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Sorc 600k heals


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So let's recap:


1. You complain how OP class X is based on a player of class X outperforming you


2. You are told "you suck", because others of your class can match class X and you apparently can not


3. You explain why player of class X has outperformed you with a perfectly logically explanation and make sure to let everybody know that you would have outperformed said player had conditions been the same


What were you complaining about again?


Most is due to on those maps I make sure to dot everyone near the door while I'm healing and they know it so even when I go down the rare time they know they're not capping it....so they stop coming by the door or node I'm defending.


Hard to pull numbers when nobody comes to play!


Baddie Sorcs just need a lesson not to QQ every time someone rocks them.

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So a class that you easily kill is obviously overpowered, but yours is fine...


Logic not your strong suit?


When I'm in dps spec, I kill lots of things pretty easy....mainly because in this 'team' based game, as an assassin I go kill the things at low health that stray too far away from a healer...in order for our team to get the numbers advantage.


If I walked up to a group of 2 without stealthing I'd get my *** handed to me.


In heal spec I stay near objectives till the enemy afks in base because they can't capture anything.


PS: in a 1v1, I still define easy as somethin I can kill eventually in 6-7 if not 10 attacks in between cc's as long as I keep em slowed. Obviously less is better. I've never 3 shot anything that wasn't already half dead (well maybe level 20s haha).

Edited by _Morholt_
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When I'm in dps spec, I kill lots of things pretty easy....mainly because in this 'team' based game, as an assassin I go kill the things at low health that stray too far away from a healer...in order for our team to get the numbers advantage.


If I walked up to a group of 2 without stealthing I'd get my *** handed to me.


In heal spec I stay near objectives till the enemy afks in base because they can't capture anything.


PS: in a 1v1, I still define easy as somethin I can kill eventually in 6-7 if not 10 attacks in between cc's as long as I keep em slowed. Obviously less is better. I've never 3 shot anything that wasn't already half dead.


assassins dont have a heal spec.

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