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Voidstar Fixed Civil War Still Broke...Getting Tired Of Favortism


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Is that some kind of idiotic joke? The Sith turret does 10 damage to the Republic ship while the Republic one deals 5 in a LONGER time period. The Republic turret had been captured FIRST!


Not sure if stupid


You were just told why that happens.


It isn't a 'Sith turret". Its a turret. It's to the east. Either side can capture it.


Sorry.. that too difficult for you?


U Shud run to da right and take da turret man.

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You're trying to convince a bunch of talentless infantile trolls here, OP.

The community is already aware of the issues. The rest that are making noise are the ones that wants to keep the advantages, god forbid if they have to play on an equal footing.


Your job isn't to convince these failures. It achieves nothing in the end, they aren't even an authority. Just continue to promote awareness and leave the infants alone, they'll be washed away crying just like the Operative/Scoundrel players who wouldn't admit things were horribly wrong.


No, im just teling you that ive seen it on both sides. All it takes is the brain to go take the snow turret first. That's it.

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You were just told why that happens.


It isn't a 'Sith turret". Its a turret. It's to the east. Either side can capture it.


Sorry.. that too difficult for you?


U Shud run to da right and take da turret man.


I'll repeat myself since you clearly can't read:


And the one on the Imperial side which is closer just happens to be the one with the best shooting "cycle."


If a Marauder with instant party speed and a Sorc dashing play it right you cannot get to it in time even if you went right immediately from the Republic side.


Shouldn't the turret that fires the fastest BE IN THE MIDDLE? Why isn't the map symmetrical!?

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You were just told why that happens.


It isn't a 'Sith turret". Its a turret. It's to the east. Either side can capture it.


Sorry.. that too difficult for you?


U Shud run to da right and take da turret man.


Except you are 100% wrong. because if Republic capture it the damage on the Empires ship doesn't happen immediately.


This has been tested and I have seen it first hand.


Please get off this thread, you are doing nothing but trying to divert attention away from something that needs fixing.

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I'll repeat myself since you clearly can't read:


And the one on the Imperial side which is closer just happens to be the one with the best shooting "cycle."


If a Marauder with instant party speed and a Sorc dashing play it right you cannot get to it in time even if you went right immediately from the Republic side.


Shouldn't the turret that fires the fastest BE IN THE MIDDLE? Why isn't the map symmetrical!?


Oh, i read it. Since the two turrets are equidistant from where you land, though, i ignored it because its completely crap.

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Yet the Civil War tickets still gives the Empire an advantage with tickets counting against Republic faster. It's not a small difference either it's a 35 ticket difference.


I love how they fix the Republics advantage RIGHT AWAY but the Empire gets to keep theirs.



The devs have been clear that the "issue" can affect any of the three turrets equally, regardless of faction control. It's just that only inferiority-complex Republic players took the time to make videos about it.


Furthermore, they've pointed out that the "issue" isn't even really an issue, but just an artifact that comes from the mini-display not being updated constantly - and when it is updated, only displays intervals of 5. However, the actual number that the warzone uses is not affected by this.

Edited by Kholvan
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Except you are 100% wrong. because if Republic capture it the damage on the Empires ship doesn't happen immediately.


This has been tested and I have seen it first hand.


Please get off this thread, you are doing nothing but trying to divert attention away from something that needs fixing.


I've got 50s on both factions on the same server.


im tellin you you're wrong.


Dont really care what you think otherwise.

Edited by Meluna
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Is that some kind of idiotic joke? The Sith turret does 10 damage to the Republic ship while the Republic one deals 5 in a LONGER time period. The Republic turret had been captured FIRST!


Not sure if stupid

You are right, I was reading it wrong...not enough coffee yet.


See the Dev's response on reddit:


"I think this has to do with the way it ticks damage. It can happen the other way as well; I think it only checks to see what turrets are controlled (and thus, if it should tick damage) every X seconds. So if you cap right after a check, it will be a few seconds before another tick. It is weird behavior, to be sure, but it doesn't always favor the Empire. It is just the damage ticks being weird, I think, for whatever reason."


The ticks are also off-set between the turrets to prevent the possibility of a tie ever happening.

Edited by Raque
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Yeah I am not paying attention to the Empire kiddies trying to troll the thread, but yeah it's very annoying to see a bug in republics favor busted right away but NOOOOOOO leave the Empires bug in and un-addressed.


That wasn't just a bug, jumping out of spawn before game start was cheating. Turret on Alderaan is most likely bugged but what stops you from taking it?

