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Marauders who is the better companion Quinn or Jaesa?


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It depends on the fight. A very large amount of the time I use Jaesa because between my interrupts, defensive CDs and DPS I can take on most of my quests with another melee DPS. Also because it's melee the mobs are grouped together more often than if I used Vette.


The only time I get Quinn out is on long fights or fights with a lot of melee AOE damage. Freeing the Fallen daily is the type of fight I'm talking about.

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I use Quinn nearly 100% of the time since I got him. If his gear is kept top notch he only rarely lets me get below 50% health. He particularly shines after lvl 35.


Quinn is also your neutral companion. He plays equally well with Dark or Light side players as long as you don't try to make him laugh while he is on duty. Which is all the time...even when he is running around ship in his boxers eating that styrofoam like desert out of the MRE kit you gave him.


Vette as my number 2 when I need some over the top DPS to clear out miles of yard trash in short order. I like her attitude and humor. Jaesa, even though she is effective, something about her is so off-putting that I leave her in the ship. I think if I were to dable with a romance Vette would be more appealing to me.


Bottom line. Try them all out, they all have their charms and uses. Pick the ones that mesh well with your play style and personality. Effectiveness is important but a bonus if they also enhance your story immersion. Quinn is spit and polish and borderline toff at times. He may not be the best but the story is less satisfying for me without him.

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I use Jaesa, since she can cast an AoE Slow in every pull, which enables your Savage Kick without any real drawback. (too bad it doesn't work in boss fights, tho)

Also, she is not a bad DPS, you just have to disable her lightning based attack, because it is bad.

Edited by RodCS
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I've used Vette near-exclusively for a couple reasons.


-Not melee like myself or Jaesa, so less sensitive to mob abilities, can just keep blasting away.


-Can easily toggle between stronger AoE damage for clearing trash or single-target damage for harder mobs.


There are two basic MMO mindsets I've found: "kill before I get killed" and "outlast what's trying to kill me". There's nothing wrong with the latter mindset, but it tends to bias towards conservative, "safe" strategies that seek to minimize risk rather than maximize potential.


Doubling up with melee + ranged DD does mean more downtime channeling hatred between fights, but it also significantly reduces the time spent in a given fight, so it winds up being a wash. There is undeniably more risk, and it does require at least a bit of companion micromanagement + application of tactics, but I feel it's well worth it (there are times fight length is cut considerably, plus it's more fun).


That said, there are times when you just need a healer, so Quinn will always have a place.

Edited by Omophorus
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Vette is nice for damage and I would imagine her being the best piece of Twilek tail on the ship.. but...


Quinn is good for heals, so you can take on Elites, no prob, and less channelling so less downtime, so really I use him exclusively. Really DPS should not be a problem for Marauders


Jaessa seems like the perfect Dark Side Warrior marrying type to advance an Empire career, but leave her at home, and keep Vette on the ship for fun, lol.

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I used Quinn until I got Jaesa and fell in love with her but after many many quests and hours I found myself switching back to Quinn. I'm a simpleton and not having to micro myself is nice. Just attack without thinking while getting healed is nice. lol. but I don't think you can pick a "wrong" companion.
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