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How Does Bioware Explain This?


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everything copies everything in this world. there is no originality left.


im not so sure what the big deal is. wow has a tank class, swtor has a tank class. tanks generally have the same abilities, usually with different names. this isnt uncommon.


But do they have the same abilities to the point that their names are almost exactly alike?

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Copying and using concepts aren't the same thing, I failed to use the correct wording in that post.


So the picture I posted is a blatant example of copying, but the entire game of SWTOR is using the concept of WoW.

Do you remember when people saying "Cool story bro" or "umad?" was the pinnacle of trolling? Now when you see people saying those phrases, they are publicly ridiculed and mocked for saying them. Why? Because they have been overused and played out. They are old not chronologically, but because they have been used so many times that people are sick of seeing them, they are on t-shirts, hats, and bracelets at Hot Topic and other clothing stores. EVERYWHERE.


Using the concept of FFXI's playstyle would most certainly not be unoriginal simply because it has not been done before. FFXI has only been done once, and it seems that it will only EVER be done once. Like I and many others have said in this thread, there are only so many ways to make an MMO. Sure, it would be expanding upon the already existing playstyle, but it would still be new, and definitely not overdone like WoW's is. In fact, I'm sure most people would view it as a completely new style of gameplay.

Sure there will be the developer that once in a while will make a new concept for an MMO, but it's very rare.



It's time to move on from trying to "Improve on already existing concepts" that are so prevalent that every single element that can exist from WoW's concept are close to being exhausted. The proof is in the pudding, and when you start cloning your abilites from another MMO down to the NAME, it's really time to stop.


"Using the concept of FFXI's playstyle would most certainly not be unoriginal simply because it has not been done before." ... using something that has been done before is pretty much the dictionary definition of unoriginal, so yes, using concepts from FF would make something unoriginal


your gripe, it seems, it not with originality, its with overuse, and thats fine


you dont want to play Generic MMO #74, thats fine


you want a game with uncommon (what you should have said instead of "original") concepts, thats fine


heres the problem though ... TOR is Generic MMO #74


BW has made no attempts to disguise this, from the beginning they have said, as others have mentioned, that they arent trying to reinvent the wheel ... they are trying to make a shiny new wheel that is more appealing than the old dirty wheel but is still just a normal wheel


and theyve done exactly what they aimed to do


so to your original question ... "how does bioware explain this?" ... they dont, its just a new wheel, same as the old wheel, take it or leave it

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Makes no sense. Most MMOs being made now are being crafted in the form of WoW.



By your logic, WOW was totally original and NEVER copied ANYTHING from any game ever... right?


let me know when you have the answer to this question.


yes a lot of "user friendly" stuff got invented because of wow, BUT wow wasn't the first MMO ever made and yes it did copy from other games... Everquest for one.

So I suggest you get off your high horse and have a nice cup of S>T>F>U>

Edited by Thundergulch
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Copying and using concepts aren't the same thing, I failed to use the correct wording in that post.


So the picture I posted is a blatant example of copying, but the entire game of SWTOR is using the concept of WoW.

Do you remember when people saying "Cool story bro" or "umad?" was the pinnacle of trolling? Now when you see people saying those phrases, they are publicly ridiculed and mocked for saying them. Why? Because they have been overused and played out. They are old not chronologically, but because they have been used so many times that people are sick of seeing them, they are on t-shirts, hats, and bracelets at Hot Topic and other clothing stores. EVERYWHERE.


Using the concept of FFXI's playstyle would most certainly not be unoriginal simply because it has not been done before. FFXI has only been done once, and it seems that it will only EVER be done once. Like I and many others have said in this thread, there are only so many ways to make an MMO. Sure, it would be expanding upon the already existing playstyle, but it would still be new, and definitely not overdone like WoW's is. In fact, I'm sure most people would view it as a completely new style of gameplay.

Sure there will be the developer that once in a while will make a new concept for an MMO, but it's very rare.



It's time to move on from trying to "Improve on already existing concepts" that are so prevalent that every single element that can exist from WoW's concept are close to being exhausted. The proof is in the pudding, and when you start cloning your abilites from another MMO down to the NAME, it's really time to stop.


Start the movement.


Make a website


Get the money


hire the developers, programers, etc, etc ,etc




launch the game


If you want something new go somewhere else. I like this game and if you want it to stop, this forum isnt the place to get your views out there.

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You realize swtor had stated very clearly in many interviews that they are NOT Trying to reinvent the wheel. In fact they used those words exactly. They are merely expanding on already existing concepts.


Im too lazy and dont care enough to find you a link... try to be less ignorant.


I don't think you quite understood what I was trying to say, which was, in fact, the same thing you were.:)


I simply was stating that with the amount of money EA has poured into this game, they were likely trying to appeal to as many players as possible, and in doing so would be wise to use a familiar UI and feel.

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I have to laugh at people who think WoW was the first MMO ever. Do you also realize that WoW ripped all its abilities off other games too? Not just its abilities... but EVERYTHING in World of Warcraft was ripped off other MMOs. Blizzard never had an original thought on anything. Ever.


With that said, does it matter? Can you really expect every new MMO to come out tries to create abilities that no other game used? How different can you make a melee tank from one game to another before its no longer a melee tank at all?


WoW was not the first game to use Action Points (Rage) as a resource either... but I bet you thought that Bioware ripped it off of Blizzard too, didn't you?


Get real.

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