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Don't automatically toss your companion's gear...


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When I got Ensign Temple, I happened to notice that her Green dual weapons, while Green, are moddable just like Orange gear. They have the standard 4 slots for weapons and I have modded them more than once.


She's the first one that I noticed this on, as I tossed all the other gear for companions at a certain point.


I mentioned this to my SW friend and he says he noticed that his 2nd companion, Malavai Quinn has a green moddable pistol. (That's where he is in the progression, the 2 plus the ship droid.)


From what I have seen, it's just the weapons, but just be careful and take a peek at your companion's gear before you toss it.


Helpful tip for the day!

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Vectors weapon is also moddable even though it's green.


I am sorry to hear that, and I feared that was true, because I tossed it...


They all have orange or the equivalent green now, but I threw some away before I noticed.


But, fyi for people... :)

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Once you get to 49/50 and can do the Belsavis dailys, you won't have to worry anyway as the quest Lights Out (repeatble heroic 4) gives you weapon rewards for each of your companions that are all orange and moddable (except for SCORPIO since there's no hilt that is aim/end). Edited by Tahapenes
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