's been done in other MMOS.


Of course the best solution would be three or five factions and shifting alliances, but the SW lore would not allow for that. Warhammer had a GOLDEN opportunity to do something similar (All the factions fight all the other factions at some point in the lore) but missed it :(


I have toons on both sides. .. unfortunately I'm discovering that my assassin is more fun than my guardian, but in the future I will roll strictly rep until there's parity.

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Fair enough. In a perfect world, a game developer that was serious enough about PVP should have the resources to take care of their PVP community well enough to make the necessary changes. But I definitely hear ya, PVE almost always dominates PVP in terms of community and popularity. Which sucks for us hardcore gankers and griefers that just want to have a great, competitive mmo to pvp on.

I'll probably keep PvPing in SWTOR until GW2, at which time I will gear up in GW2 and proceed to login only for S v S and tournaments.


Planetside 2 is looking like it could be as good as the original. I keep waiting for SOE to **** it up, though.

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What the ****, I'll never understand this. Really, I don't get it. Why penalize people that want to leave your fail Warzone?


Because when someone leaves early, it severely disadvantages the rest of the players in the Warzone. It essentially turns a losing game into a lost game. If you want to leave, thats okay, but its not cool to leave a losing game just to re-queue and try your hand again. You should have a deserter penalty.

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