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[New Ability] Zipline Escort


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Commandos and Mercs, especially healing specs are vastly disadvantaged in terms of movement. This is clearly obvious in Warzones, but it is also true in other environments.


My suggestion is a new ability (possibly given with talents) which is:





"Zipline Escort"

30 second cool down.

3 ammo used.

Ziplines to a friendly target within 30 yards.


Possible extra effect, such as:

"no effect", "reduce threat to target", "transfer some of your current threat to target", "heal", "aoe heal", "shield", "speed given to target", "speed to yourself"...





Mirrored with the Merc



"Jet Leap"

30 second cool down.

25 heat generated.

Jumps to a friendly target within 30 yards.


Possible extra effect, such as:

"no effect", "reduce threat to target", "transfer some of your current threat to target", "heal", "aoe heal", "shield", "speed given to target", "speed to yourself"...



See Merc explaination @


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Sounds like SOMEONE wants to RP Spiderman =/ I KEED I KEED. But yeah I agree that Commando's/Mercenaries in particular are fairly gimped in the mobility department. Something that jumped to friendlies might be nice, but how about a charge/jump that did a tiny bit of AoE damage upon landing? Similar to a Warrior's Heroic Leap from WoW I'm thinking. It wouldn't have to be a huge distance, just something that got us out of harms way. Heck, it would be even better to get a skill like the Huntard's Disengage from WoW. It would take a little more skill and proper positioning to land it right.


I do however see the other side of this argument, that being the fact that melee classes already have a hard enough time as is getting close to a target and this would simply be another way for troopers/BHs to get out of range.


It might just be me, but I've never noticed them having a hard time closing the gap to me in PvP considering I can do very little to slow their progress. Concussive Charge is a nice knockback, but all they ever seem to do when I use that is throw a 1-2 second stun on me to negate the few seconds of slow provided by my ability. Full Auto in its current state gives them 1 second before my first hit even connects making it a total of 2 seconds(including GCD) after knocking them back before I can even start slowing their progress. If I Cryo them, they break it and just leap on me again. Also, don't forget that the slow from conc charge comes at the cost of increasing their resolve from the knockback itself, meaning that Cryo will fill their bar giving them the perfect opportunity to break the CC and jump again, rendering my efforts all for nothing given the lack of damage I would be putting out throughout this due to using EVERY SINGLE GCD on CC. This combined with all the slows and stuns they have makes it very difficult for Gunnery/Arsenal specs to do much against knights/warriors.


Basically, what I'm trying to say is that it would be very nice to have at least 1 more tool for distancing ourselves from melee.

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As a ranged class we get to inflict damage in a 30m range around us, should mean we get the first hit on someone and very often we can attack players who are totally unable to hit back because of distance.


In a balance of how fair that is, there is a mobility weakness of sorts, sure you can bring the firepower and rain hell from a distance but the cross to bear is you're there to see the end of the fight. Win or lose an engagement a trooper can't stealth, jump or sprint out of it.


Still, where where melee is specialised as the Vanguard can, and therefore has no ranged advantage worth trying to kill people with, there's a 15% speed boost if you want it.



One ranged class which does have certain escape abilities is a sorcerer, there's many things I dislike about sorcs starting with the fact that about 50% of the imperial side rolled them and working down to how much it sucks to be attacked by up to 4 sorcs from a distance with lightning spells that have slow effects.


However they rely on their action points for ranged attacks, when they run flat they have to run up to someone and smack them with a melee attack which is highly unlikely given how weak a sorc is without force.


We are fully ranged specced and can reach all over our attack range with our default Hammer Shots to the point of being out of ammo and dying. I might also add that our default attack is the strongest in the game.



Our mobility is something I consider our penalty and I have no grudges about it. I've been at the top of boards enough times very often with other troopers to know we're a powerful class. Our firepower and ability to switch targets over a large area - without having to move an inch - results in a great deal of control over the field.

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I like it. I'm thinking the general idea behind it is to have an ability that fulfills a bit of the utility of a Consular Sprint. Not full blown in ability to make it as good as a Sprint, but something that can be used to move a little bit better when needed. As it stands right now we have enough instants on either spec to be able to move a little bit, but we really aren't able to cover enough ground when needed.


I'm thinking we will eventually get a spell like the Shamans in WoW got. The one that lets you cast while you move for a few secs.

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I like the idea, however I think the cooldown would have to be increased from 30 seconds to something like 2 or 3 minutes.


Our range damage is arguably the best in the game. I sometimes get frustrated with our lack of mobility as well, but the trade off is OK.

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