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Unlimited Power!


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Hey, so i just had a question regarding Darth Sidious for all the lore-savy people out there.


So we all know Sidious was the most powerful Sith lord of all time, I'm not here to debate that, but my question is, what makes him so powerful?


I'm really just looking for a direct event i may have missed, or some kind of statistic, from what I'm found skimming over a lot about him, i cant really find anything as great about him as say, Darth Nihilus, Vitiate or Exar Kun.

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Do you mean what events infer his power or how he came to be so powerful?


If it's the former we have mindwiping the burying of the Lusankya from the inhabitants of Coruscant, summoning and controlling fleet destroying and planet killing force storms, the ability to enhance his physical capabilities via the force to beyond human capacity, he knew the methods that Darth Nihilus used to drain a planet of life but controlled it and usable across galactic distances, he had mastered essence transfer which rendered him essentially immortal except for the meddling of the most powerful Jedi ever, Galaxy-wide battle meditation, oh and my favorite is shooting lighting around a room to kill an entire company of Stormtroopers in one go without hitting his Royal Guardsmen who were fighting in the middle of them (that has style).


If it's the latter, then it's because Palpatine is the culmination of two-thousand years of amassing power and wealth by in a master-apprentice cycle that ensured that should the apprentice succeed in usurping his master he would always be wiser and stronger than his predecessor. Oh and simple raw power didn't hurt either.

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Do you mean what events infer his power or how he came to be so powerful?


If it's the former we have mindwiping the burying of the Lusankya from the inhabitants of Coruscant, summoning and controlling fleet destroying and planet killing force storms, the ability to enhance his physical capabilities via the force to beyond human capacity, he knew the methods that Darth Nihilus used to drain a planet of life but controlled it and usable across galactic distances, he had mastered essence transfer which rendered him essentially immortal except for the meddling of the most powerful Jedi ever, Galaxy-wide battle meditation, oh and my favorite is shooting lighting around a room to kill an entire company of Stormtroopers in one go without hitting his Royal Guardsmen who were fighting in the middle of them (that has style).


If it's the latter, then it's because Palpatine is the culmination of two-thousand years of amassing power and wealth by in a master-apprentice cycle that ensured that should the apprentice succeed in usurping his master he would always be wiser and stronger than his predecessor. Oh and simple raw power didn't hurt either.


Thanks, that's pretty much what I was looking for, really good answer.

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Then why would he need a death star?

And how would it be possible to him being captured by one of his Admirals?


Looks to me he is overrated


no where in movie he stated he needed a death star.



the only reason he went on death star 2 was to set trap for the rebels and to taunt luke how easily he outsmartted luke and the rebels.

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Then why would he need a death star?
Because he doesn't want to be outted as a Sith Lord, secrecy served the Sith Order for 2000 years and finally helped them accomplish their three primary goals: #1 Ruling the Galaxy, #2 Wiping out the Jedi, #3 Destroying the Republic; why would he give that advantage up? Secondly the Force Storm took about a day to destroy a whole planet and we don't know if it worked through planetary shields which most important worlds like Bothawuii, Alderaan, and Coruscant havel the Death Star was designed to blast right through the shield and pop a planet like a hand grenade.

And how would it be possible to him being captured by one of his Admirals?

Because it allows him to root out traitors and those who are truly loyal. It's a convenient ploy.

Edited by DarthMoord
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Because he doesn't want to be outted as a Sith Lord, secrecy served the Sith Order for 2000 years and finally helped them accomplish their three primary goals: #1 Ruling the Galaxy, #2 Wiping out the Jedi, #3 Destroying the Republic; why would he give that advantage up? Secondly the Force Storm took about a day to destroy a whole planet and we don't know if it worked through planetary shields which most important worlds like Bothawuii, Alderaan, and Coruscant havel the Death Star was designed to blast right through the shield and pop a planet like a hand grenade.


Because it allows him to root out traitors and those who are truly loyal. It's a convenient ploy.


Grand Moff Tarkin stated in episode IV that once the other systems witnessed the power of the Death Star, no one would dare oppose the Emperor. At this point we already had the rebellion going on and it was clearly a thorn in Sidious' side. I always wondered why go to the trouble of building the Death Star if he could've just destroyed the entire rebellion with his power.


At the point that he built the original Death Star, it was pretty much known that he was a Sith Lord, he had destroyed the Republic and wiped out the Jedi. He and Vader were pretty well outed by that point. That's one thing that I never understood about all this power he seems to have had after the end of the movies. If that power was there all along, it just seems that he wouldn't have ever been defeated in the first place. Yea, he was trying to turn Luke to the DS and was betrayed by Vader, but jeez it just seems that he wouldn't even have had to try to turn Luke with that kind of power. Just seems like he would've broken Luke's will with a single thought.


I had this question in another thread and apparently the only time we get to see this real manifestation of his power is after his resurrection into his clone bodies? I'd really like to read the books/comics that deal with Sidious after the Battle of Endor. I've never read anything that went on after Return of the Jedi.


