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SW:TOR for Noobs


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Thanks for the feedback all. With any luck I'll get EGA today and be able to update the thread with new information for the release version.


In the meantime, thanks for reading.


So? did you get access? I received the mail at 10:30 am (my time... Argentina) but I'm at work... early enough to make my day eternal, late enough to be impossible to fake smallpox or yellow fever... Still 2 hours till I get out, and another 30 mins 'till I get home...

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Just a guess but the pvp servers you are constantly flagged enabled for pvp i would guess. At which point all those who got in on first day of EGA will be repeatedly killing you and pretending their skills are high against low levels. Usualy the previously bullied at school stereo type getting back at the virtual world coz lets face it, in the real world they are just cowards. Plus killing in the real world is kinda illegal. (side note:P)


Unless its for oil it seems.


Pve is the opposite with nice people who like the game for being fun and achieveing goals forward into the content. No need for therapy style gang killing sessions to enhance their self esteem.. I suggest you roll pve. Unless you need therapy.




I .. wow... Really? Is your signature referring to yourself? Or do you just have some serious deep-seated issues that are showing through here?


In a more objective context...


PvE servers are for those dedicated to grouping together to defeat in-game encounters against NPC bosses, such as Flashpoints and Operations. There is no PvP outside of sanctioned specific zones (such as Warzones) that you have to choose to enter.


PvP servers have all the same content in game, but you are permanently flagged for PvP outside of safe zones, like your Origin World or capital. People often roll on these servers to have a greater challenge in the levelling process, or because they are more specifically interested in the PvP style game, which, again, includes WarZones.


As for Early Access, there will be new servers available after Early Access ends. So if you are concerned about high level ganking, roll on one of the new servers. Also, keep in mind, there is no camping because we do not have corpse-runs to resurrect in this game.

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Could somebody explain what it means when he says "mod" is one of the modification categories, and/or perhaps give me an example of modding, say, a piece of armor? Sorry. Noob. :p


As you level, you will see armor and weapons with slots. If you played WoW, this would be somewhat like socketing gems for stat bonuses.


There are different types of sockets:

for armor: Armoring, Enhancement, Mod, Augment

for guns: Barrel, Color Crystal, Enhancement, Mod, Augment

For sabers: Hilt, Color Crystal, Enhancement, Mod, Augment



Not all items have each of the modification slots. Each slot type has a specific type of mod that goes in it.


For example, you can't use a Barrel in a Mod slot, or a Hilt in an Enhancement slot.


You can't put an Armor into any of the slots on a gun.


Green level items often have no mod slots at all.

Custom (bronze/orange) items tend to have all of the slots, so as you level up you can re-socket them with different modifications if you really like how that piece looks, and still stay current with the gear level.


That's the basic idea. It can get a little more complicated than that, but that should be a enough to get you started!



I'm not too sure about Augment slots yet, I know they exist but they are either VERY rare or higher level than I have seen yet. So you can kinda ignore that particular slot for now anyways.

Edited by Macfergusson
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So? did you get access? I received the mail at 10:30 am (my time... Argentina) but I'm at work... early enough to make my day eternal, late enough to be impossible to fake smallpox or yellow fever... Still 2 hours till I get out, and another 30 mins 'till I get home...


Hi Zero_K. Since there has not been an update from me for nearly 36 hours, I think it is fair to assume that I did in fact get EGA yesterday. My JK (Sentinel) is progressing nicely, and just hit level 15.


I'm still two or three class quests from getting my starship however, an unintended consequence of BioWare's decision to increase XP awards in the starting zones. During beta, folks were hitting the fleet and the capitol at somewhere around levels 9-10. Now they are getting there around levels 11-12. The unintended consequence is that folks are probably not getting their starships until level 16-17, instead of around level 15. Again, this is driven solely by your class quest progression, not your leveling, so your mileage may vary.

Edited by enutt
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Could somebody explain what it means when he says "mod" is one of the modification categories, and/or perhaps give me an example of modding, say, a piece of armor? Sorry. Noob. :p


Mac gave a very good summary of the modifications available to your different gear types. The "mod" terminology can be a little confusing, because the term refers to both the general class of customizations that you can do to your gear, and also to a specific customization within that class. Generically, all of these customization are called "mods".


Mac's reference to socketing in WoW is very apropos, with the caveat that on the modifiable gear in SW:TOR, the sockets determine the stats rather than merely augment them.


One suggestion that comes out of gamepley in the past couple of days: try not to spend your commendation points on gear, and never on unmoddable gear unless there are no other options. It is a far cheaper use of commendations to update a moddable piece of gear with level/zone appropriate mods than it is to by new gear using commendations.

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