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** Unofficial 3rd day EGA wave thread **


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Pretty sure everyone will be in today. Seems things are going smooth.


-Only 3 waves have occurred.

-Wave 3 ended around Nov 18th. Which leaves around 4 more weeks.

-We know that today's waves are a lot bigger than the preceding days.

-We know that there will be more than 4 waves, estimated at 6, could be more.

-Factor in pre-order cancellations.


Given the facts it's pretty clear that pretty much everyone will be getting in today.


Ya what about preorder cancellations? I was notified that my preorders had been cancelled due to a problem at origin not with my card nor bank, So what about my entry since I DID NOT cancel my orders, or is this why Origin Accidentially cancelled so many?


Perhaps they knew they could not supoprt all the preorders so are trying to weazle their way out?


I smell a light side conspriracy plot brewing here--


Seriously though, what about all of those who got their preorders cancelled by origin and not at the customers request I may add?


Been since the 11th and still no reply from origin about this, why?

Edited by Avalean
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To get more gaming time during the holidays:

1. Quit Job

2. File for Divorce.

3. Move into family members basement.

4. Game till you pass out.


Then after the novelty wears off you find out you're:


1. Broke

2. Hard up for a .... you know what

3. Getting told off by your mum for leaving dirty underwear all over the place

4. Stick thin and stinking to high heaven due to lack of eating and showering


Was fun whilst it lasted though huh ;):D

Edited by Mandrax
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To get more gaming time during the holidays:

1. Quit Job

2. File for Divorce.

3. Move into family members basement.

4. Game till you pass out.


It should be written like this


1. Get fired from job

2. Your spouse files for divorce.

3. Move into pissed off family members basement.

4. You lose at life!

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To get more gaming time during the holidays:

1. Win lottery

2. Quit Job

3. File for Divorce.

4. Move into local hotel with WiFi

5. Let housekeeping know they can clean while you are passed out

6. Game till you pass out.



fixed. much more sustainable and less game-detracting drama.

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I didn't pre-order till a week ago. Had a 7 year old pc that struggled with flash games so I avoided everything to do with SWTOR.


Then lady luck smiled upon me and I got a gaming beast of a PC, I don't mind if I get in today or tomorrow, I'm getting in is all that matters.


I have also faked my death so I can game in peace.

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Anyone before November and December just gon' hate on BW and play thier game.


Us Nov/Decemberites praise and commend the patience of the BW team as they get bombarded with hate mail.. Plus we'll savour the game more due to the wait. (Ignore the British spelling, nothing to see there)

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As Paula Abdul would phrase what we're all thinking......


how about some information pleaseeee...


straight up now tell me, am i gonna get access ever? oh oh oh....

or am I wasting time in this forum?


straight up now tell me now tell me is it going to be Star Wars and me together, oh oh oh...

or is teasing too much fun?




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Originally Posted by Staida

This is ridiculous. Imagine this scenario: (though I know it likely fits your description so I know it won't be a stretch of your imagination.)


You're an adult with a spouse and perhaps children and you have heavy responsibilities during this holiday. It's review time at work, you're hoping to get a great review, perhaps a bonus and a raise. You don't want to be the guy asking for time off during the holidays when you're needed most.

You have shopping to do, you have to spend time with family and you have very little time to get all your decorations up, your tree up, presents wrapped, and on and on.


Playing MMO's all day isn't for you, you gave up WoW forever ago as it threatened to destroy your family life. Adults aren't supposed to behave this way - your parents didn't play video games all the time - yet it's in your bloodstream.


Now Bioware releases a thing you could not possibly avoid if you tried - An mmo based on your favorite franchise... the ultimate escape. Unlike SWG this one's really decent.

But no.... I can't. The economy, my wife... it's Christmas time. I'll wait, if I ever play it (and I shouldn't)


2 seconds later F-that I'm buying it. You can't even stop yourself. This is a drug of the most potent degree.


Now somehow, in the midst of all the responsibilities I've mentioned you manage to schedule a few days off to play at launch. You expect bugs and wait times but you've earned the time off of work and this way your family will be at work or school and you can try to remain responsible during the rest of the day...


Except that, no, you can't and now you've wasted those days off because BioWare did something wierd you could never have anticipated which no other game company has done and which you could not have planned for. I'm sitting here now, for my second day off (still half day tommorow) staring at yet another wave thread thinking I seriously regret my purchase since I would have paid the 80$ JUST FOR THESE COUPLE OF DAYS. But I didn't get them.


Now I have to get back to work and I might get to start playing over the christmas holiday after the 26th. Why would you do this wierd thing? People pre-order with the anticipation that they will get in early. The lack of updates, the lack of any dev response to any of the complaints mentioned in any of the threads. We know you read them, you come in to close / lock / move them. Well why do you think they are such large threads? Why won't you listen to anything that's being said?


I also notice another really strange phenomenon. When people vent in a forum because they would like to have other people see and comment on their issue: there is a staggering number of Goody two-shoes, holier than thou, reprobate reprimanders.

I'm concerned about the number, as it creeps up to near half the posts in some threads. Are they just more vocal? Do they repeat post more often? Please tell me nowhere near 40% of our fellow humans are actually this way - but rather that they are disproportionally represented online for some reason.


the reason they did this is exactly why you got screwed over because you are a portion of their target audience that wont be playing till after the 25th. Personally even if i get in today I wont really be playing for a full weekend until January 6th, and before that my play time will be spotty at best. Lets face it I have responsibilities that require my attention and obligations to fulfill. They, Bioware and EA, did this on purpose. our absence means that server stress will be at a relative minimum for the actual release dates. I, after realizing this fact, actually have to commend EA and Bioware for their incredibly savvy marketing group.

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