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Can someone explain why healers get screwed


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I really don't mind not getting a lot of medals. Love making 3+ people get 8-10 medals though. Every match I end up with 6 medals everytime. As a sage healer if you aren't getting them then you need to try harder. If I actually try I get 8 medals easy in VS/Ald.


Normals ones to get:

2.5k heal

5k heal

75k healing

300k healing

10 kills

Killing blow

1k defender


Extra ones to you can get but work for:

75k heals

25 kills

3k defender

solo kill


Seriously too where are your damage moves on your bar? Both dot spells, project, and your channeled ability should be on it. What do you do in a 2v1 situation in your favor? Watch your dps kill them lol? Where I get my killing blow 90% of the time.


So many pvp sages think one dimensional in play style. If all your doing in WZs is spamming heals your doing it wrong. Sages are more hybrid/dmg class in WZs while smugs and troopers are the pure healing specs.

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The reason for that is so that DPS classes don't get roflstomped. And I think that bioware wants people to do a bit of everything instead of just being healbots.




Everyone can do damage



Not everyone can heal




Healers should get more medals for practically just healing?



Or should they get equal medals? Which then means they get more because they'll get the damage medals as well.


Did anyone actually look at the images.. i am the 4th or 5th highest dmg on my teams as well. its not as if i just hold my **** in my hand and heal the frames. i do everything i can when i can.

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Not deserving a response, and you not being able to formulate a good argument against it aren't the same thing. Everyone uses their abilities consistently throughout a match to try to get something done.


Her belief that you're, "Doing more" than the rest of the team because HPS hits 600k and DPS only hits like 400k is not even a valid train of thought.


Edited by TheEvilEeyore
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expand my role.. *** does this even mean. i am a healer for a reason. i am keeping people alive. this idea that bioware has that healers are a "hybrid" and they are supposed to be dpsing people and such is just silly.


There's 4 medals for Damage, 4 for healing, 4 for protection.


He was doing protection, and damage. That's two roles.


You were healing. That's one role. You can also do damage as well, if you're tactically sound and capable, as I know your class has instants. All you had to pull was 15,000 more damage and you'd have been given the 75,000 milestone medal.


Either you can play the game, or let the game play you. If all you look for is medals, you know what milestones you need to hit to get them. Another poster gave you plenty of intel for that. If you're chasing medals, chase them if that's all you're concerned about.


But coming here to say everything is broken because in your flawed perception things don't favor you, then you're being childish.

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There's 4 medals for Damage, 4 for healing, 4 for protection.


He was doing protection, and damage. That's two roles.


You were healing. That's one role. You can also do damage as well, if you're tactically sound and capable, as I know your class has instants. All you had to pull was 15,000 more damage and you'd have been given the 75,000 milestone medal.


Either you can play the game, or let the game play you. If all you look for is medals, you know what milestones you need to hit to get them. Another poster gave you plenty of intel for that. If you're chasing medals, chase them if that's all you're concerned about.


But coming here to say everything is broken because in your flawed perception things don't favor you, then you're being childish.


Honestly i never even noticed this till tonight. I don't "let the game play me" I just think its silly that bioware gives healers the incentive to just stop healing at a certain point cause they get no more reward out of it.


I my self will not stop healing at this point because i like to keep the team alive and thus win games.

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I really don't mind not getting a lot of medals. Love making 3+ people get 8-10 medals though. Every match I end up with 6 medals everytime. As a sage healer if you aren't getting them then you need to try harder. If I actually try I get 8 medals easy in VS/Ald.


Normals ones to get:

2.5k heal

5k heal

75k healing

300k healing

10 kills

Killing blow

1k defender


Extra ones to you can get but work for:

75k heals

25 kills

3k defender

solo kill


Seriously too where are your damage moves on your bar? Both dot spells, project, and your channeled ability should be on it. What do you do in a 2v1 situation in your favor? Watch your dps kill them lol? Where I get my killing blow 90% of the time.


