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What does the Empire hope to achieve?


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If you want to split hairs, then yes they were 'dark Jedi'. But if you're falling back on that defense then that is just poor form.


As for the Jedi being the ones to start it? It's kind of obvious. Xelendor, I think was the name, is arguably the first of the Sith, and he departs Tython with followers. If he wanted the entirety of the Jedi Order to follow his path, shouldn't he have immediately launched a war?


Or earlier on when there was advocated to be two paths Boghan and... whatever Light was in this language. One side advocated the use of Boghan, the other said there is only 'Light'. Just because the Sith we've seen, those who developed their severe and aggressive style from the sith species, are in such a mindset by no means implies the proto-Sith were of similar mindsets.


You've mixed up the First and Second Great Schisms, and in both cases the Dark Jedi were the aggressors.

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Someone doesn't know their Star Wars history...


The Sith movement started out as a group of Jedi who believed the Code was flawed. Essentially, they wanted to be apart of a different religion. The other Jedi didn't like this idea, if I recall -they- started the first war against the Dark Jedi who then fled and hid out on Korriban.


From there they re-emerged with Naga Sadow's assault against the Republic... at the end the Republic and the Jedi slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Imperial citizens and Sith. Raised the temples of Korriban. Destroyed ancient Sith teachings and artifacts. One Jedi actually -severed- multiple Sith from the Force.


Then, the Jedi actually hounded the Sith across the galaxy to Voss where



They started the civil war on Voss by mutating those Gormak who followed them into Voss. The Jedi also created the nightmare lands, which is a great concentration of Dark side energy...



So, even if the Jedi hadn't started the entire thing over the fact they couldn't accept other ideas. They still went far too overboard to continue considering the Sith as 'the bad guys'. Unless we're now advocating the genocide and extermination of different species, governments and religions as being tantamount to 'good'.



A character in the Consular main storyline...



Rajivari was his name. He was the first to fall I believe, and said he attacked the council...so I don't see how the Jedi hunted them down. It has been awhile since I did that storyline, so I could be very wrong.


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Actually the Dark Jedi started it all first, they struck the first blow.





So for the Sith wanting revenge is nothing more than them going on their evil nature of conquests. The Sith and the Empire are two different entities. The Sith rule the empire but that doesn't mean the run of the mill empire citizen are evil, they either have to fall in line or die or become a slave. Be honest which one any of you would choose if someone can strangle you without a thought or care for your well being? HYou make darn sure he is pleased with you. the Sith hold the empire hostage.

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They want war. Constant war. The Sith believe conflict is the only way to improve, both individually and as an empire. So for them a never-ending war would be ideal.


That's why they target the Republic, the largest, most powerful enemy there is. The Sith probably do not realistically believe they can ever conquer the Republic completely, but that's what makes the Republic a perfect target to sustain a never-ending war. If they just wanted to conquer more space, they'd pick easier targets like mandalorians or neutral civilizations.

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Well the Jedi don't want to kill all Imperial citizens they want to destroy the Sith (the dark-side users not the species although at this point there is little difference as almost all members of the Sith species are actual Sith) because they are a cancer on the force.


Oh and this not a debatable point the Jedi are correct and the dark side is not a natural balance to the light.



Read the behind the scenes in both articles

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The Dark Jedi from the Second Great Schism are more than just semanticaly different from the Sith. They may have been the predecessors to the Sith Lords but they weren't one an the same with the empire. At the time they were an exiled order of warriors. They had no empire or territory or citizens. It's like conflating the Jedi Order with the entire Republic in all things. The Sith Empire grew out of much more than just that order of exiles.


The Sith Code is not something I ever really put a great deal of stock in. As far as I know the code never appeared prior to Kotor, and for the longest time I tended to believe Revan just made it up himself. Sith teachings encompass far more than just the code, just like the Jedi teachings. And even if the Sith Code isn't evil, generally the rest of Sith teachings are. "Light Sith" are something I tend to view similarly to Dark Jedi, gameplay wise they stay within the same faction they started with by really they aren't endorsed by their respective orders and are rather at odds with them.

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People are getting off topic.


What is the goal of the Sith and the Empire? That depends entirely on the person playing them. You can be a Sith out to protect the weak, an agent who just likes blood, vice versa, and everything in between. Same for Republic.

Edited by EmperorFluffy
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Lots of good points in here.


I would also like to add that the Sith of this era are often the result of generations of their lifestyle. They only know hatred, cruelty, and one way to power.


If you had never known anything else, I do not find it that hard to believe that that is the right way.


Personally, I love the empire. It's different. Yeah, compared to our modern world ideas, they are evil... But this is a galaxy far, far away :p


Agreed ;):ph_good_post::sy_empire:

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Mind, a lot of Imperial citizens do have a legitimate beef with the Republic. They want to reclaim territory they lost in the Great Hyperspace War. They want to bring the Jedi and Republic to account for their war crimes. They know that the Republic and Jedi consider the Empire's very existence a threat and want to live in a galaxy without being afraid of Republic offensives and covert strikes (which were happening post-Treaty).


Play Republic-side and you will see that the Republic is inefficient, corrupt, and generally ineffectual at keeping order on its own worlds. To some, the loyalty, efficiency, and security of the Empire outweighs the capricious and sometimes insane Sith overlords who, realistically, don't involve themselves much with the common citizens.


Indeed ;):ph_good_post::sy_empire:

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