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Have we heard anything about a maul fix yet? Don't see a fix in this upcoming patch :(. Please tell me if I missed something. Over a month live and our 2nd hardest hitting ability still bugs out QQ...


P.S. I'm pretty sure I'm beating a dead horse since my last major post about this was removed since I bumped it (i lol'd) after nearly 10 pages...

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They did a major fix to ability delay lag in pvp which fixed 80% of issues (helped maul-related issues a decent bit) and stated afterwards that they aren't done fixing pvp lag bugs.


That being said, you know that game WoW? Backstab/ambush in that game after 7 years is still largely plagued by latency deceiving you into thinking you're behind your target when in reality you aren't. This is the unfortunate nature of these types of abilities in mmos. If you expect maul, backstab, or w/e to work more than 70% of the time you're ****ed.


Solution? Unless a target is a) running away from you, b) cc'd either by low slash, electrocute, or w/e, or c) attacking someone else don't waste valuable seconds dancing around the target trying to get maul to work like a moron and just go with voltaic/discharge/shock instead.

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They did a major fix to ability delay lag in pvp which fixed 80% of issues (helped maul-related issues a decent bit) and stated afterwards that they aren't done fixing pvp lag bugs.


That being said, you know that game WoW? Backstab/ambush in that game after 7 years is still largely plagued by latency deceiving you into thinking you're behind your target when in reality you aren't. This is the unfortunate nature of these types of abilities in mmos. If you expect maul, backstab, or w/e to work more than 70% of the time you're ****ed.


Solution? Unless a target is a) running away from you, b) cc'd either by low slash, electrocute, or w/e, or c) attacking someone else don't waste valuable seconds dancing around the target trying to get maul to work like a moron and just go with voltaic/discharge/shock instead.


never played wow and i already do all those things u mentioned. that is why im the most OP class in wz's IMO (lets not forget how many buttons sins have to press). but i would still like to have my skill work on command since i have so many to push but w/e QQ.

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I was noticing yesterday, while PvEing that Maul would often fire off without completing its animation. It still worked, but I still got the "hesitation" animation rather than the full "Stab" animation.


Pretty easy to spot because the duplicity buff disappears.

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