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Darth, if what you say is true, why don't you just avoid this thread? The OP was obviously looking for feedback on his unhappy game experiences and information that would improve his outlook.


Again, no he was not.


He was looking for someone to blame for his issues. He was seeking validation in blaming the game for his mismanagement of such. His post offered not constructive criticism, no leeway for discussion or opinion, but rather was rife with grandiose posturing in the form of "I told you so".


The hilarity exists in the fact that the premise from which he proceeded, and now attempts to stand in judgement of the masses for, is incorrect in the extreme.

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No you don't. Not in either case.


Calling people "fan boys", or "tools" for having a different opinion, which, in fact is the correct opinion is not being open minded, and certainly not in the correct direction if one's goal is enlightenment.


You misinterpret and twist my words to your end. Hearing someone's views and accepting them is far different that reading a post about how one view should **** and go away... Those ARE tools and some Fanbois. Don't categorize me as close minded for commenting on people who attack others.

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Cancel your sub and come back in 6 months.


If people start canceling subs then the following will happen--


1. The massive exodus will actually force BW to fix the annoying bugs

2. BW will try to counter the exit with adding more new content.


After 6 months, the game will either die or be a much better bugfree experience with more quality content. So, when you come back, you will be better off.


In my experience as a hardcore raider, except for WoW, no MMO so far has had enough challenging content to keep the hardcore community active beyond the first month of free sub.


For a casual-friendly game such as SWTOR, a hardcore gamer literally just needs to play the game for a month every 6 months.


BW is not going to come out with anything new in another 4-5 months. So, try out other games while you wait. 2012 is going to a mega year for gamers - we got ME3, Diablo3, MoP and SC2-II releasing. So, plenty to do without getting tunneled into swtor

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Took my wife 3 weeks to hit 60 on her mage.


Took me 3 weeks to hit 60 on my tank warrior.


Took us over a month to hit level 50 in this game.


I don't believe you hit 60 in 3 weeks of release. I can believe that once they started giving xp increases and/or once leveling guides came out but most people who played WoW at launch would probably laugh at such a statement.

Edited by Soulicide
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WoW at launch was a larger open world and took well over a month of dedicated play to hit level 60. Once you hit 60 there were very complicated raids with very unique gear that set you and your charactor apart. Something worth achieving AND the PvP back in those days was amazing. Not other well thouh out but you could gain titles from your pvp rank and status.


This game, so many years later offers nothing compared to that launch content expect voice over.


How long are you going to contiue this?


Wow opened with 50, not 60. Sixty did not come out until BC. There were players at 50 in a few weeks. There were the same exact complaints as we see here, almost verbatim on the wow forum.


The initial raids were not complicated at all. The Blizzard team created a raiding program specifically designed around this type of complaint and post, and that as a means of slowing down those that continually exceeded the content.


In short, by catering to the few who were doing it wrong, they created a raiding atmosphere that was a deterrent to the larger demographic-Molten Core.


It is my hope that these developers continue to ignore this type of player as they are not an asset, but a detriment to MMORPGs.

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Cancel your sub and come back in 6 months.


If people start canceling subs then the following will happen--


1. The massive exodus will actually force BW to fix the annoying bugs

2. BW will try to counter the exit with adding more new content.


After 6 months, the game will either die or be a much better bugfree experience with more quality content. So, when you come back, you will be better off.


In my experience as a hardcore raider, except for WoW, no MMO so far has had enough challenging content to keep the hardcore community active beyond the first month of free sub.


For a casual-friendly game such as SWTOR, a hardcore gamer literally just needs to play the game for a month every 6 months.


