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Engineering PvP?


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Anyone try a mainly engineering build for PvP? I'm currently a 25 sniper and trying it out atm. Seems to do better then when I was MM. I seem to do way more damage if I'm under pressure then I did as MM, and as much damage at least if I get to just sit there and snipe as MM. As engineering I'm pretty much always in the top 3 damage being able to spread dots around. Not that that really says much. But my damage just seems to be better overall.


I've been thinking about trying an interrogation probe/cull build for PvP when I'm high enough or perhaps a Plasma probe build. Anyone try it out yet?


I haven't tried Lethality yet, I've seen it's supposedly the best pvp build atm for snipers. I'll probably try it out and see how I do.

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Don't try lethality until you are high enough level to spec into Cull.


I'm still engineer and pvp alot. The burst from Ambush+Eprobe is crazy. I've always run engineer and my experience with it sounds alot like yours, except I don't use the dart much if that's what you were referring to when you said you dot alot. 15 seconds is a long time for the damage the dot does, I'd rather just kill them in 10 with my other moves.

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I'm a pure Engineer build, and so far it's not really working out for PvP. The Plasma Probe is good for placing over objectives, but AoE damage in general is really only good for getting medals, but not for helping your team. The added defense from Shield Probe is nice, but doesn't really make a difference if you're fighting more than 1 enemy. Ballistic Shields never lasts more than a few seconds, even with Entrench, because the opponent can still just knock you out of cover, ending your Entrench and Ballistic Shields. Overall I'd have to say that the more focused damage of the MM build is probably better suited to pvp than the defensive play of the Engineer, though I'm still in the process of testing it out.


(On the other hand, Engineer completely destroys PvE content. Between Ballistic Dampers, Shield Probe, Ballistic Shield, Entrench, and Evade, I've been able to hold aggro on 50 champs while our tank [a companion, no less) was either recuperating or dead...)

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I run a build like engineering: specced into explosive probe. The rest into marksman. That's basically the best of both worlds and the burst of eprobe + ambush + followthrough is really good....as long as you do not face a heavy armour wearing guy (same problems as always)
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Engineering is my favorite spec for Sniper PvP.


People are down on Plasma Probe but you don't need to be in cover to use it, you can run by and slap it down. It's CD is as long as the probe is out, so you can have one up at all times. It can single-handedly defend an objective. It's also great for outing stealthers who can sneak up on you if you place it on yourself.


Cluster Bombs + Electrified Railgun usually bring someone down to about 60% health in about 3 seconds, and a lot of that damage is tech so it's not mitigated like MM damage is.


The best thing about Engineering though is the defense. If you have Interrogation probe on someone, you can literally have back to back 30% buffed shield probes, along with evasion. You take 6% less damage in cover and you get Ballistic Shield more regularly. You can still spec into Ballistic Dampers and the Ambush knockback too.


I never put out the damage in Engineering as I did in Lethality and MM but I'm confident I could beat almost anybody 1v1 that doesn't heavily outgear me.

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I was full on PVP Eng up until 3 days ago I went back to MM to test out with new Ratak. Gear and found that the DPS was much better and more kills than my Eng. However I also lost alot of AOE and most of all Def. Abilities not to mention the probe to slow people. But as a MM now I found that if things get too hard just run to new position. My Eng on the other hand never had to run much as he could take a lot before he died. Also being able to take the ball with two Sheild probes was a life saver.


All in all they both are good and have nice DPS. who knows I may return to Eng at some point in the future.

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im lvl 40 full enginer and i am always at the top of the damage and kill list in the warzones.i find soloing very easy,and stand a good chane one one one against about any class.key is shield probe and stun when they get to close.owe and series of shots rocks!
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