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Guys, the Empire might not lose after all...


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Does anyone else remember what Palpatine says in Revenge of the Sith..."I will not let this Republic which has stood for a thousand years fall..."


Hmm...and...when does this game take place? 3000 years before the films? Interesting.


Maybe...just maybe...the Sith Empire wins and then the Republic reforms and takes back over later on...


Just something to think about.

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Maybe...just maybe...the Sith Empire wins and then the Republic reforms and takes back over later on...


No, it doesn't happen like that.


What happens is the Sith Empire is destroyed, and eventually becomes nothing more then two people, a master and apprentice, based on the Rule of Two.


What Palp was talking about there, is the dark ages that happen sometime after the Sith are destroyed. About a thousand years prior to ANH the republic reborn from those dark ages.

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In the end and THIS IS A BIIG BIIIIG SPOLER the Rebels and what left of the Empire team up to fight the new threat to the galaxy the Vuzah Vong and I know I spelled that wrong totally sorry.


What is left from that becomes the Galactic Alliance..


The Jedi are reformed and that lie you call the Jedi code gets revamped and the Jedi can have kids and family


Basically the light and the dark shake hands again.


WAAAAYY back when there was on ONE Force not two sides.


Then the Force Wards happen and the Force split into two light and dark side...


In the end it seems like they made peace and everyones happy.


Luke is the Jedi who sees them though this and starts a NEW Jedi alltogether.

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ToR True Sith Empire > New Sith Empire > Brotherhood of Darkness > Rule of Two > Movie Rule of Two and Galactic Empire.


ToR Old Republic > Militant-Reformed Republic > Army of Light Republic > Movie Republic.


This Sith Empire will ether die outright and the New Sith Empire will rise from the ashes, or all the major figures will die and it will be taken over by a new Sith Lord and become the New Sith Empire.


This Republic will ether die outright and be reborn into the Militant-Reformed Republic, or it will survive and just change/evolve into it.

Edited by AngelousWang
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In the end and THIS IS A BIIG BIIIIG SPOLER the Rebels and what left of the Empire team up to fight the new threat to the galaxy the Vuzah Vong and I know I spelled that wrong totally sorry.


What is left from that becomes the Galactic Alliance..


The Jedi are reformed and that lie you call the Jedi code gets revamped and the Jedi can have kids and family


Basically the light and the dark shake hands again.


WAAAAYY back when there was on ONE Force not two sides.


Then the Force Wards happen and the Force split into two light and dark side...


In the end it seems like they made peace and everyones happy.


Luke is the Jedi who sees them though this and starts a NEW Jedi alltogether.

I meant in SWTOR


Also has anyone...pondered the idea that Vitiate may be Palpatine but reincarnated again?

Edited by Shotgonius
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No, it doesn't happen like that.


What happens is the Sith Empire is destroyed, and eventually becomes nothing more then two people, a master and apprentice, based on the Rule of Two.


What Palp was talking about there, is the dark ages that happen sometime after the Sith are destroyed. About a thousand years prior to ANH the republic reborn from those dark ages.


That doesn't happen for another 2600 years.

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KOTOR- ~3000 BBY

KOTOR- ~3000 BBY

TOR- ~2700 BBY

A thousand years before palpatine- 1000 BBY

Darth Bane and the Battles on Ruusan- 1000 BBY


It could be said that after Darth Bane destroyed the Brotherhood of Darkness (and much of the Jedi) the Republic was allowed a one thousand year reprieve of conflict. Much of the 1000 years after TOR is uncharted, But the preceeding 2000 years before the movies is covered in detail.



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In the Emperor wins, the Emperor will EAT THE GALAXY. As the Emperor failed to devour all life in the galaxy, the Emperor lost. Of course, that doesn't mean that the Empire lost.


I think that the most likely explanations are one of three:


A. The Sith Emperor dies, the Sith and the Empire defeat the Republic. Since the Sith lack the Emperor to keep them in check, and since there's no one else to fight, the galaxy descends into civil war. One faction is able to enlist the aid of the Jedi, and after some period of time (potentially decades, potentially centuries) the Jedi and their faction are able to finish retaking the galaxy and defeating the Sith.


B. The Sith Emperor dies, the Sith and the Empire defeat the Republic. A schism develops among the Sith, with those who follow the Light Side on one side (including the Sith Warrior and the Sith Inquisitor?) and the traditional Sith on the other. The resulting schism leads to the Light Side Sith gaining the backing of the Imperial military, since they tend to be sensible types who are loyal to the Empire, and who don't particularly appreciate the power games and random executions that Dark Side Sith engage in. The Light Side Sith team up with the Jedi, defeat the Dark Side, and are eventually absorbed into the Jedi Order. The Imperials eventually allow for a democratic system, and the galaxy transitions back into being a Republic.


C. The Republic wins.

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