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Light side corruption/benefits ideas


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I lot of people are drawn to the dark side because, well honestly, they look bad *** with dark glowing eyes, who wouldn't want that.


It seem that light side really miss out, so I compiled a list of idea of similar perks that could be assigned to the light side to help address the imbalance.


1) Blue glowy : after you die you can rez with a blue glow for say a minute or two which shows how you have managed to channel the force to repair your wounds. This sort of fits into the lore as only characters who are of light side, or turned from the dark side, are glowing blue in the movies.


2) Virtuous : Give players an increased value to items sold to vendors, in appreciation for their commitment to piety.


3) Attunement to the light side, reduces travel times as you ancestors channel their powers to allow you to move more effortlessly throughout the world.


4) Ancestral mentors : You can commune with blue glowies to get a series of perks and benefits. I feel this would be a great way of adding to the story.


There needs to be something that the light side can get, and I don't think it needs to be purely cosmetic, that hopefully is the start of Biowares plans.



Not sure who reads these forums, probably a waste of time or discussed before, but I thought I'd contribute.

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I guess it would be small benefit to game play, probably something to reduce time sinks or convenience items.


They should be awarded on a infrequent basis, to give game play a lift from time to time.


Looking at movies I can see that the light side gives you the following


1) Ability to sense danger, impending doom, other force sensitive individuals. So maybe an increased stealth detection?


2) Overpower minds, this could be an ability where you could go backward in a discussion to change options, similar to a Jedi mind trick?


3) Combat benefits are difficult to add in, as they unbalance things somewhat, so I have tried to stay away from these.


4) Now this is a good idea, I just had!!! How about if from being a good jedi you can offer DS/LS benefits to other players when you make group discussion decisions. Agree with the light side jedi and there is a bonus from being associated with a pious individual. So an alignment buff to light side characters for other members of the group.


5) Socialability : How about you can actually allocate some of your social points to other group members, unique to light side and generous players?


6) Force calling : In the movies the Jedi call out to the force, how about you can call your crew to pick you up in your ship. I would love this to be incorporated into a cutscene, as opposed a teleport?


There looks to be so much you can do with the concept, it's best to use the films to generate ideas however, to keep it in keeping with the lore etc.

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