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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

WZ observations - Pubs heal much more?


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Many WZs under my belt and it is easy to determine that Pubs have better healers or are more willing to be dedicated healers. Of course Imps have healers but are much less frequent. This alone has caused many of my WZ teams to lose.


Any thoughts? May be server specific and I am on Jung Ma.

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My Imp group used to run healers and tanks and DPS, but we soon realized that 4 DPSers on vent is, unfortunately, more useful than having dedicated healers.


Right now, 4 coordinated DPS is pretty much the go-to composition for a premade group.

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Generally woman loves to heal. Man is hurt.... Woman heals him.


That's how it has worked in most MMO.


There are some woman who like to be a killing machine... but very few do soo... killing is not in their nature.


There is a lot of husband wife duos where the wife is a healer.

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Well given the fact that BW decided to allow heavy armor to heal is funny on its own. Pubs currently are mainly Comms and Scoundrels. All of which have armor, heals AND DPS! lol


Fact you might not realize: That heavy armor is between 30 and 40% in majority of cases. Not really a big deal. Just target them with whatever skill your class have that pops yellow numbers to you and they'll melt just like any other non tank.

killing is not in their nature.

Then you've yet to meet one on period.

Edited by Lerdoc
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Sounds right... Empire side attracting all the zomg i'ma be darth maul players.


Republic side attracting people who can't stand the people attracted to the imperial side.


Explains the population imbalance, and the tendancy for Imps to lose even when they outgear an opponent.

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Well, woman tend to stray from raging, insulting brats. Will you flush out like 50% of imps just to have some nice healers there?


Id rather they go republic tbh, maybe when some of the guys see women heavy rep side, they will reroll there and fix the imbalance.

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Generally woman loves to heal. Man is hurt.... Woman heals him.


That's how it has worked in most MMO.


There are some woman who like to be a killing machine... but very few do soo... killing is not in their nature.


There is a lot of husband wife duos where the wife is a healer.


Dont know many women gamers, huh?

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Id rather they go republic tbh, maybe when some of the guys see women heavy rep side, they will reroll there and fix the imbalance.


Keep dreaming. We don't have purple lightnings and aren't emo and all on each and every class and all girls they ever made contact with have same last name: .jpg


Its a loss-loss situation for ya bud unless you reroll :)

Edited by Lerdoc
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Keep dreaming. We don't have purple lightnings and aren't emo and all on each and every class and all girls they ever made contact with have same last name: .jpg


Its a loss-loss situation for ya bud unless you reroll :)


If you look at the personality traits of the two factions, the Empire isn't really very emo.


Emo is a culture that generally revels in being weak (overly emotional), Sith despise weakness.


Emo kids cut themselves, Sith cut others.


The only thing they really share is a colour-scheme, and us black metal fans called black as ours years before emo kids existed.

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Should I really remind you about the connection between "overly emotional" and most famous sith lord that was wearing a bucket on his head because of all the burn wounds and all?


Should I also remind you that the ones who are being drawn to dark side in most cases ARE weak and seek for easy, fast and great power? :cool:

Edited by Lerdoc
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If you look at the personality traits of the two factions, the Empire isn't really very emo.


Emo is a culture that generally revels in being weak (overly emotional), Sith despise weakness.


Emo kids cut themselves, Sith cut others.


The only thing they really share is a colour-scheme, and us black metal fans called black as ours years before emo kids existed.


Imps are "overly emotional" all that "hate" and "daddy issues" they remind me of hottpoic store managers just saying. and the guy that made coment about all comms and scoundrels that have armor. Waht about all the Mercs and operatives? they have armor too do the same(if not more) ammount of damage ad their counterpart, your argument i flawed.


and heavy armor healers? rly have you heard of paladins on diferent games or your good old clerics?

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Should I really remind you about the connection between "overly emotional" and most famous sith lord that was wearing a bucket on his head because of all the burn wounds and all? :cool:


1 overly emotional Sith lord vs legions of bad *** ones.


We had a guy holding his own body together with nothing but hatred.


Ignore the movies, they're terrible compared to the Expanded Universe and Kotor lore.

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Ok, you've said it yourself. He kept up his body by hatred. What is hatred? Emotion. What kind of emotion? Extreme. What kind of people live on extreme emotions? Extreme sprotsmen and "overly emotional". When did you saw a sith last time BASE jumping or doing something similar? Now, which group left? :cool:
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Ok, you've said it yourself. He kept up his body by hatred. What is hatred? Emotion. What kind of emotion? Extreme. What kind of people live on extreme emotions? Extreme sprotsmen and "overly emotional". When did you saw a sith last time BASE jumping or doing something similar? Now, which group left? :cool:


But hatred isn't emo.


Sadness is emo.


I should have corrected myself and said "Overly emotional in a bad way."


Being full of a very pure form of hatred can be very useful in battle, especially if you can temper it.


Hatred has never been "emo".

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