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Do I Really need to have 32 buttons binded to be any good with this class?


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I play a couple hours a day for a total of under 12 hours a week. I've heard from many people here that I just need to know how to play through every possible situation to be effective with my Mara. That being said, is it necessary to have THAT many buttons binded to be an efficient killer? Im not asking for an easy mode button, but it seems a little extreme to me. I am currently a Level 50 with 23 valor. I concentrate on only the weak and the wounded when in combat (If I dont, I'll be eaten alive).


I have a level 10 merc as my alt, I may have to just start grindin it out with him if I need to get carpal tunnel with my marauder

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No, you could focus on your core talent trees rotation.


There will be over 20 situation abilities you need to use in order to be effective. Most of this is for our meh PVE soloing ability. For instance, kick and pummel are worthless in PVP but essential in PVE to rapidly lockdown and kill targets.


Some specs take ravage off the hotbar entirely and so on. It is nothing compared to the handful of spells I need to play my Sin or Powertech but it is manageable.

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Yes u do if u wanna play pro.


Its a hard class to play, but extremly strong if u play it right. Shouldnt have to much problem against any class 1vs1.


It rly depends on what specc u go with tho. ive runned anni for a long time and it works pretty nice for me.


Just play alot and get used to what abilitys u hsould use and not and when to use em:)


remember pvp is about survival so make sure u have stims etc keybinded and use camo and sprint to get to health thingy in wz to keep u alive.

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Spamming this:



And there was I complaining that Marauders have so little skills to use and bind in other thread...




Sith Marauder.

` Frenzy

1 Berserk

2 Bloodthirst

3 Predation

4 Biochem healing pot

6 Channel Hatred

7 to = are buffs you cast after death and quick travel

Q Basic attack

W Battering Assault

R Annihilation

T Vicious Slash

Y heroic moment ability

Shift + Y disable droin

A Rupture

G Vicious Throw

H Intimidating Roar

Z Ravage

X Force Scream

C Force Choke

V Smash

B Pummel Strike

Shift + B Savage Kick

Middle Mouse Button - Trinket

Mouse Wheel Down - Force Leap

Mouse Wheel Up - Force Camo

Mouse Button 4 - Undying Rage

Num 1 (Razer Naga) Deadly Saber

Num 2 Crippling Slash

Num 3 Deadly Throw

Num 4 Disruption

Num 6 Retaliation

Num 7 Obsfucate

Num 8 Cloak of Pain

Num 9 Saber Ward

Num 0 Relic

Num - exp consumable/adrenal

Shift + space - Sweeping Slash.


Still have Num + (12th Naga button) and Mouse Button 5 and Num 5 and keyboard 5 to bind. Considering B and Y aren't usable in PvP enviroment - that's 6 unbound skills with easy and comfortable access. And no skills left. I am dissapoint.


Without any modifiers. With just shift and Naga's buttons that's additional 17 buttons not bound.


But like I said - it's okay for having not many skills, keeps a lot of room for five expansions. :)



I dread to think how primitive other classes are if they run with even less keybinds.



I would say go try WoW, but sadly, WoW Warriors don't have many skills either after they removed Intercept, moved some abilities to be for tanking tree only (like Shield Slam - used to press a keybind to use 1 hander+shield and dispell a priest's bubble on focused target) and most importantly - stance dancing.


Yay for MMORPGs getting more retarded for Call of Duty crowd - press W to move and press LMB to fire, that's two buttons you'll ever need.


G fu***** G



Really? 32 is too much? I WANT *********** MORE!

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I have 21 Binded, its definetely useful as in PvP its imperative you have quick access to your abilities and stopping for a few seconds to find that right ability to click on is detrimental.


As for spec, they are all viable, find the one you have fun playing the most. Anyone who says one is better than the other is simply giving there opinion.

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Got 38 key binds atm, without having my biochem adrenal and stim. Also a second pvp trinket. Just be creative and make up a key bind for every damn spell. You'll get used to them in no time, and theres no reason not to.
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