BW is not going to come out with anything new in another 4-5 months. So, try out other games while you wait. 2012 is going to a mega year for gamers - we got ME3, Diablo3, MoP and SC2-II releasing. So, plenty to do without getting tunneled into swtor


ME3, ill stick with swtor


Diablo 3, Stuffed with DRM, cant play single player offline


MoP, left wow and will never look back. Activi$ionBlizzard screwed me over, they will NEVER get any more of my money


SC-II, I didnt play the original campaign, I bought the game for the sole purpose of playing online. To think that I will have to purchase the next "expansion" JUST to play with a couple of new units online is a rip off. The game at $60 isnt worth it just for the new units. This is just another way for Activi$ionBlizzard to milk more money out of people. After they screwed me over in wow, and now this, they lost all respect I had for them as a company.


At least I can play BF3 Online without paying for anything after the initial purchase of the game. No GW2 either, the original sucked and Ill stick with this game as it has a subscription.

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You misinterpret and twist my words to your end. Hearing someone's views and accepting them is far different that reading a post about how one view should **** and go away... Those ARE tools and some Fanbois. Don't categorize me as close minded for commenting on people who attack others.


Again, no I am not. I am simply calling you on your contradiction, which also demonstrates my point regarding accepting responsibility, or the lack there of, for one's own actions.


Simply arguing "no sa, no sa" does not make it any less a truism.

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How long are you going to contiue this?


Wow opened with 50, not 60. Sixty did not come out until BC. There were players at 50 in a few weeks. There were the same exact complaints as we see here, almost verbatim on the wow forum.


The initial raids were not complicated at all. The Blizzard team created a raiding program specifically designed around this type of complaint and post, and that as a means of slowing down those that continually exceeded the content.


In short, by catering to the few who were doing it wrong, they created a raiding atmosphere that was a deterrent to the larger demographic-Molten Core.


It is my hope that these developers continue to ignore this type of player as they are not an asset, but a detriment to MMORPGs.


I wasn't in vanilla WoW, but TBC was 70 for sure. And I do know that vanilla WoW's level cap was 60, I would sometimes watch a RL friend raid and I clearly remember him being 60.

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BW is not going to come out with anything new in another 4-5 months. So, try out other games while you wait. 2012 is going to a mega year for gamers - we got ME3, Diablo3, MoP and SC2-II releasing. So, plenty to do without getting tunneled into swtor



Dev Finder is your friend. There is a huge content patch less than two months away including an entire planet.




I don't believe you hit 60 in 3 weeks of release. I can believe that once they started giving xp increases and/or once leveling guides came out but most people who played WoW at launch would probably laugh at such a statement.


Unless you were there, I would resist the urge to call someone a liar. Indeed max level could be easily reached in a matter of days with enough hours invested. For all you know this guy and his wife took time off from work and played 14-18 hours a day non-stop.


Personally I would rather give somebody the benefit of the doubt unless they prove themselves liars. This poster gave no reason for anybody to assume he was a liar.


Calling people liars with no proof is not very "enlightened" btw :)

Edited by Sparklehorse
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I wasn't in vanilla WoW, but TBC was 70 for sure. And I do know that vanilla WoW's level cap was 60, I would sometimes watch a RL friend raid and I clearly remember him being 60.


Stated. You are correct. Sixty was Vanilla. I confused that with Everquest, or one of the other myriad of games out there. I was 60 when BC came out.

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Dev Finder is your friend. There is a huge content patch less than two months away including an entire planet.






Unless you were there, I would resist the urge to call someone a liar. Indeed max level could be easily reached in a matter of days with enough hours invested. For all you know this guy and his wife took time off from work and played 14-18 hours a day non-stop.


Personally I would rather give somebody the benefit of the doubt unless they prove themselves liars. This poster gave no reason for anybody to assume he was a liar.


If you look at average players it was taking 12-15 days played to hit max. The first level 60 worldwide took about two weeks. So if these guys were doing it in three then they were very much the minority.

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I don't believe you hit 60 in 3 weeks of release. I can believe that once they started giving xp increases and/or once leveling guides came out but most people who played WoW at launch would probably laugh at such a statement.


Whether you believe it or not, people were doing it, the original vanilla release WoW from creation to 60 in three weeks. Not the majority of people, but it was occurring enough to not be out of the question.


