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Level 20 Sentinal, Wondering about Endgame


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I'm leveling a Sentinal as my secondary character and I've liked the class so far. I don't like him in PvP, but I thought it was just the adjustment from 1) A ranged DPS class 2) Being level 50.


But, then I started to hear from a lot of people that Sentinals are pure crap in PvP as 50. Is this true? People have said they've deleted their characters at 30-45 because of how bad the class is.


I'm not a quitter, but I just wanted to get your guy's opinion on the matter.


How's the endgame of a Watchmen at 50 and what are some Pros and Cons?



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The entirety of Jedi Knights aren't great in PvP until about mid 30s. Mid 20s is when you start to get a little bit better, but PvP can be harsh as a Sentinel.


I'm a Guardian so I can't give any insight on endgame PvP for a Sentinel.

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Here are my tips.

1. Don't be a hero

You are not superman, you cannot 1v10

2. Fight inside the group or off to the side

Putting yourself in the middle of a group with out people behind you or to your sides is like waving and flag around and screaming "Look here inquis shoot me" Don't do it.

3. Force kick force kick force kick.

If it's tracer missile force kick, if it is a heal force kick, if it is a snipe/ambush force kick.

4. Healers hate you

As a sent you can take down a healer pretty well, so long as you do not become cannon foder. Watch for a healer standing off to the side and go at him, but remember tip 1.



Hope this helps


I also am 100% against anyone trying to trash the Sent's name and calling it underpowered. It is not a Trooper where you can spam grav round, it is not a smugler where you can snipe crap, and it is not a consular where you can stealth/cast. You are a Jedi Knight, it is not easy.

Edited by Kanshan
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My tip: All your worries will be confirmed. You can proceed and you can be viable with enough gear, but there's no cherry at the top of this cake.


Reroll a Shadow, do as good damage, get 2x more utility + half as complicated playstyle + stealth + the ability to use any social armor you like + the ability to change your role if you want to try tanking.


I'm not a quitter either - unfortunately I also didn't try PvPing until I was level 50 with no Valor about 2 days after level 50 brackets went in. All I can say: you're level 20, it's not too late. It's not quitting, it's "reevaluating your tactical position and advancing in a new direction." At 50, it's too late.

Edited by McVade
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lvl 50 jedi sentinal here, i am a champion almost battlemaster in pvp and i gotta say i love my class. once you hit around 35 you start getting the more pvp heavy moves like force camo. just make sure you are watchmen spec and u can easily solo anyone around ur gear lvl.
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I am lvl 50 Sent and I love it. If you want the easy road, reroll. If you want a roll where you are always on your toes and have to pay attention, then its fun. I dont get as many medals in a warzone, but damage and kills are up on top. I am watchman and learned my rotations and what I feel works best. I love killing healers and watch everyone around me killing everything cause the healer is to busy trying to save himself instead of making an already annoying operative even worse. I can pretty much 1v1 all of them. Consulors and operatives are hard, but with enough skill you can do it. Why only press 3 buttons when you have a full keyboard. :D :D






Kalykrill 50 Sentinel

PVP 52 Valor

102% kickass

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Hi there! i just leveled yesterday to level 50 as my first character. I would agree with the guy above me that the leveling was really really hard at times but, at last, the fight was worth it.


I really enjoyed my time playing sentinel. I played using the watchman spec till lvl 40 and i got bored of just burning people so I changed to combat.


my only tip for you is to listen to person 2.

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