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I don't expect a good response seeing these forums are generally a cesspool of flaming and epeen wars.


I also don't want to be one of those people that go "Fix this or I quit"... But...


I play this game with a RL friend. I rolled Gunslinger and he Vanguard. We don't really do much PvE, as we're more into the competitive PvP. We were really looking forward to this new ranking system coming out in March. But I gotta tell you, I don't think we'll last that long.


For the past week, we have been trying to do WZs. Every night now it's the same thing. 4 vs 8, 6 vs 8, etc... And more often than not, a good portion of their team has 18 to 20k HP (I take it that means they're highly geared). We try to go to Illum and no joke we are usually the ONLY two republic players on the planet.


I don't think we can hold out for a fix, or for the ranking system. This faction imbalance, which ties into the Imperials having an easier time getting PvP rewards is just too frustrating.


The worst part? Still no little hints from anyone at BW that the faction imbalance is even on their radar.


Any other Repubs feeling the same?

Edited by shownder
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So it's BioWare's fault that no republic on your server is doing Ilum or signing up for the Warzones?


Using "QQ Imperials has easier access to pvp gear" is horrible excuse.


You can blame BioWare for many things, but there has to be a limit.


Don't be stupid.

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So it's BioWare's fault that no republic on your server is doing Ilum or signing up for the Warzones?


Using "QQ Imperials has easier access to pvp gear" is horrible excuse.


You can blame BioWare for many things, but there has to be a limit.


Don't be stupid.


Like I said, didn't expect much. I don'tblame BW for the imbalance but I sure as heck can blame them for not implementing solutions to the problem. And it IS a problem. Easiest solution? Cross server WZs.


There is a fine line between making a QQ thread, and stating a fact. Fact: Imperials have an easier/faster time getting PvP gear (Luck of the draw with the bags not withstanding).


"Don't be stupid". Whatever mate, go back to your imperial buddies and have fun playing huttball forever.

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Whatever mate, go back to your imperial buddies and have fun playing huttball forever.


Would this be a bad time to mention that they're adding more same faction warzones so that empire can have something other than huttball?

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Like I said, didn't expect much. I don'tblame BW for the imbalance but I sure as heck can blame them for not implementing solutions to the problem. And it IS a problem. Easiest solution? Cross server WZs.


There is a fine line between making a QQ thread, and stating a fact. Fact: Imperials have an easier/faster time getting PvP gear (Luck of the draw with the bags not withstanding).


"Don't be stupid". Whatever mate, go back to your imperial buddies and have fun playing huttball forever.



Do you even think about the work behind cross-server WZ? It's not a thing you sit down one night and code, because you're bored. There's a major research behind it, and they need to sort out which servers go where. It's work that could take a few months. But ofc, you don't think of that, do you? Let alone due to research, it's not a thing you can just throw in at launch either.



Further, I really doubt there's any difference between the republic and the imperiels in terms of getting pvp gear.

The only difference is, that the imperials at your server seems more active in pvp - Not BioWares fault.


Stop being so ungrateful. Had you realized this problem sooner, you could have done your research and rerolled on a server with more active republics, instead of acting like a spoiled child and put the blame on BioWare.

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So it's BioWare's fault that no republic on your server is doing Ilum or signing up for the Warzones?


Using "QQ Imperials has easier access to pvp gear" is horrible excuse.


You can blame BioWare for many things, but there has to be a limit.


Don't be stupid.

Actually I do. It's obvious much more time went into designing the Sith classes then into the Republic classes. The lightning of the Sorcerer is mirrored by.... flying pebbles! Woohoo! Flying pebbles guys, seriously how epic is that!? As a kid I always dreamt of tossing around pebbles and pulling T7's out of the grass (lol, wot, how did it get there?) at places supposedly no people have been for centuries! You look like a nun too by the way, yes even if you're male. Instead, Inq's get a cool looking open brain surgery looking head piece. That's apart from the space samurai thing JK's have to put up with.


Scoundrel, seriously, all those dots? For an Imperial Agent it makes sense to have poison DoT's, but I never figured Han Solo dotting his way around Alderaan. Oh, and you look like a redicilous cowboy (and not like a slick captain) with a stupid cape. God that cape is awful. Abilities on Republic classes are also far more bugged; mortar round, full auto, etc, the series of shots.


I've played both Republic and Empire now for a great deal; I like the Republic, but seriously, in terms of balance and lore sense, we got the bad end of the deal...

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