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Wz win still not counting


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This was supposed to be fixed in last nights patch.


The only thing I noticed is that I played one Civil War yesterday and the Pubs were short players and we kept getting the WZ closing message but the game continued until we won but we did not get credit. So I bet that because there was an issue with the population that we did not get proper credit even though we won and they had enough players.

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W.T.F was the point of todays patch then? jesus christ what is Bioware doing over there


Well they have a "Maintenance" period every Tuesday, so it is by no means an actual patch, those get announced and dates given, sometimes they are on the Tuesday period itself, but yep that patch has not hit live yet.

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No win count for me too.

Please fix this stupid bug.


I had an issue where I got 3 wins not counting back to back, so I always now logout/login again to character screen just to see if it helps and it does tend to, but it is lame that this is still not fixed/patch released to live yet.

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You have got to be F'in kidding me.......


No ****.


I was just about to walk up the wall when I realized my 3rd win today didn't count.



I mean ***!!!


Fixing this stupid **** bug should be #1 priority for Bioware OVER EVERYTHING ELSE.

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Dear Bioware Programmers.


Please accept my advise.


I am not some sort of programming wizz, nor am I a seasoned game developer.


However, I would advise that you take a short brake from ruining your already flawed PVP system and at least fix basic issues such as quests not completing in PVP and Operations.


Since your recent patch where you claimed you were fixing these issues, I have won 4 WZ matches, none of these have counted towards my quest.


Also thanks for the 30% healing reduction in PVP, I think I speak for the whole republic faction when I say that you have truly helped our efforts in Illum, now we have less people and less healing capability ;)


I do not expect a response, just a mob of trolls. However raging and saying nothing makes me feel worse.

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yes just happened to me also. finally win 1 from last week. Nearly impossible for wins on my server. Get 1 and doesnt count. Very disappointed.


On our pvp server, we are lucky to get 9 wins a week. Imperials rule and we dont get very many chances.

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This is very sad to hear. Guess my boycott of Warzones will continue... don't have the time/energy to farm wins all day and hope they count.


Yeah, this is very sad if true. The game gets less and less fun every day that goes by. Guess I will go to Ilum and get my pvp daily done there in 5 mins and log out since I have nothing else to be doing. The really sad thing is that I don't even care about getting the better gear, but just the fact that I bust my *** to even get the victories (winning much less than 50% of the time) and then they don't count makes rage harder than I care to admit.

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