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How I Fixed - [WEEKLY] Operations Bug

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Basically I had this quest in my log for 3 weeks and completed it's requirements every week and never got credit. Alot of people say only group 1 (column one on the left of operation frames) gets credit for the quest.


I got mad because the issue was not fixed, so I just dropped both of the weekly normal and hard mode operation quests.


After dropping them, I picked them back up today, and my guild just ran through the operations today and got my quest completed for at least normal mode.




Summary: Drop weekly operation quests before raid, pick them up again, and go to raid.


Hope this fix works for everyone.


Edited by DkSharktooth
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One group gets credit, and in my operations it is always, without exception, the group that tags the mob first. If you do EV and HH with the same group (as an 8 man), then it's easy to coordinate so everyone gets credit.
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