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Darkness gear, shield generators


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I just respec to darkness/madness and wonder if people use shield generators or focus stone as off hand?


Do you use PvP survivor gear or stalker gear? or do you mix them?


Right now I have a full set of stalker gear and focus stone as off hand and doing pretty good. But im curius if my tanking would be much better if I used a shield generator and some survivor gear.

All ready have a full set of survivor gear on Xalek that I can use.

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Are you talking PvP or PvE here?


PvE, yes, shield. If you're using Dark Charge and are mostly Darkness spec, you'd be losing a lot of your mitigation by not using a shield.


PvP... I don't have any experience with. From what I've read, the majority of damage you'd be coming up against isn't blocked by the shield anyhow, but I'm not certain.

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In pvp the shield is all but useless. I believe there is 1 maybe 2 classes that can proc your shield. In terms of gear i think its debatable, i have seen alot of posts about people saying to use stalker gear but i have seen alot of people using survivor gear. Personally i hate darkness and play deception so i am not 100% sure on the gear.
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I have noticed that my charges on my dark ward ability never drops bellow 8 I always have 8 charges. Using BM stalker off hand power generator.


I did some test today.

When I use BM stalker off hand power generator my charges never drops bellow 8.


When I use Champion survivor shield generator my charges drops when I fight in PvP and PvE.


So if we dont use a shield generator there is no reason to use dark ward.



Or have I missed something? why do everyone say that we should not use shield generators?

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If you don't have a shield generator equipped, you cannot shield period.


Dark Ward increases your shield chance and loses a charge when you shield, but if you're not using a shield, the increase is pointless and you never lose charges because you aren't shielding.


This is why I said for PvE, obviously, use a shield!



The reason people are saying for PvP not to bother is the majority of the hard hitting abilities players use are not subject to defense/shielding anyhow. Tech Damage and Force Damage won't hit your shield, only more normal 'white damage' style attacks. So losing the shield doesn't hurt you as much, and gaining more Force Power will help your own hard hitting attacks. You will be hurt more, yes, but not by as wide a margin as you would against NPCs.

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The only time to use a shield in PvP is running the huttball where you will be focus fired. Shields will actually help a lot in damage mitigtion in those circumstances. Against marauders, assassins, snipers and juggernauts a shield is invaluable.



However the DPS increase from a focus offhand is much better in most other situations as the DPS increase is very big.



The best champion gear for assassins is a survivor's set with the mods replaced with the crit/surge mods from the stalker's helm. This is not cheap as mods cost 27k to remove and you'll probably want to keep those defensive mods for a set of PvE gear. Battlemaster will be much the same.

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So if we dont use a shield generator there is no reason to use dark ward.


Correct, it just buffs your shield.


I use shield+dark ward in PvP, and lose charges - definitely helping out with my tanking ability.


As far as gear, I'll be going for stalker gear, personally.

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You should still pick up Dark Ward unless you've no intention of ever tanking in PvE. I don't think there's anything interesting you can pick up instead of Dark Ward in Darkness anyway.


It's not that shields are inherently useless but that they're useless against the moves that are most likely to kill you (e.g. Tracer Missiles), and you're already pretty strong against all the attacks that are shieldable since we have 16% defense rating naturally (assuming you got all the appropriate talents). Run into a group of 5 people by yourself with Saber Ward and you'll probably die instantly. Repeat the same with Force Shroud and you'll almost always take next to no damage until FS expires. FS blocks moves that are not affected by sields, while Saber Ward only blocks moves that are affected by shields. It's a very telling example of what attacks actually hurt you and what does not.

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Ok I say this one more time and I hope it's understood:




So, firstly you use shield generator.


Second - you favour endurance over everything else.


I have 2020 ednurnce and only half as much willpower. My critical chance is 18% and multiplier 50%.


And you know what? I got 23 000 + hp, 81% damage reduction when shield applies and I'm mostly 1st-3rd at kills count due to high damage finishing skills. I protect our healers, i debuff enemies, I 'm never trying to kill them with their full HP BUT stop them with my cc so they cant persuade our healer.


what else...?

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Ok I say this one more time and I hope it's understood:




So, firstly you use shield generator.


Second - you favour endurance over everything else.


I have 2020 ednurnce and only half as much willpower. My critical chance is 18% and multiplier 50%.


And you know what? I got 23 000 + hp, 81% damage reduction when shield applies and I'm mostly 1st-3rd at kills count due to high damage finishing skills. I protect our healers, i debuff enemies, I 'm never trying to kill them with their full HP BUT stop them with my cc so they cant persuade our healer.


what else...?


My sin is almost indentical to yours both spec and gear. But im having second thoughts on whether replacing the tnak mods in the survivor gear would be a worthy venture. As it stands now, our defense stats dont do much. So really youd be losing a tiny bit of defense but gaining a >TON< of more damage, which is always good in any situation.

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Ok I say this one more time and I hope it's understood:




So, firstly you use shield generator.


Second - you favour endurance over everything else.


I have 2020 ednurnce and only half as much willpower. My critical chance is 18% and multiplier 50%.


And you know what? I got 23 000 + hp, 81% damage reduction when shield applies and I'm mostly 1st-3rd at kills count due to high damage finishing skills. I protect our healers, i debuff enemies, I 'm never trying to kill them with their full HP BUT stop them with my cc so they cant persuade our healer.


what else...?


why use shield? it hardly ever goes off, ever...

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