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Need a good populated Server


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I think that most of the servers will get very populated in a few month, when people will realise that this game is so awesome :D

If that ever happens you'd find that most of the new players would just storm the already heavy pop servers, low pop servers wouldn't see much of a change.

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So my server has less than 60 people on fleet at any given time and its also pub dominated and I need to re-roll...


Whats a good high pop server where I won't be crushed all day by repubs?


Hey there Frawgger, I know exactly what you're going through. My boyfriend and I started on The Defenestrator (PvE, EST) server and it was always dead - it drove me nuts and made me miserable with not even 20 people on the Republic Fleet at peak time. Go figure, we make our way to one of the most-populated PvE, EST servers, Mind Trick, on Empire-side, no less. It's has an Empire-slanted ratio, I want to say something like 3:1, so you won't be "crushed all day by repubs." Granted, I only ever seem to get Huttball for PvP WZs, though that could just be bad luck.


Of course, it depends on what type of server you're looking for. You won't go wrong on Mind Trick as Empire if PvE EST is what you're looking for - having 200+ players on the Fleet at peak time is always a nice thing to see, you'll have little trouble finding Flashpoint/Operation groups, the GTN is very much used, etc. What I'd like to know is, what server are you on, and what type of server are you looking for? I almost get the vibe you're presently on a PvP one.


What I'd recommend is hopping online at peak time and sort the servers based on population. Look to see what servers are heavy or very heavy, and choose based on server type and time zone. Create a trash character (i.e. don't bother with cosmetics and appearance) and look to talk to someone either on the Fleet to find out more about the server (Empire-Republic ratio, player economy, PvP, etc.). I lucked out doing this myself when I was checking out Mind Trick server - I had a great person to talk to who'd spend all sorts of time answering any question I had, so it left me with a fantastic impression. Suffice it to say, we made the right choice in our move.



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Hey there Frawgger, I know exactly what you're going through. My boyfriend and I started on The Defenestrator (PvE, EST) server and it was always dead - it drove me nuts and made me miserable with not even 20 people on the Republic Fleet at peak time. Go figure, we make our way to one of the most-populated PvE, EST servers, Mind Trick, on Empire-side, no less. It's has an Empire-slanted ratio, I want to say something like 3:1, so you won't be "crushed all day by repubs." Granted, I only ever seem to get Huttball for PvP WZs, though that could just be bad luck.


Of course, it depends on what type of server you're looking for. You won't go wrong on Mind Trick as Empire if PvE EST is what you're looking for - having 200+ players on the Fleet at peak time is always a nice thing to see, you'll have little trouble finding Flashpoint/Operation groups, the GTN is very much used, etc. What I'd like to know is, what server are you on, and what type of server are you looking for? I almost get the vibe you're presently on a PvP one.


What I'd recommend is hopping online at peak time and sort the servers based on population. Look to see what servers are heavy or very heavy, and choose based on server type and time zone. Create a trash character (i.e. don't bother with cosmetics and appearance) and look to talk to someone either on the Fleet to find out more about the server (Empire-Republic ratio, player economy, PvP, etc.). I lucked out doing this myself when I was checking out Mind Trick server - I had a great person to talk to who'd spend all sorts of time answering any question I had, so it left me with a fantastic impression. Suffice it to say, we made the right choice in our move.




It's good to see you didn't wait too long to re-roll. I bet you are much happier on your new server, despite having to start over.


Good luck!

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Are you looking for a some-what balanced server or an 99% Imperial dominated server? I heard The Fatman had a decent balance. The Swiftsure is pretty populated as well, I don't know what their balance is though for Repubs, but it's Imperial heavy last time I checked. My server (Bondar Crystal) has a pretty good balance as well (but there are more Imperials). I don't think you'd like my server, Republic win warzones most of the time, even if Imperials win in numbers. >___<
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