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30% healing debuff is rediculous.


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You're complaining about a lack of healing?


If I don't go 1v1 on my scrapper-scoundrel all other dmg-builds cannot burst down a healer.


I've been hoping for more heal-debuffs. It's ridiculous that only the sentinel/marauder has one. Pretty much all dps-builds should get one built-in on another ability.


Noone likes healers.

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You're complaining about a lack of healing?


If I don't go 1v1 on my scrapper-scoundrel all other dmg-builds cannot burst down a healer.


I've been hoping for more heal-debuffs. It's ridiculous that only the sentinel/marauder has one. Pretty much all dps-builds should get one built-in on another ability.


Noone likes healers.


You don't like healers!

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I figure BW did it to try their best to discourage healers in pvp.


Think about it, how annoying it was in WoW BGs, always having to tell people to stop healing you and help pewpew. Every single game, nothing but healers here and there. I remember how often people would moan 'oh great, healers on our side again, GG' and 'why does nobody roll DPS these days?'.


Since vanilla, nothing but heal heal heal, it was a little sickening really, yet Blizz kept the class with its ability to heal itself with three dps smashing it and never lose either health or mana, mostly instants for some classes like druids so you could even interrupt. And look at, with how OP healers were in that game- look how nobody ever dpsed in pvp.


BW was smart- they saw that and said, ok, we'll make it so that healers can't heal nearly that much. But, they took it one step further- not survive 3 people on you, that's childsplay, make it so a single class can lock down a healer.


But, would that really discourage people from rolling the most popular role in mmorpgs? Likely not- what would though is adding a mortal strike effect to all healers, all the time.







Wait, am I getting this right? Everyone was a healer in other pvp games, y'know, nobody ever said 'why the **** does nobody heal in this battleground!!!' before, right? Healing needed to be made much less popular so people wouldn't want to do it, right?

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In my opinion the 30% debuff is too much. Indeed its very hard now to survive a dps that knows what he's doing. IMO I should be able to keep myself alive, barely, while waiting for help to arrive. As it stands, its near to impossible to do that, when you're up against a dps that knows what he's doing. (Yes, I use cc's, LoS, medpacks and pvphealpots).


When we didnt have the debuff healing was OP. So we can't have that, but I think 20% should be around the debuff that enables good healers to stay alive, again barely. While not making healing OP because you can just keep yourself and 3 people alive while being pounded on.


I hope BW sees it like this and will implement this in the near future. If not, I will still be healing. 200k healing is still more then possible in every single WZ while getting some damage off as well. And for those complaining about not enough heals: just look at the amount of heals you do in comparison to the damage others do. In my case Im usually above them.

Edited by Rastor
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You can always spot a lowbie. Healing is very powerful in this game with the way expertise works plus guard. A guarded commando would be unkillable without the 30 percent debuff, pretty tough to take down as it is.


I've been in pleanty of WZs with too many healers on our side and not enough dps....those are sad, boring, horrible matches.

Edited by Bluetickone
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You can always spot a lowbie. Healing is very powerful in this game with the way expertise works plus guard. A guarded commando would be unkillable without the 30 percent debuff, pretty tough to take down as it is.


guard is an ability which is intended to make it very hard to kill the guarded player. Espacially a healer. The tank casting it, doesnt do a whole lot of damage. So low damage and healing ability... Doesnt sound OP to me.

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I've been leveling up a Sorc healer from to level 10 to 46 in almost exclusively pvp. I have to say I'm completely fine with healing thus far. I know that in a 1 vs 1 fight I will most likely not win, or it will take me a long time to kill someone with lower gear. However in a 2 vs 2 fight with anything, there is no winning for the opponents unless they also have a healer. If they both target the dps, I can outheal their damage or otherwise use tricks to cause him to not die. If they both target me, I can kite and stall long enough for the dps to whittle one of them down. If I join a large brawl, I can easily turn the tides even if our side is outgeared/outnumbered. I love having this type of power.


This is all with the healing debuff. It's already uncommon for me die in a wz. When I do die, it takes a while and 2-3 enemies focusing on and chasing me. This means they aren't focusing on the objective and our team effectively outnumbers theirs while I'm running them around in circles. This is a huge advantage for our team.


Without the debuff I would be basically immortal. Healers are currently balanced. It may or may not be the best fix to bring them in line, but it works.

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The problem you will have is people won't want to heal unless they are in a premade. Half the time when I am healing my team can't be arsed to get the DPS off me, so I just end up healing myself and not them.

Edited by Sumire
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Why should tanks, who are a "support" class not have any debuff? Yet heals, who play a major role in this game get crapped on with a 30% debuff?


There is no REASON to play heals. I go into Warzones, get 5 medals if I'm working my *** off the entire time and get less MVP votes then the guy who spammed tracer missile the entire match.


30% debuff needs to go, period. It's killing the healer class.


so how many medals you would get without -30% heal? Pleae tell me. 6 instead of 5? Heals should tr yto do some dmg, too. Then you get more medals.

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