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Marauders using vibroswords


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is it possible? I know in the carnage and annihilation trees, both top tier talents require 2 lightsabers to make use of them, however, there are no rage talents that stipulate the NEED for 2 lightsabers.


so basically what im curious about is if any of the baseline marauder abilities require lightsabers or not

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they work but will be quickly useless as you can get much better lightsabers then you can of vibroswords


There are moddable vibroswords. Until you get higher tier non-moddable weapons(ie. champion), they're just fine.

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they work but will be quickly useless as you can get much better lightsabers then you can of vibroswords


yeah, what Sayc said. I've seen moddable swords and even use one on my sorcerer b/c lightsabers bore me. I'm not a hardcore pvper or pve'er, so i imagine a well modded set of swords will last me quite a while

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There are moddable vibroswords. Until you get higher tier non-moddable weapons(ie. champion), they're just fine.


my point exactly, i don't know bout the rest of you but i replaced my 126 lightsaber really fast after getting it. (126 is the highest u can mod a vibroblade iirc). Like i said it will and can work, but you will find a better lightsaber when you hit 50 really quickly.t

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my point exactly, i don't know bout the rest of you but i replaced my 126 lightsaber really fast after getting it. (126 is the highest u can mod a vibroblade iirc). Like i said it will and can work, but you will find a better lightsaber when you hit 50 really quickly.t


define quickly. As I said, I am not a major pvper, nor do I raid much. so unless quickly to you is a few weeks, then I think my vibroblades will work just fine :p

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my point exactly, i don't know bout the rest of you but i replaced my 126 lightsaber really fast after getting it. (126 is the highest u can mod a vibroblade iirc). Like i said it will and can work, but you will find a better lightsaber when you hit 50 really quickly.t


124 would be the max you can get a vibro blade


126 is the centurion/t1 pve weaps


anywho, in one of those blog posts by Emmanuel Luchsnaldflkaswhateverhisnameis he said that fully moddable purples are coming back


im assuming he means weapons as well as armor, because i really hate my lightsabers, i want my vibro swords back


(didnt think it would be possible to tire of lightsabers, but it really didnt take that long :()

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define quickly. As I said, I am not a major pvper, nor do I raid much. so unless quickly to you is a few weeks, then I think my vibroblades will work just fine :p


depends on how often you pvp and how lucky you get with bags


you can get your champ saber in your first bag, so it could take as little as 5 seconds after hititng 50


but its kinda irrelevant imo, get the epic 124 might hilts, they cost me 50k each when i got mine


then just replace them when you get something better, if its only a day, oh well, money is easy in TOR, not much loss there

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, Finally I found the answer here...it keeps bugging me after I hit 39 and decided to use custom vibrosword (augmented) Dual wield..I purchase them both..equip it..modded it with purple hilt,mod,enchant,and also augment...


then enter WZ killing peeps doing pve FP then I realize some of my marauder skills require two lightsabers...I thought there will be penalty damage..


I got bored with saber..its like fighting with flashlight hehe but I keep my custom augmented lightsaber if i miss the sound of it..wuuzz wuzz wuzzz


Thank you for all the explanation.



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Don't forget that vibroswords have a lower top end, but a higher bottom end damage rating than sabers.


The average damage between the two is exactly the same, but you will see a higher max hit with a saber because of this.


Up to you to decide if that matters.

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I was planning on doing this with my Marauder until I realized Bioware messed up te animation by making the left sword disappear when you put them away. Kind of kills imersion for me have the second one disappear. What sucks worse is you actually see both on your back when you put them away. So, the animation is there. They just decided to make one disappear arbitrarily it seems...
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