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50 Bracket Operative Healing in PVP


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I've lurked awhile and seen a lot of threads about nerfing operative/smuggler DPS, but I wanted to post a screenshot of a really good match that included a BM geared Operative and Smuggler healer (Me and House).




For the record I agree completely with the nerf as I went DPS a few days and the damage was sick.


It has been my experience that Operative/Smuggler is much more effective as a healer rather than a DPS class in PVP. Healers are usually always a valuable addition to a war zone, but this is especially true in the 50 bracket, in my opinion.


I found myself nearly useless in Hutt Ball during PVP, which on my server (Vornskr) most of the Empire plays. Alderaan War Zone and Void Star is a bit more effective, but still....I felt I didn't contribute as much as a healer.


So if you love the Agent story and you love PVP....give healing a shot because it will be much more rewarding and valuable.

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I just hit 50 last night

and i leveled as a healer in both pve and pvp.


Honestly, i am not looking forward to 50 bracket pvp but at the same time practice = improvement so I'll be jumping into it this evening. While i like the DPs numbers, i tend to lean towards the healing classes so we shall see how it all pans out.


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I think the issue I have with the IA as a healer is the difficulty in getting medals. I just went over to healing. 8-9 Champion pieces (dps). I've gotten 275k healing in Huttball. I'm still learning and just rearranging my icons. But I can get 9 Medals on 40 juggernaut. I find it quite difficult to get badges.


Our utility in huttball feels a bit limited. If we play away from the ball carrier, we stay alive longer but can't use our blind.


I'm also having trouble staying alive against geared dps, even when I'm moving and healing. A persistent player can take me out pretty easily. Again I'm still learning but they just feel weaker compared to bounty hunter or sorceror healers 1 v 1.


Thoughts? Suggestions?

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I tried healing in warzones, and I agree that medals are incredibly difficult to get. If I try to dps at all, I either get focused hard or i run out of energy. If you are ok with only 4-5 medals a game, then operative healing is great. The hots and short cast time on your TA heals work very well when people tend to los you a lot.
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Generally speaking (on my server at least) most people will MVP the healers because they get the short end of the stick on medals. I've found my survivability very high due to our AE heal (which has gotten some bad press), but is phenomenal in PVP.


2 pieces from the PVP Field Medic set combined with 2 pieces from the PVE Field Medic set lowers the cost of the AE heal down to that of the Kolto Injection and increases the heal 15 percent. Combine the AE heal with the probes and one can regenerate between 1-3k (usually around 2k) every 3 seconds and that does not include any other healing...that is just the healing from the AE heal and probe regeneration. Not to mention our shield probe and the instant heal procs from TA.


I don't use full PVP gear and have two pieces of Columni for the purposes of upping the AE heal, which far outweighs the expertise I lose and my survivability is pretty high.

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