It just seems like the the stuff written after the movies makes Sidious seem so powerful that there's no way the rebellion or even Luke's existence could have even taken place, unless he was a total *******, which he clearly was not.

Edited by Nerzhul
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Grand Moff Tarkin stated in episode IV that once the other systems witnessed the power of the Death Star, no one would dare oppose the Emperor. At this point we already had the rebellion going on and it was clearly a thorn in Sidious' side. I always wondered why go to the trouble of building the Death Star if he could've just destroyed the entire rebellion with his power.


At the point that he built the original Death Star, it was pretty much known that he was a Sith Lord, he had destroyed the Republic and wiped out the Jedi. He and Vader were pretty well outed by that point. That's one thing that I never understood about all this power he seems to have had after the end of the movies. If that power was there all along, it just seems that he wouldn't have ever been defeated in the first place. Yea, he was trying to turn Luke to the DS and was betrayed by Vader, but jeez it just seems that he wouldn't even have had to try to turn Luke with that kind of power. Just seems like he would've broken Luke's will with a single thought.


I had this question in another thread and apparently the only time we get to see this real manifestation of his power is after his resurrection into his clone bodies? I'd really like to read the books/comics that deal with Sidious after the Battle of Endor. I've never read anything that went on after Return of the Jedi.


It just seems like the the stuff written after the movies makes Sidious seem so powerful that there's no way the rebellion or even Luke's existence could have even taken place, unless he was a total *******, which he clearly was not.


Your mistaken about him being outed as a Sith Lord. Yes the Jedi in hiding, and the upper command of his Empire knew of his power. But he never outed himself to the general public in the galaxy.


Vader was the one who was given the credit for hunting down the Jedi in the galaxy. And most people had no clue he was originally Skywalker.


The Emperor had undeniable power, but what made him even more powerful was his ability to skeem and plan. Very rarely has he ever been caught off guard. This is the reason why Vader is able to kill him, cause he never saw Vader turning on him in his master plan.


He was also extremely prideful. This is why his true power comes after the movies. When he died on the Death Star 2, his battle meditation (yes while electrocuting Luke, he was also controlling his Navy with the force) ended and the Empire fought amongst themselves.


When he was strong enough to return, the empire was in factions and disloyal. His subtly was no longer effective, so he used his power to rebuild the empire again.


He never used his powers if he did not need to. He was a master planner who enjoyed crushing his opposition without them even knowing he was in the game.

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Then why would he need a death star?

And how would it be possible to him being captured by one of his Admirals?


Looks to me he is overrated


The Death Star was not about destroying the planets, it was more about a symbol of the empires power.


Planets would surrender at the site of it. Yes his power was stronger then the space station, but it did not offer a visual like the Death Star did.


For armies to understand his power, he would have to use it. To understand the Death Stars power, he would only need to show it to you.


He did not want to rule a galaxy of the dead. He wanted to rule a galaxy of loyal and afraid minions.

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Your mistaken about him being outed as a Sith Lord. Yes the Jedi in hiding, and the upper command of his Empire knew of his power. But he never outed himself to the general public in the galaxy.


Vader was the one who was given the credit for hunting down the Jedi in the galaxy. And most people had no clue he was originally Skywalker.


The Emperor had undeniable power, but what made him even more powerful was his ability to skeem and plan. Very rarely has he ever been caught off guard. This is the reason why Vader is able to kill him, cause he never saw Vader turning on him in his master plan.


He was also extremely prideful. This is why his true power comes after the movies. When he died on the Death Star 2, his battle meditation (yes while electrocuting Luke, he was also controlling his Navy with the force) ended and the Empire fought amongst themselves.


When he was strong enough to return, the empire was in factions and disloyal. His subtly was no longer effective, so he used his power to rebuild the empire again.


He never used his powers if he did not need to. He was a master planner who enjoyed crushing his opposition without them even knowing he was in the game.


Fought amongst themselves and were lost. It was explained in the Thrawn series that Sidious ensured that the imperial military would be useless without him. They relied on his battle meditation entirely and this is mostly because Sidious felt he'd always be around and that the Empire would always need him. He was aiming pretty much to be the "God" of his people and that without him they were nothing.


When Thrawn took control he started changing things.

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Your mistaken about him being outed as a Sith Lord. Yes the Jedi in hiding, and the upper command of his Empire knew of his power. But he never outed himself to the general public in the galaxy.


Vader was the one who was given the credit for hunting down the Jedi in the galaxy. And most people had no clue he was originally Skywalker.


The Emperor had undeniable power, but what made him even more powerful was his ability to skeem and plan. Very rarely has he ever been caught off guard. This is the reason why Vader is able to kill him, cause he never saw Vader turning on him in his master plan.


He was also extremely prideful. This is why his true power comes after the movies. When he died on the Death Star 2, his battle meditation (yes while electrocuting Luke, he was also controlling his Navy with the force) ended and the Empire fought amongst themselves.


When he was strong enough to return, the empire was in factions and disloyal. His subtly was no longer effective, so he used his power to rebuild the empire again.


