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Hi all,


Sorry if this is information that has been posted before.. Is this ability even usable by Sith Sorc? I been trying to find effects that incap the nme so I can use it but doesnt appear anything allows this ability to be triggered. *side note* i was testing it in PVP not PVE.



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Hi all,


Sorry if this is information that has been posted before.. Is this ability even usable by Sith Sorc? I been trying to find effects that incap the nme so I can use it but doesnt appear anything allows this ability to be triggered. *side note* i was testing it in PVP not PVE.




Tumult (as well as all other abilities of the same type) are not usable in PvP or PvE raiding, they are meant specifically for strong or below level mobs.

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Usable, yes, Useful, no.


As a sorc, I have never even put it on my bars - it's a melee range ability and we should not be close enough to our targets to use it. Not sure why it's not just an assassin-only ability, tbh.


Because its there to allow us to dispatch weak/standard mobs quickly who mob/zerg us without having to kite them.


At this point you are probably thinking: "Yeah, but we can destroy all standards with force storm anyway" and you'd be right. These abilities are there just to add some fluff and diversity in your rotations. Hell, on my marauder I have two of those and I never used either.

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At this point you are probably thinking: "Yeah, but we can destroy all standards with force storm anyway" and you'd be right. These abilities are there just to add some fluff and diversity in your rotations. Hell, on my marauder I have two of those and I never used either.


On my Jugg, I use Pommel Strike after a Smash all the time, particularly on groups of 4 standards. Kills one outright most of the time. Also a nice follow-up to Force Scream, and if you time it right you can use it at the end of Force Choke on Silvers.


For Sorcs, Tumult is pretty useless, but for characters already in melee range, that are rather nice as they hit VERY hard and are completely free.

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I'm level 40 atm (healer spec) and I use it regularly on any mobs that get close to me. It's instant and it does good damage. Not really a game changer, but not totally useless either. On a DPS spec it's probably not worth using though.
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As a healing sorc I use it A LOT when I solo quests/dailies. Since I don't have any points to improve the damage of my abilities, it is one of the hardest hitting abilities that I have.


It is only limited in its usefulness though since it only works on strong and lower mobs. It's great in taking out a mob quickly or helping to down a strong mob, but since it is only useful in that respect I have it far off to the side as a clickable.


Usefulness = low, Fun factor = awesome (I still love the animation for this ability works)

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Tumult is a joke skill. You'll have to pop a CD to use it solo and you'll have to be within melee range.


Not useful. The only time I ever use it is when I'm PVPing and IF the target happens to be stunned(not by me). It is kinda funny to kill a player with it though. KIAI!

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I like tumult just because it is fun to roundhouse kick something in the face. Really only useful against standard enemies or weak enemies though.


What I normally do if I'm not standing close enough, is to force speed run to the mob and spam tumult. You end up flying over his head with a round house kick and hitting for over 3,000. It's not bad at all, compared to thundering blast which requires setting it up with affliction and then a long cast, tumult can be quicker and definitely more fun. You can use shock, electrocute, break a CC, or even finish off the last mob from force storm AoE stun.


I don't think tumult is entirely that useful, but it is definitely fun. I don't see why it can't work better on strong targets though, usually they have enough health anyway that it would not seem imbalanced.

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Usable, yes, Useful, no.


As a sorc, I have never even put it on my bars - it's a melee range ability and we should not be close enough to our targets to use it. Not sure why it's not just an assassin-only ability, tbh.


Useful, no?? ARe you kidding? I am a dps sorc and tulmult can crit higher than any other skill we have. I can get 3.7k+ crits with it where as thundering blast is like 3.4k tops.

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