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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

** Unofficial 3rd day EGA wave thread **


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You're really starting to get to the ends of my seemingly endless patience, Bioware. I'm dec. 6th for Christ's sake. What's the use in a 3-4 day wave?! that's merely a 0.5 wave compared to the other ones today! Let us in before midnight.. I've been waiting since 13.00 PM (yes the European December team is a having a rough day).. show a little love for crying out loud!


Not really an accurate representation of the wave size since many many people likely redeemed their Early Access Codes in November and in small pockets of days. Keep in mind not everyone who pre-ordered entered their code on SWTOR.com the same day as they got the pre-order. Not to mention you're Dec. 6th have a little patience please no reason to get all upset about not being in.

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Dec 9th.


I feel like I've been teleported back to my 8 year old self waiting in the line to get in to see return of the jedi.


/hops from foot to foot


I don't need a pee...I'm excited!!!


/puts on prosthetic neck growth


Yes, it's me george lucas, no I am not rolf harris. Let me in!



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there bringing more servers online by the looks of it for eu .. so i guess there a bit busy to answer the twitter feed ....at a guess i would say they are trying for all in b4 the server maintance..just a guess tho and maybe a bit of hope too lolz :D


lets hope :D

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Not really an accurate representation of the wave size since many many people likely redeemed their Early Access Codes in November and in small pockets of days. Keep in mind not everyone who pre-ordered entered their code on SWTOR.com the same day as they got the pre-order. Not to mention you're Dec. 6th have a little patience please no reason to get all upset about not being in.


Rage might not be justified but it's understandable. They are essentially dangling that sweet sweet morsel of early access in front of our collective post-2nd december noses.

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