He never used his powers if he did not need to. He was a master planner who enjoyed crushing his opposition without them even knowing he was in the game.



Excellent! Thank you, that all makes much more sense now. I just need to go and read the stuff from after the Battle of Endor to reduce my ignorance :)

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Hey, so i just had a question regarding Darth Sidious for all the lore-savy people out there.


So we all know Sidious was the most powerful Sith lord of all time, I'm not here to debate that, but my question is, what makes him so powerful?


I'm really just looking for a direct event i may have missed, or some kind of statistic, from what I'm found skimming over a lot about him, i cant really find anything as great about him as say, Darth Nihilus, Vitiate or Exar Kun.


Sidious draining billions of lives with one thought? Creating Force Storms that could rip apart the entire New Republic Fleet? Or the part where if any regular Jedi was in his presence they would be consumed by the Darkness?

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Then why would he need a death star?

And how would it be possible to him being captured by one of his Admirals?


Looks to me he is overrated


Why did he need a death star? Why did he need to become supremem chancellor instead of killing everyone in the room?




The Death Star was created for control of the Imperial Senate, to rule through fear. As stated by Tarkin in Episode 4.


He became Supreme Chancellor so that he could conquer the galaxy without being hated on by the other Planets, without having any enemies. Everybody liked Palpatine until they realized that they were conquered.

Edited by BrandonSM
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It just seems like the the stuff written after the movies makes Sidious seem so powerful that there's no way the rebellion or even Luke's existence could have even taken place, unless he was a total *******, which he clearly was not.

Oh you dont know the best part he dies his final death by a blaster shot in the back from han solo. :eek:

If you ask me the EU over rated sidious way to much, when i found that he had a cloning facility in biss and could transfer his "soul" to other bodies and becomming imortal, i laugh and stop reading. same stuff when he could create whormholes in space with his mind that swalow fleets.

I mean i understand the rituals and all, it makes sense, like battle meditation, and the ritual on Nathema etc, but with a flick of his mind he could kill every one in a planet comom... lol its star wars not dragon ball z.

Edited by Spartanik
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It isn't really that Sidious is the MOST POWERFUL Sith Lord of all time, at least not overtly, but that he is the MOST SUCCESSFUL Sith Lord of all time.


There are plenty of Sith Lords who have wielded more raw power than Sidious. . . the example of Nihlous springs to mind, as well as The Emperor from TOR. However, Sidious had power in a completely different way. . . namely, he could sit in a room Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu, smile at them, call them friend, LIE TO THEIR FACES, and they'd never know the difference. Now, part of that can be attributed to the "growing shroud of the Dark Side" mentioned throughout the prequels, but there is still the nebulous question of whether Sidious himself was responsible for creating that increasing pall (essentially, that Palpatine was SO EVIL, the whole Force itself turned dark, blinding the Jedi to a great many things), or if he was simply taking advantage of this mysterious "darkening" of the Force, or if the two somehow fed off each other in a vicious cycle: the more powerful Sidious became, the deeper the pall of the Dark Side became, which in turn made Sidious more powerful, which in turn. . . etc.


Even so, Sidious shows a supernatural ability with duplicity, manipulating not only the Republic as Senator and Chancellor Palpatine, but the Trade Federation and Confederacy of Independent Systems as Darth Sidious, playing both ends against his middle. He even puts himself into seemingly dangerous situations, still retaining complete control. Grievous was clearly oblivious to Palpatine's dual identity when he and Dooku, under command of Lord Sidious, kidnapped Palpatine, the whole event orchestrated to bring Anakin back to where Sidious could finish his conversion to the Dark Side. Even Dooku was nothing more than a test for Anakin, another way for Palpatine to push all the right buttons to send Anakin hurtling into the depths of the Dark Side.


Honestly, Sidious' true strength was in his ability to plot, plan, prepare, and manipulate. He had everything laid out, and made it all happen exactly as he wanted it to. I'm sure there were a few wrinkles in his plans, things he never prepared for, but he was still able to use them all to his advantage, or at the very least prevent them from becoming hindrances. For instance, I'm sure he never intended Darth Maul to die on Naboo, but instead planned to use him in a similar role that General Grievous eventually filled.


That's what made Sidious the greatest Sith Lord of all time.

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It isn't really that Sidious is the MOST POWERFUL Sith Lord of all time, at least not overtly, but that he is the MOST SUCCESSFUL Sith Lord of all time.


There are plenty of Sith Lords who have wielded more raw power than Sidious. . . .


No there isn't. There's none. Sidious wielded more raw power than any Sith Lord.

Edited by Rhyltran
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What does that.... have to with anything were discussing..???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


i mean when you compare to characters.


i assume he thinks TOR era are a lot better and more powerful characters then ROTE era.

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He was that clone...


No matter who bad a book or how poorly written it is, its still canon.


I quote Mara Jade from Vision of the Future:


Mara: When you were dealing with whatever that was on Byss-

Luke: The reincarnated Emperor.

Mara: Whatever.

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