So I certainly didn't laugh at him suggesting his wife did it.

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If you look at average players it was taking 12-15 days played to hit max. The first level 60 worldwide took about two weeks. So if these guys were doing it in three then they were very much the minority.


Which changes what? So they were in the minority? Or is this a thinly veiled accusation?

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to many stupid people. I surrender and will follow another thread.


Another award this game wins "wrost fan base." It's no wonder George Lucas stated he won't make any more Star Wars movies because the fans are terrible.




I guess you can include the negatives in there too but the whole thing just sucks. Loved all the movies.


/Enough Said

Edited by Soulicide
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Dev Finder is your friend. There is a huge content patch less than two months away including an entire planet.






Unless you were there, I would resist the urge to call someone a liar. Indeed max level could be easily reached in a matter of days with enough hours invested. For all you know this guy and his wife took time off from work and played 14-18 hours a day non-stop.


Personally I would rather give somebody the benefit of the doubt unless they prove themselves liars. This poster gave no reason for anybody to assume he was a liar.


I have no reason to lie about how long it took us. It took us both 3 weeks to hit level 60. We played for around 12 hours a day because it was during summer and we both were on summer break.


Some may ask "What about parents, wouldnt they tell you guys to do somthing else?" The answer to that ladies and gentlemen is that I have owned my own house free and clear since I was 20 years old. I never have had to pay rent nor have I ever had a mortgage or a car payment. I have lived with my wife since I was 20 in our own house. Free time galore when we were in college. Yes I graduated as did the wife, we are now, still, living on our own with our twin boys.


The fact is, that wow was easy and the quests were boring. We ran through the content and it was fun but the quest text was flat out boring. So take out all of the time to read any of the quest text and that will take away a lot of the time needing to reach each level. Combined with the dungon runs that were realy fun over and over agian.


After we both hit 60, I rerolled a warlock as my warrior was totally lame. It took me another 3 weeks to level my warlock from 1-60 in that time. By the time I cought up to my wife again she was raiding ZG everyweek and possibly MC if it was out at that time. I dont think it was though.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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Whether you believe it or not, people were doing it, the original vanilla release WoW from creation to 60 in three weeks. Not the majority of people, but it was occurring enough to not be out of the question.


So I certainly didn't laugh at him suggesting his wife did it.


Depends a lot on the class. On a hunter and mage -- yes.


On a pally == no. Pally leveling was a nightmare in vanilla.

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Vanilla WOW @ release took between 25 and 40 DAYS played time to reach 60. that is a running clock for time u were actually logged into the game. playing for a week did not give you 7 days played time. For someone to have hit 60 within 3 weeks of launch they would have had to have previously leveled to 60 in beta which gave them an idea of the best places to go to level, and then also where the specific quests were completed and how.


Back in vanilla it was really easy to find out how long it took people to hit 60, as 60 was the max level, /played showed total time played and time played at this level, so anyone who can subtract could quickly figure out exactly how much played time each person took to hit 60. This was something i actually checked on in detail with many many players and based on a range of 25 to 40 days played time to hit 60, then it would be impossible to have hit 60 in 3 weeks, as even if u went every day without sleep that is a total of 21 days. However if he did have experience in leveling a character or two to 60 on beta, it is possible that he did do it in 3 weeks, but i seriously doubt it.

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Yeah, and I would raise an eyebrow at a Warr unless grouped constantly, as well.


I leveled with her in a group constantly. We were doing the same quests at the same pace so I was grouped with a mage all the time. We never played without each other. Finding grops as a tank mage combo was easy.

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Ignore the fanboi responses. No, there is nothing to do other than to log in to raid once a week after you have cleared everything.


Just think of all the money you will be saving after you leave. The rest of us will take months to level to 50 and clear everything at a much higher cost. I envy people that will be paying less than me for the same thing!


Not sure how this is different than any other mmo I've played?

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