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Marauder set bonuses


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These are some of the dumbest set bonuses I have seen an MMORPG in years. 4 piece bonus that increases the range on vicious throw by 5 meters. That the pvp set. And then a 2 piece bonus that reduces the rage cost of vicious throw by 1.


Just wow...


hey Bioware. Newsflash. Vicious throw doesnt do very much damage when you cant cast it because your set that you worked your butt of for in no way helps you GET the enemy to sub 20%.


Vicious throw is FINE on its own. A more well rounded 4 piece pvp bonus would be something that actually aids in pvp (what a concept). Take for example, DEADLY throw. Given a damage boost, or better heal debuff on that ability, it would actually be very usable in pvp. So, that would make a great candidate for a 4 piece pvp set bonus. I dont know, maybe something like 405-50% heal reduction instead of this measly 20%. Which, by the way, is a subject of its own. Healers are currently unrivaled in pvp because your version of "mortal strike" simply doesnt cut the cheese.


As for pve. A 2 piece bonus to lower rage to vicious throw by 1 is, "ehhhhh." There are much better pve moves that could be replaced there. Reduced rage cost by to smash, thus making a properly spec'ed marauder getting a free smash... kinda like a jugg (what a thought). Or perhaps, a lowered cooldown to ravage. Maybe even added crit chance to one or two moves. But not vicious throw. While it does hit hard, its rarely usable. So let's take another look at that whole idea of "buffing" the move via set bonuses.

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PvE one is a joke. PvP one isn't too bad, the extra 5 range on vicious throw allows me to finish off some dudes that get just barely out of range.


It's not so much that it's passable as it is a complete and utter waste of a set bonus compared to other classes. Juggernauts get 10% bonus damage after charge and 8% heal on intercede for their DPS set. For their tank set they get 5% extra damage when guarding and an additional second on choke. For BH they get 15% extra crit chance on rail shot.


I'd love to get 15% extra crit chance on annihilate or 10% damage boost after charge.

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The Vicious Throw bonus is kinda ok, but not as good as the bonuses of other classes already mentioned. Honestly, as the marauder is one of the only pure melee dps classes in the game some damage bonuses OR an anti-cc bonus is a MUST on this set.


This issue has been discussed like 1000 times already together with the rest of the "lack of armor for marauders" topic. Another thread that will vanish very soon and get reopened a day after.

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