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What To Do Next


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So I'm a fairly new MMO player. I've played a few here and there but never gotten past level 17 or so. My current main is a level 46 BH PT and I'll (hopefully) hit level 50 sometime in the next week or two. I guess my main question is what should I do next? I've never been a part of a guild or tried to get top level gear or anything like that. So, I figured I'd ask the advice of more experienced MMO players. What should I do after I'm done with leveling?
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For solo stuff,


there are a good selection of Datacrons to find...

Bonus series quests on planets where you left early

and there is the dailies to open and begin...


Apart from that, find yourself a nice guild and start running FP's and OP's


MMO tend to be 2 games..the leveling one and the Endgame one...


GL :)

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The very first thing I'd suggest is hit up the Correlia commendation vendor, the PvP vendor and GTN to see if you can find some level 50 gear. Don't spend massive amounts of credits but if it's a decent upgrade and you have the cash to spare it can help you get into groups.


There are daily quests to do on Belsavis and Ilum. There are PvP and Flashpoint and Raid dailies/weeklies that you pick up on your fleet. Once you have some daily commendations stockpiled (if I remember correctly, the cheapest thing is 120), hit up the mission reward vendors (there's one on Belsavis and one on Ilum) to spend them. These dailies also offer reward you with a good amount of credits (roughly 10k each) and one gives you orange level 50 weapons for your pets.


If PvP is your thing, you can queue up and farm WarZones or run around Ilum and complete PvP objectives (or just kill people, whatever floats your boat).


If PvE is your thing, join or create groups for hard mode flashpoints. In my opinion the easiest ones are Black Talon, Boarding Party (the last boss can be a doozy if you don't have a decent healer), Foundry, and False Emperor.


I don't know what server your on, but on mine, people do PuG the operations (normal and hard but not nightmare yet). The raids are all really easy.


Naturally, finding people to do these things with is easier if you join a guild. Go check out the server groups forums and create a looking for guild post. Talk with any friends you've made on your server about their guilds or if they know of any. Putting up a message in general chat can get you some information as well.


If soloing is your thing, you have a couple options besides dailies. You can hunt datacrons. Fill in your Codex. Max out professions. Play the GTN. Farm pet favor and/or light/dark side points (low level BT is best for this, imo). You could finish up any quests on planets. Or you could always roll an alt.


Friendly warning: Gearing through both PvE and PvP can be a bit of a nightmare. It's based very heavily on RNG.


Best of luck to you!

Edited by Nymaeria
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