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Sorcerer nerf - any dates?


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Sorcs/sages dont need to be nerfed, people just need to L2P. Good players dont complain about sorcs.


Same line of logic could be used with Ops/Scoundrels, and yet look where we are.

Edited by Jasuk
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Actually, somebody made a post in this that I can agree with. I think they need to decrease the base numbers on their abilities, while increasing the talent buffs.


If they go DPS, they should be more rotten than they are at healing. And if they go healing, they should also be more rotten at DPS. I shouldn't see games with 200k damage, and 400k healing.

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PVP can be enjoyable, but folks take it all WAY to seriously

PVP'ers really seem to whine a LOT.


Let me tell you some basic truths:

You will always die in pvp

There is always someone better

There is always one class that is better than others

PVP can never be balanced.

People will always whine about class X, The X just changes

You will never be playing that class


The whole thing is just a slog of futility


It has just never appealed to me

So I raid

and die a lot

and always have folks who play better than me

and whine about how unfair class X is

and never seem to pick Class X to play

In reality just slogging at a completely different version of futility


But I tend not to whine quite as much.

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Actually, somebody made a post in this that I can agree with. I think they need to decrease the base numbers on their abilities, while increasing the talent buffs.


If they go DPS, they should be more rotten than they are at healing. And if they go healing, they should also be more rotten at DPS. I shouldn't see games with 200k damage, and 400k healing.

We are not 31/31/31 talent spec'd no matter how many times people say we are.

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I think its pretty clear they will get a nerf.


It is the most complained about class, with good reason. Next to the smugglers anyway.




Are they? That thread on tracer missle/gray round has been on the front page for quite awhile now.

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Actually, it is pretty much identically useless in a PvP environment. Really you think a tiny, 3 second cast time, heal is good in anyway?

Yes it is good. I cant beat Sorcs 1v1 becouse of this (I am not talking about healing specced Sorcs). They use LoS and heal. Not by much but enough to beat me if I cant heal myself. It would not be an issue without LoS but you have LoS opportunity everywhere on Warzones.

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I understand your lack of ability to get dates, but I think this is the wrong website for that sort of question.




but to answer the OP probably never as to many play the character and you can't piss off the majority. also tho I don't think they need nerfed nor do i any of the other classes for that matter. to me since they implemented the 50 bracket and nerfed consumables/biochem pvp feels way more balanced. now if they can only fix ability delay we can get a better feel for if any class is really overpowered. until then i hope they hold back on the nerfs.

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Is there a date for their nerf? We know it will happen[/quote


Hopefully soon.


-Shield adjustment 17 to 20 sec up to 5k shield is ridiculous.

-Utility adjustment (too many cc's and sprint)

Edited by jtfone
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It is blatantly obvious that the sorc is one of the best pvp classes due to there wide range of utility.


Of course there are going to be tons of ppl defending the sorc class because a large portion of the population play this ez mode class.


The baddies such as you two are the ones that wont admit how op the sorc is.

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It isn't the class by itself which needs nerfing, it's the fact that out of most wz over half or more sith is one. That is an imbalance and when you have 5 to 6 of them chain stunning you are pretty much SOL. Repubs have nothing that close. Imbalance.


Way to cure that is to slot the classes. Too many healers means longer waits for them to queue. Have only 2 of that type permitted on a team and leave the class as-is. I can guarantee you it will promote less Inqs. :)

Edited by Daeborn
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It is blatantly obvious that the sorc is one of the best pvp classes due to there wide range of utility.


Of course there are going to be tons of ppl defending the sorc class because a large portion of the population play this ez mode class.


The baddies such as you two are the ones that wont admit how op the sorc is.


yeah I am baddie cuz I started with this class no matter if it was OP or not seems many people want to play only OP classes but anyway they can nerf sorc I dont care I can adapt most people cant it seems so they suck with other classes also

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It is blatantly obvious that the sorc is one of the best pvp classes due to there wide range of utility.


Of course there are going to be tons of ppl defending the sorc class because a large portion of the population play this ez mode class.


The baddies such as you two are the ones that wont admit how op the sorc is.


The lack of intelligence in your supporting reasons and blatant ignorance of class mechanics is apparent.


As previously mentioned time and time before of people with skill and a fundamental grasp of class mechanics, the self proclaimed good players of other classes disagree with Sorc's needing to be nerfed and therefore, disagree with you. Interesting how that works out huh?


Anyone who's played the class or better yet has spent the time understanding the utility / versatility of the sorc class will agree, while the utility may be there, overpowered in any sense of the word is laughable at best.


Henceforth why a nerf hasn't been announced, won't be announced any time in the near future and based on the amount of people who enjoy the class, won't ever be announced.


Please learn how to play your class, how to spec and gear properly and most of all, how to properly construct an argument with VALID factual information as supporting reasons for feeling a particular class needs to be nerfed.


The "OMG THIS CLASS IS OP AND NEEDS TO BE NERF'D K THX" posts are just wildly idiotic.

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Now that my IA is getting nerfed tomorrow, I will be playing my sorc alt. So hopefully they will hold off for a bit. Upside, I can join all the "all sorc" premades that form up at fleet to grind out wz wins.


20% off of an ability on a class that alpha stirkes 17k is not going to dent the class. the shorter stun gives them a chance to react instead of being killed before they get up. that won't kill the class either. everyone is overreacting.

Edited by zeroburrito
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yeah I am baddie cuz I started with this class no matter if it was OP or not seems many people want to play only OP classes but anyway they can nerf sorc I dont care I can adapt most people cant it seems so they suck with other classes also


Dude no mater how much they nerf sorc, people will still think every sorc in wz is running 31/31/31.


It's like they had "sorc pvp trauma."

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only bad players QQ about another classes....true story in every game

Not true. You should listen to comments made by some pro gamers, one of best in the world in games they play, about such things. WoW, Starcraft, Street Fighter, LoL... you name it. There is lots of QQ on balance also among the best.

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I'd like to see the numbers for classes. What percentage of the population are sorcs (above level 20). Most of my 'problem' with the class is that there's more of them than anyone else so it seems like they're the only ones that can kill my BH, but it's never solo, it's always 2 or 3.


No problem with the sorc class itself, but their 1 button win needs to go away as fast as my 1 button win

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I'd like to see the numbers for classes. What percentage of the population are sorcs (above level 20). Most of my 'problem' with the class is that there's more of them than anyone else so it seems like they're the only ones that can kill my BH, but it's never solo, it's always 2 or 3.


No problem with the sorc class itself, but their 1 button win needs to go away as fast as my 1 button win

Sorcs are not a 1 button win. In fact the problem is in how many different things they can do.

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