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marauder pvp


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Notice right now how you do little damage, die in seconds and most of your key abilities do not work? Well get ready to notice that until the day you reroll.


The next person that posts will be that guy who finished all the content in 4 days, has full battle master set and will tell you the class takes a lot of time and effort to get good at.

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You won't be able to do very well in PvP until level 40. At that point, if you know the class and gear properly, you can do some good damage, and get a few medals. It is definitely one of the more difficult pvp classes. Melee has big disadvantages right now over range, and we have very little to balance it out. We do equal dps and we lack some of the abilities of others (force push, force pull, etc.)


At 50 if you get really good gear and you know your stuff, you can do well in pvp. But it will never be easy, and you'll get dominated in PvP until late.

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Sure this class isn't crazy overpowered so anyone that picks it up instantly becomes death incarnate but it really isn't as bad as a lot of forum dwellers would have you think. The major problem this class has is that people want to play it like its bulletproof...ie wading into the fray without regard.


Unfortunately we squish if you play that way, but if you pick your targets and lurk around the edges of the action you'll do well. Don't expect an easy go of it by any means but at the same time if you play smart you'll find yourself melting faces with a little practice and diligence.

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Mara's have alot of potential but take alot of time to learn. The rewards are well worth it though.


Marauder PvP at first is------------> HORRIBLE just F'in HORRIBLE. We are the worst class dependent on gear. The other classes have the advantage due to their amount of Stuns/CC/knockbacks.


Then later... you get full Champ/Battlemaster gear: The Tables Turn. Pay backs a Bit$#.


Spec into Rage for PvP and just own the competition. You will make the healers run and cry in a corner. Force Crush + Smash is a healers worst nightmare.


But you will need to learn the class. Its a hard class to master.

Edited by Blaaine
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The major problem this class has is that people want to play it like its bulletproof...ie wading into the fray without regard.


So what DO you do when the enemy team stubbornly refuses to spread out?


At least classes with ranged attacks can do some damage. A Powertech works best in 10m range, but can still shoot missiles and autoshots (which proc cylinder DoTs/slows) and other stuff from 30m away, and do respectable damage. What can YOU do, as a Maraauder, short of wading into fray? Got any 30m DPS abilities, do ya?


Unfortunately we squish if you play that way, but if you pick your targets and lurk around the edges of the action you'll do well. Don't expect an easy go of it by any means but at the same time if you play smart you'll find yourself melting faces with a little practice and diligence.


Yeah. It's called a jackal gameplay. And it is 100% reliant on the team being bad, leaving stragglers all over the place. If they don't give you easy targets, you'll have to charge in and die, probably before you manage to take anyone out. Or you can just run around the perimeter doing whopping zero DPS.


Then later... you get full Champ/Battlemaster gear: The Tables Turn. Pay backs a Bit$#.


And then a little later, everyone gets full Champ/Battlemaster gear too, and suddenly you're back to square one.

Edited by Sabbathius
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