So many pvp sages think one dimensional in play style. If all your doing in WZs is spamming heals your doing it wrong. Sages are more hybrid/dmg class in WZs while smugs and troopers are the pure healing specs.


I love you, man. These guys keep trying to paint a picture like they are walking the razor edge for the team. The balance of the match is in their hands and if they take a 1.5 second global CD to put a DoT on somebody EVERYTHING FALLS APART! HEALING IS SERIOUS ****, AND IT WILL EAT YOU ALIVE IN AN 8v8 IF YOU DON'T COMMIT! AAAAAAAH!


Sorry, but what you just said from a healer's perspective is what I've been telling them, it's what I do on my Sorc. but they refuse to acknowledge.


Either because they're too bad for that level of micro-management in an engagement, or because they just want BW to change it for them, so they can continue being whiny and bad.

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There's 4 medals for Damage, 4 for healing, 4 for protection.


He was doing protection, and damage. That's two roles.


You were healing. That's one role. You can also do damage as well, if you're tactically sound and capable, as I know your class has instants. All you had to pull was 15,000 more damage and you'd have been given the 75,000 milestone medal.


Either you can play the game, or let the game play you. If all you look for is medals, you know what milestones you need to hit to get them. Another poster gave you plenty of intel for that. If you're chasing medals, chase them if that's all you're concerned about.


But coming here to say everything is broken because in your flawed perception things don't favor you, then you're being childish.

Instants are on the GCD and cost energy.



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Honestly i never even noticed this till tonight. I don't "let the game play me" I just think its silly that bioware gives healers the incentive to just stop healing at a certain point cause they get no more reward out of it.


I my self will not stop healing at this point because i like to keep the team alive and thus win games.


Didn't work that time, did it?

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I love you, man. These guys keep trying to paint a picture like they are walking the razor edge for the team. The balance of the match is in their hands and if they take a 1.5 second global CD to put a DoT on somebody EVERYTHING FALLS APART! HEALING IS SERIOUS ****, AND IT WILL EAT YOU ALIVE IN AN 8v8 IF YOU DON'T COMMIT! AAAAAAAH!


Sorry, but what you just said from a healer's perspective is what I've been telling them, it's what I do on my Sorc. but they refuse to acknowledge.


Either because they're too bad for that level of micro-management in an engagement, or because they just want BW to change it for them, so they can continue being whiny and bad.


I dot and aoe as possible, but when i am out of force power, and my team is dropping. not gonna waste the force.

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Honestly i never even noticed this till tonight. I don't "let the game play me" I just think its silly that bioware gives healers the incentive to just stop healing at a certain point cause they get no more reward out of it.


I my self will not stop healing at this point because i like to keep the team alive and thus win games.


Okay then win the game. Honestly it should never be an issue about medals anyways.



If you're playing to earn something honestly after every game call my Cell and i'll send you a box of chocolate every time you crack X amount of heals. You should be playing to win, Medals are just there for those who go out purely for personal gain to be pushed in the right direction of helping the team win.





Edit: That came off way ruder than intended. My bad.

Edited by ColeWorld
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Try being a sentinel. :)


I play a Marauder. And it's much eaiser to get medals than on my healing Scoundrel.



EDIT: While I agree that it's about winning, and not about medals, dedicated healing should be encouraged and rewarded. Being in a Warzone without a healer sucks major backside. Why turn healing into a thankless job, when it can be a rewarding game?

Edited by Helig
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Okay then win the game. Honestly it should never be an issue about medals anyways.



If you're playing to earn something honestly after every game call my Cell and i'll send you a box of chocolate every time you crack X amount of heals. You should be playing to win, Medals are just there for those who go out purely for personal gain to be pushed in the right direction of helping the team win.