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Except you are 100% wrong. because if Republic capture it the damage on the Empires ship doesn't happen immediately.


This has been tested and I have seen it first hand.


Please get off this thread, you are doing nothing but trying to divert attention away from something that needs fixing.


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You are right, I was reading it wrong...not enough coffee yet.


See the Dev's response on reddit:


"I think this has to do with the way it ticks damage. It can happen the other way as well; I think it only checks to see what turrets are controlled (and thus, if it should tick damage) every X seconds. So if you cap right after a check, it will be a few seconds before another tick. It is weird behavior, to be sure, but it doesn't always favor the Empire. It is just the damage ticks being weird, I think, for whatever reason."


Is that like when the OPs had a "Miss typed tooltip" that stated they got an additional 15% healing bonus. they stated it was false but people actually proved it to be true?


I go to the right every Civil War just to prevent this and when we get the turret on the the right (East) also known as (The one in the snow) it NEVER ticks right away for us.


So I already know that is a bunch of crap.

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Again trying to divert attention from an obvious issue.


Got to love it when video proof isn't enough for people. Silly Empire cries hard over voidstar yet denies Civil War with video proof.


Umm, I stated it earlier I will state it again, the east turret, IE right, you know the opposite of left, ticks faster it isn't exclusive to the Empire. We take it all the time and get the instant tick and boosted damage before the Imps can touch it. Instead of letting the Imps have the turret why don't, you know, go and take it.

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Umm, I stated it earlier I will state it again, the east turret, IE right, you know the opposite of left, ticks faster it isn't exclusive to the Empire. We take it all the time and get the instant tick and boosted damage before the Imps can touch it. Instead of letting the Imps have the turret why don't, you know, go and take it.


Read the post RIGHT above the one you made.


Again I state as Republic I go there and we take it....does it tick right away? NOPE

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Is that like when the OPs had a "Miss typed tooltip" that stated they got an additional 15% healing bonus. they stated it was false but people actually proved it to be true?


I go to the right every Civil War just to prevent this and when we get the turret on the the right (East) also known as (The one in the snow) it NEVER ticks right away for us.


So I already know that is a bunch of crap.

That quote I liked never said it ticked instantly, it says it ticks on a set time.

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Read the post RIGHT above the one you made.


Again I state as Republic I go there and we take it....does it tick right away? NOPE


LOL, wow I just have to give you the facepalm because wow, you're not only wrong, you are believing the lie. We take it ALL the time, and I've watched it ALL the time, even if we lose it and recap it, it will still do the instant damage tick plus 5 after a few seconds.


So, you're wrong, get over it, quit trying to make an issue out of this.

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LOL, wow I just have to give you the facepalm because wow, you're not only wrong, you are believing the lie. We take it ALL the time, and I've watched it ALL the time, even if we lose it and recap it, it will still do the instant damage tick plus 5 after a few seconds.


So, you're wrong, get over it, quit trying to make an issue out of this.


Sure sure...guess video proof and people actually seeing it all the time isn't enough.


Keep trying to divert attention away from it.


But I will thank you for keeping it on the top of the first page so more people can see it.

Edited by oblongship
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So then why EVERYTIME the Empire get's the node does it tick instantly?

It doesn't from my experience. I have also never seen a game with closer then 50 difference so is a couple seconds faster tick time really meaningful?

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No, im just teling you that ive seen it on both sides. All it takes is the brain to go take the snow turret first. That's it.


Stay quiet. Spell better. Don't mistaken me for the OP. I'm not here to speak to you, convince you, or indulge you. Share your "brilliant" insights with someone else and only speak to me when spoken to.


Now scoot along and onto the ignore list you go.


See how easy that is, OP?

Edited by Obie_Wan
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It doesn't from my experience. I have also never seen a game with closer then 50 difference so is a couple seconds faster tick time really meaningful?


I have lost plenty of games over on the fatman by 10 tickets and a few at 5 tickets so yeah to me it's a problem and I have watched it every time I get this WZ, it happens every single time the Empire gets that turret, whenever Republic gets it, then it doesn't tick instantly.

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It should be noted that while the Voidstar bug granted an automatic win to the Republic, the Civil War bug can easily be countered by good teamwork by the Republic which makes it substantially less game-breaking.


Not defending it, mind you. Bugs are bugs and should be fixed.


I'm just rationalizing the order of addressing using the perspective of a game developer, and not a "they hate my faction" reactionary.

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