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BH merc dps/heal hybrid. inputs?


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Hey. 50 BH merc. I was straight arsenal spec with DPS gear. I started healing with some friends for a pre-made for warzones and ilum whislt still having DPS gear. I'll average 150k damage and 150k healing.


I really enjoy my damage and heals. I was pretty much full healing tree with a few points in aresenal. Now I just want to experiment with different builds and specs.


What I'm trying to do now is get a nice spec going where I have tracer missiles for the debuff/damage but still have solid healing. Just wanted some input or advice from anyone that is also doing this for PVP.


My tree that I'm thinking about trying is such:



Tell me what you think or ask any questions. Thanks!


With this build I really want to be strong 1v1. I want to be able to dish out the dps, stuns/cc, and still heal effectively. In warzones I want to be a menace. CC and stun people, blow people up when the time is right, and keep up a solid stream of baby heals.

Edited by malicemiles
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I recently respecced to a full healing spec to raid with my guild this week, and thought that while I was specced that way that I should get some PvP done also. What I started to realize is that for a PvP healer there are only around 4 medals you can gain in a warzone, while there are 10+ for people killing things. This made me very unhappy, so I though I would try my hand at a heal/dps hybrid spec. What I ended up with was :




I decided to go a little more dps and less heals then you did. I wanted to get Traver Lock in order do use rail shot to try and get killing blows. I realize my healing is a little limited, but my 2 heals work well enough in PvP, whether Im saving myself or somone else. I use combat support cylinder in order to buff both my healing and damage. I played around with it tonight and it felt very "supportish". I was able to help my friends kill targets, while keeping them and myself alive easily enough.


As far as your spec goes, it seems to me without Muzzle Fluting, Critical Efficiency and Improved Vents heat will be an issue for you. Give it a try though, let me know how it is. :)

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Get rid of a few of those points in arsenal. putting points in the unload and a few other u can do without. I would only go up to tracer missle....thats the only point id use past the second row/


take these points and put them in warden and critcial effeciency. Healing crits a big. Alot of people dont realize what a big thing it is/ A normal heal of 2300 can crit for 4000+.


even in pvp,,,hybrid specs will mean heat is always an issue. Especially if your going to be spamming tracer missle. Id move a couple things around to make sure i have improved vents/

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This is a better setup for hybrid, it solves most of the heat issues, and still allows you to heal like a champ. I have used this build to heal every HM flashpoint and normal operation in the game, with no real issues beyond learning the fight mechanics. The dps is below average for pve content though. i would put 2 points into terminal velocity if you want to just use 1 spec for both pve and pvp, since it allows more TM spam.





reactive armor is not worth it in PVP due to the fact that most opponents have multiple abilities that ignore armor , due to damage type. Ie kinetic, elemental etc.


2% healing recieved and given, is not worth the reduced heat from muzzle fluting, as well as pushback being a major problem when your attacked if you dont have energy shield available.


Afterburners is not equal to 10% potential damage reduction, from power barrier. with 2 piece PVE eliminators gear, tracer missile and power shot crit pretty often.

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Im currently using a bodyguard/pyro hybrid, works quite well actually since pyro has a lot of ongoing damage so I can heal while the dots tick away :)


Usually do around 200k damage 150k healings but thats just because i want to kill stuff, can heal in hardmode flashpoints with little problems.

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Im currently using a bodyguard/pyro hybrid, works quite well actually since pyro has a lot of ongoing damage so I can heal while the dots tick away :)


Usually do around 200k damage 150k healings but thats just because i want to kill stuff, can heal in hardmode flashpoints with little problems.


whats your spec?

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If you read the sticky thread here



you will find a very similar spec. i am going to try it when i get to 50 as well.

There is a whole lot of great info there from Werdan, and i highly reccomend that all mercs read the thread


but the main difference is he takes terminal velocity. If you dont, you cant expect to spam tracers for very long, and then you dont have a whole lot of dps

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I run 13 Bodyguard (Kolto Missle + Residue) / 28 Arsenal (Barrage). Tracer Missle and Kolto Missle are the two must haves regardless of any DPS/Healing hybrid spec. I don't do much PvP or high end PvE, I mostly solo or do Flashpoint groups. I haven't had a problem healing as long as the group makeup is good. I can't heal a group without a tank or a group where multiple people pull aggro. I am capable of keeping a well balanced group together and I provide good DPS when the healing is not necessary.
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For PVP, I'm headed this way :



My two cents...

My experience in PVP has shown me that it's rarely +/- 10% DPS or HPS that makes the difference, it's chain CCs and knockbacks and getting dog-piled by 4 saber-wielding maniacs.


Because of that, I can't pass up Stabilizers (I did the first time around because I didn't understand what "pushback" referred to) or Afterburners, or Jet Escape.


It's rare that you really get to lay in for a full rotation of 3-5 Tracer Missles without getting interrupted or LOS'ed, so I didn't invest all the way to Tracer Lock. Mobility and instants are huge help in PVP (gonna miss Heatseekers, but keep Rail Shot and Explosive Dart handy) and like I said, Jet Boost, Rocket Punch, and stun breaker (Determination) get as much use as I can.


The only question still in my mind is Cure Mind vs Kolto Shell. What are the mental effects that I'd be removing in PVP? Does that mean I could stun-break team mates?

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