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I'm Puzzled why they Removed the 50s Entry Level PvP Armor


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Is anybody aware of people facerolling their server with the first 50 set of PvP armor? How could it be overpowered when the higher level 50 sets have more stats and yet they are still in the game?


Things like this bother me. Did they have a meeting where everybody was like, "OMG get that armor out of the game right NOW!" Did they sit around plotting that they wanted all new level 50s to get crushed in the level 50 bracket? What other thoughts do you guys have about this?

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Despite that, I don't think its a gear/expertise issue. Those matter for 1v1, but pvp is supposedly balanced for group pvp.

In theory, both teams would have people geared and ungeared which cancels out the advantage for either side.


But because the pvp queue matches premades vs pugs, you have organized, and usually geared premade groups with the 'right' classes needed for group pvp going up against the truly random pugs. And pugs will have this mix of completely ungeared to geared, new to pvp people, afkers, and people who dont' listen to instructions.


This is why its hard to win games alot of times if you solo queue, not gear/expertise.

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You're less likely to grind if you have an introductory set.


Actually, WoW proved just the opposite. By giving people the ability to craft lower-quality ("blue) PvP armor they actually ENCOURAGED casual PvPers to dig deeper into the system since they weren't being curbstomped anymore.

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Actually, WoW proved just the opposite. By giving people the ability to craft lower-quality ("blue) PvP armor they actually ENCOURAGED casual PvPers to dig deeper into the system since they weren't being curbstomped anymore.


They also didn't have an lottery PvP gear system.

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Despite that, I don't think its a gear/expertise issue. Those matter for 1v1, but pvp is supposedly balanced for group pvp.

In theory, both teams would have people geared and ungeared which cancels out the advantage for either side.


But because the pvp queue matches premades vs pugs, you have organized, and usually geared premade groups with the 'right' classes needed for group pvp going up against the truly random pugs. And pugs will have this mix of completely ungeared to geared, new to pvp people, afkers, and people who dont' listen to instructions.


This is why its hard to win games alot of times if you solo queue, not gear/expertise.


No need to theorize. Yes, premade have advantages over pugs. Yes gear also provides a very quantifiable advantage. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

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Actually, WoW proved just the opposite. By giving people the ability to craft lower-quality ("blue) PvP armor they actually ENCOURAGED casual PvPers to dig deeper into the system since they weren't being curbstomped anymore.


Where are your stats to back that up? Or anything to back that up?


Anyway, if you can get a full set of gear you're less likely to PvP all day all the time for RNG bag drops because you'll have enough not to get facerolled at every encounter. It's the only purpose for their removal and everyone knows it.

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Where are your stats to back that up? Or anything to back that up?


Anyway, if you can get a full set of gear you're less likely to PvP all day all the time for RNG bag drops because you'll have enough not to get facerolled at every encounter. It's the only purpose for their removal and everyone knows it.


Crafted PvP gear was obviously for PvP, and obviously not needed for people that had something better, so what exactly would you imagine it was for if not casuals?


It's funny that you're asking for proof of concept for something so obvious while stating something equally unprovable like it's fact.

Edited by BDutch
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because it was avoiding bw's time sink, random bags keep people playing you know, keeps the subscription quotas.


Except that it isn't and will continue to do the opposite...I am the only one of about 8 people that I played other games with that has not canceled my sub already and more than likely will not be renewing it. Don't see how any respectable mmo player could sit through this joke tbh...anyone sticking around for long is either a) huge fan boy/girl or b) has never played anything else.

Edited by Candykissesxoxo
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