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Bioware and Operatives.


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The need for an adjustment to the burst operatives did was in need, granted. However after doing some games today in WZ this nerf is simply too much. We are basically marauders now same type of gear and dmg but without the defensive cds of a marauder/sentinel and without their mobility.


5k hit medal is still possible but you are gonna need to be geared. I can barely break the 5k but it needs to be set up.

1. Find a sorc/sage without bubble up

2. Make sure you are in full BM gear. ( i am full BM rank 66)

3. Make sure you are biochem to pop adrenal and relic

4. Pray you crit.


While the adjustment was needed, this is too much and i feel really bad for the undergeared. I can barely stand on my feet now and i am a full Battlemaster. I bring nothing to the table, I have 0 mobility, I have crappy defensive cds, my combat stealth is extremely easy to counter and on a cooldown. So the "burst" class is no more with least/none utility to the group. For being the least played class in the game this nerf will not help any keep the numbers up. Thankfully i rerolled 2 weeks ago and i am happy playing Shadow and never dieing while doing 400k dmg with amazing burst and over 100k protection in WZs for easy 10+ award medals.

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Dont forget gap closers.


PvE or PvP everyone has the ability to break that gap, while we Operatives/Scoundrels have to relly on stealth to get close.


This is shameful BW, you were proud of your AI and Smuggler classes and the new type of system you were bringing to MMOs. Although we did need to stream line our dmg a little, we need some utility and gap closing abilities to fill this massive nerf.

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5k hit medal? I'm only aware of a 2.5k medal, you sure there is a 5k one?


Don't worry, chances are you will never see it (but just about every other dps spec will!).

Edited by Avia
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Dont forget gap closers.


PvE or PvP everyone has the ability to break that gap, while we Operatives/Scoundrels have to relly on stealth to get close.


You know, this made me think. I mean, it's a point that we've brought up over and over again, and there's no question that it sucks not having a gap closer, but realize what you just said: we have to rely on stealth to get close. What if the problem is actually that it's just too hard, currently, to get back into Stealth?


I mean, think about it. If they nerfed our burst down, but made it easier for us to get back into stealth to do that burst again, wouldn't it improve our class? Imagine if stealth could be enabled, even within combat, as long as for a 6-second period we:

A> stayed above 90% health (no stealthing while taking heavy fire)

B> remained outside the "detection cone" of every enemy (i.e. the potential detection distance if you're in stealth, which against an even-leveled opponent is 15' in front and 5' in back)


C> made no offensive during that period (obviously we're not in melee range, but no shooting your gun or casting Corrosive Dart either).


I'd be more than willing to give up the massive Hidden Strike opener if you gave me a way to use it more than once per fight without using Cloaking Screen (which'd now be saved for real emergencies or to double-burst a particularly tough foe). Right now, we're a one-kill-then-we-die sort of class. Nerfing our burst down turns us less into an assassin and more of a skirmisher/flanker, but I'm actually okay with that.


There's still plenty that I'd like to see changed, like making the talent that adds +5% to our run speed boosted to +10% (so that we outrun an unbuffed member of any other class), but this'd be a start.

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All i see is QQ QQ QQ you nerfed my damage by 20% People...do math 20% isn't that much.


Honestly Ops/Scoundrels needed some kind of damage decrease but Bioware needs to also look into Damage mitigation. I can see you all hitting a cloth wearer for 5-7k crit's big whoop but hitting a heavy armor for the same amount is just retarted. I've seen scoundrels/Op's tear through tanks like nothing, even with a 50% armor reduction now 30% i believe (i dont play one) there is no reason a heavy armor should be killed within 7 seconds like this.


The issue here is not the damage they put out but the damage mitigation between the armor's shields and whatnot

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Bioware officially killed operatives. Yea, we needed a nerf because i forgot op/ scoundrels were always topping dmg charts, NOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTT. Go nerf sorc and snipers. Bioware says they going to keep dps the same among dps classes, yet always see sorc and snipers top this, but they nerf ops without even boosting any of the other damage we do. Good job Bioware you officially fail in balancing the game. Good riddance
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All i see is QQ QQ QQ you nerfed my damage by 20% People...do math 20% isn't that much.


Honestly Ops/Scoundrels needed some kind of damage decrease but Bioware needs to also look into Damage mitigation. I can see you all hitting a cloth wearer for 5-7k crit's big whoop but hitting a heavy armor for the same amount is just retarted. I've seen scoundrels/Op's tear through tanks like nothing, even with a 50% armor reduction now 30% i believe (i dont play one) there is no reason a heavy armor should be killed within 7 seconds like this.


The issue here is not the damage they put out but the damage mitigation between the armor's shields and whatnot


Ask a competent heavy armor pvper how long it takes them to kill a scoundrel. Go on. I'll wait right here. Check that, if they're too slow to use any defensive abilities when they see a scoundrel on them, or don't have them available, ask them how long it takes to kill a scoundrel without defensive cooldowns.


Why MUST it be the case for you, that a tank can last more than 10 seconds against a dps, and it's ok for you that a tank can kill the dps in under 10 seconds.

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Ask a competent heavy armor pvper how long it takes them to kill a scoundrel. Go on. I'll wait right here. Check that, if they're too slow to use any defensive abilities when they see a scoundrel on them, or don't have them available, ask them how long it takes to kill a scoundrel without defensive cooldowns.


Why MUST it be the case for you, that a tank can last more than 10 seconds against a dps, and it's ok for you that a tank can kill the dps in under 10 seconds.

He's used to the "Tanky classes don't do any damage, but in return, can't be killed"-paradigm.

However, it's not true for swtor. Play a dps specced Trooper or JK and see for yourself

Edited by Skurkanas
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