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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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No need to change things, the system works fine as is.


works fine? seriously? have you ever played any decent games?


Good games are supposed to care about game play, efficiency, fun factors, and most of all, they should care about players.


you go all the way to the corner of the map, go to orbital station, go to airlock, and then see a cutscene, loading, inside defender, go upstair, pick a destination, cutscene, go downstair, loading, go to airlock, go to orbital station and you call this works fine as is? Is this a joke? This is possibly the worst idea and also the worst game that is ever made in gaming history.


Tell me 1 game that is worse than this and I will walk away.

Edited by JoonKimDMD
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Because I'd rather they work on bugs, more content, and other important things?


Behold the self-centered among us.


"Only that which I deem important shall be worked on by BW developers! Thus saith the Lord our God."



While I will admit to running into an extraordinary amount of bugs, 3 of which were 100% game breaking until they were resolved, I still have to deal with moronic travel system more frequently that I have to deal with bugs. There are only two factors that determine the importance of a failure, Frequency and Severity. People may argue about the severity of the travel pain in this game, but there's no arguing frequency.

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Behold the self-centered among us.


"Only that which I deem important shall be worked on by BW developers! Thus saith the Lord our God."



While I will admit to running into an extraordinary amount of bugs, 3 of which were 100% game breaking until they were resolved, I still have to deal with moronic travel system more frequently that I have to deal with bugs. There are only two factors that determine the importance of a failure, Frequency and Severity. People may argue about the severity of the travel pain in this game, but there's no arguing frequency.


Self-centered for thinking they should work on things that affect the majority?


Also, the fact that you don't have to deal with bugs is good for you.

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I for one am a fan of the spaceship travel in this game, but I think the pointless corridors and badly thought out load points somewhat impairs the ability to enjoy it. Honestly, it wouldn't be THAT hard to 'fix' this to make it less monotonous. Someone mentioned this earlier, don't play the ship take off cut scene unless you actually leave the planet. Also, would it be that hard to make it so you can enter your ship without a loading screen? That would cut down on two loading screens, one for entering your ship and one for leaving. Not to mention when you have to travel back to your ship to take a holocall it would, again, cut down on meaningless load screens. How about giving Tython and similar planets an actual place where your ship can land so you can get rid of the whole shuttle situation for lower level planets?
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Good gamers only care about it being more fun than not.


The amount of fun I have running back and forth between orbital stations and airlocks is almost too much to put into words.

I actually wish there wasn't even the rest of the game. I just want the part where I can run back and forth in that empty corridor.

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I can't stand the Orbital Stations... I mean, leave them there as an option to go to, but I don't want to go through it every time.


where are you guys getting this idea you must use orbital stations?

why would you ever have to use one?


  1. go to planet spaceport
  2. enter your classes spacedock
  3. board your ship and take off
  4. chart course to new planet
  5. arrive at new planet


I see no orbital station in the above list, do you?

Edited by Gilbara
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I for one am a fan of the spaceship travel in this game, but I think the pointless corridors and badly thought out load points somewhat impairs the ability to enjoy it. Honestly, it wouldn't be THAT hard to 'fix' this to make it less monotonous. Someone mentioned this earlier, don't play the ship take off cut scene unless you actually leave the planet. Also, would it be that hard to make it so you can enter your ship without a loading screen? That would cut down on two loading screens, one for entering your ship and one for leaving. Not to mention when you have to travel back to your ship to take a holocall it would, again, cut down on meaningless load screens. How about giving Tython and similar planets an actual place where your ship can land so you can get rid of the whole shuttle situation for lower level planets?



well...why don't you quit playing this crappy game and go play something far better such as diablo 3 and guild wars 2?

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The amount of fun I have running back and forth between orbital stations and airlocks is almost too much to put into words.

I actually wish there wasn't even the rest of the game. I just want the part where I can run back and forth in that empty corridor.


You must be doing more traveling than me.



I'm busy playing the game.

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I can't stand the Orbital Stations... I mean, leave them there as an option to go to, but I don't want to go through it every time.


where are you guys getting this idea you must use orbital stations?

why would you ever have to use one?


  1. go to planet spaceport
  2. enter your classes spacedock
  3. board your ship and take off
  4. chart course to new planet
  5. arrive at new planet


I see no orbital station in the above list, do you?

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where are you guys getting this idea you must use orbital stations?

why would you ever have to use one?


  1. go to planet spaceport
  2. enter your classes spacedock
  3. board your ship and take off
  4. chart course to new planet
  5. arrive at new planet


I see no orbital station in the above list, do you?


Just because you didn't write it down, doesn't mean it's not there, LOL.