So this post probably came off a little bit harder than i intended.. i was simply commenting on the things that have been discussed throughout the course of this thread. as i said. i always play to win. Not to get medals. i simply noticed this after a couple of games in a row adn was wondering why it is the way it is. I heal as much as i can because in general there are only a few healers on my server, and i enjoy helaing in pvp.

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If you want to keep your team alive, the shield is much more potent than healing spells. You don't get numbers for it, but it's better for victory.


I don't know what the Sage equivalent is, but it's Static Barrier on my Sorc. With the healing spec, it has no CD (reduced to 1.5, but that's the same as the GCD), and it only costs 30 mana (considerably less than most healing spells). Now, there is the 20 second CD on a re-apply, but with proper timing, and spamming, it contributes a lot more. You can put it on all 8 people on your team in 12 seconds for 240 force.


Since it absorbs about 4k damage, that's 32,000 health generated for your team. Though, that number is a little buffed, since it's doubtful that everyone will take the full damage to pop the shield.


I lean on the shield a lot more on my Sorc, than the healing spells. That way I have to heal less to keep my team alive, and can contribute to damage with that room for a breather.

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I dot and aoe as possible, but when i am out of force power, and my team is dropping. not gonna waste the force.


LOL you have zero dot abilities on your bar so good try though. If your running out of force that is your problem with force management. Plus your teammates only drop if they are getting focused by 3+ people. People that aren't getting focused don't need to be topped off lol.


The only time you will run out of force is on a premade that focuses/switches well where you have to dump heavy heals on a single target.

Edited by Evilbrood
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If you want to keep your team alive, the shield is much more potent than healing spells. You don't get numbers for it, but it's better for victory.


I don't know what the Sage equivalent is, but it's Static Barrier on my Sorc. With the healing spec, it has no CD (reduced to 1.5, but that's the same as the GCD), and it only costs 30 mana (considerably less than most healing spells). Now, there is the 20 second CD on a re-apply, but with proper timing, and spamming, it contributes a lot more. You can put it on all 8 people on your team in 12 seconds for 240 force.


Since it absorbs about 4k damage, that's 32,000 health generated for your team. Though, that number is a little buffed, since it's doubtful that everyone will take the full damage to pop the shield.


I lean on the shield a lot more on my Sorc, than the healing spells. That way I have to heal less to keep my team alive, and can contribute to damage with that room for a breather.


I use shield everytime the debuff wears off. its my favorite spell. it absorbs at least 4-6k dmg by my setimation

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LOL you have zero dot abilities on your bar so good try though. If your running out of force that is your problem with force management. Plus your teammates only drop if they are getting focused by 3+ people. People that aren't getting focused don't need to be topped off lol.


Hotbar 1 = dps spells bra.. note my main hotbar is listed as 3. Shift 2 ftw

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Hotbar 2 = dps spells bra.. Shift 2 ftw


Soooo you switch hot bars to dps which have heals abilities on it too? You have 2 empty slots which you can have project and your instant dot on without even switching bars with doesn't stop you from healing <.< lol.

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Soooo you switch hot bars to dps which have heals abilities on it too? You have 2 empty slots which you can have project and your instant dot on without even switching bars with doesn't stop you from healing <.< lol.


i can swap bars before the global cd's doesnt matter.

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i can swap bars before the global cd's doesnt matter.


But why waste the time swapping bars? You can keep your dps moves on your healing bar so you can do dps moves while on the fly while healing. Makes zero sense as a pvp healer to keep them separated.

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I lol'd at this, if your complaining about a Vanguard or a Trooper getting more medals for doing dps and or protecting someone from being killed by 3++ people and your sitting there healing, its your fault because your the one who went healing spec not dps if you want medals go to dps. Simple.
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But why waste the time swapping bars? You can keep your dps moves on your healing bar so you can do dps moves while on the fly while healing. Makes zero sense as a pvp healer to keep them separated.


how is it wasting time if cant do anythign while i am swapping bars? I can have my next ability in queue before the Global cooldown ends. i loose 0 time.

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