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where are you guys getting this idea you must use orbital stations?

why would you ever have to use one?


  1. go to planet spaceport
  2. enter your classes spacedock
  3. board your ship and take off
  4. chart course to new planet
  5. arrive at new planet


I see no orbital station in the above list, do you?


Even in that dumbed-down version there's still 6 steps.

And I mean... you're probably right... there aren't any orbital stations at all in the game, I think we're all just imagining it. :rolleyes:

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Because I'd rather they work on bugs, more content, and other important things?


Seriously, you're not willing to compromise the amount of time it takes to add a single button to activate a feature that's already in the game, even if it makes quite a few players happy and doesn't hurt you at all?

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Even in that dumbed-down version there's still 6 steps.

And I mean... you're probably right... there aren't any orbital stations at all in the game, I think we're all just imagining it. :rolleyes:


who cares if there are a million orbital stations

the point is you never have to use them, ever

isn't that the point?


the TS says he goes to the orbital stations

this adds like three useless time consuming steps to space travel


sry if i am making too much sense for you

are your logic circuits overloading?

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uhhh, ok brarh


i have traveled countess times between planets

and never used an orbital station

how do you explain that brah?


hm... there are couple of possible theories I can come up with.


1. the game you played isn't actually star wars the old republic.

2. you used user made mod that skips all the pointless orbital stations.

3. you didn't pay attention to where you were going.

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who cares if there are a million orbital stations

the point is you never have to use them, ever

isn't that the point?


the TS says he goes to the orbital stations

this adds like three useless time consuming steps to space travel


sry if i am making too much sense for you

are your logic circuits overloading?


I find it hard to follow anything you're saying to be honest. It must be over my head 'brarh'.

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Seriously, you're not willing to compromise the amount of time it takes to add a single button to activate a feature that's already in the game, even if it makes quite a few players happy and doesn't hurt you at all?


Not if it takes people from fixing the game in a way that helps the majority.


Stop thinking about this like it's a you-me thing. There are ability queue issues, the UI takes up a lot of resources, people being kicked out and their audio cutting, and a thousand other things that are far more important.

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Instant gratification generation... I'd like to know what ppl actually want to do... :cool:


It's all take me from A to B instantly with one click...


Don't make me kill X number of mobs....


Don't make me run from A to B.....


Why can't I find a group with one click.....


Why aren't I 50 out of the box.......


All of this so ppl can then complain they're bored there's nothing to do lol


The list of whines is endless and if they were all just the way they wanted them they'd find another list of things to complain about. As far as I'm concerned the ship and the travel makes it feel as though I'm travelling round - one click just wouldn't do that.

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Not if it takes people from fixing the game in a way that helps the majority.


Stop thinking about this like it's a you-me thing. There are ability queue issues, the UI takes up a lot of resources, people being kicked out and their audio cutting, and a thousand other things that are far more important.


Because clearly this is an issue that will take millions of man-hours to fix.

EA may have to shift all resources even from ME3 to move everyone over to focus on taking away a couple steps in the travel process on SWTOR.


This may actually push ME3 back until 2014 now that I think about it.

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Because clearly this is an issue that will take millions of man-hours to fix.

EA may have to shift all resources even from ME3 to move everyone over to focus on taking away a couple steps in the travel process on SWTOR.


This may actually push ME3 back until 2014 now that I think about it.


Moving even three developers from something with a point to this is too many.


Stop being so self-focused!

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Instant gratification generation... I'd like to know what ppl actually want to do... :cool:


It's all take me from A to B instantly with one click...


Don't make me kill X number of mobs....


Don't make me run from A to B.....


Why can't I find a group with one click.....


Why aren't I 50 out of the box.......


All of this so ppl can then complain they're bored there's nothing to do lol


The list of whines is endless and if they were all just the way they wanted them they'd find another list of things to complain about. As far as I'm concerned the ship and the travel makes it feel as though I'm travelling round - one click just wouldn't do that.


Absolutely nothing to do with 'instant gratification generation'. I'm 35, I'm past the point where I'm entertained by flashing lights and pretty colors.

Nobody in here thinks they should be '50 out of the box'. It's hilarious watching people try to defend their precious game. I'm not attacking the game. I'm saying travel needs improvement. I play the game, for the most part I enjoy it. It could be better, it could be worse.

My post points directly at travelling, not any other facet of the game. Just travel. it has nothing to do with any other game. I'm not comparing it to any other game. I'm just saying that the travel in this game is tedious, and not fun, and in no way promotes any sort of community, or interaction with anything. All it is, is empty space wandering and load screens and zoning for no reason. I get as much enjoyment out of walking through the airlocks and hangars, and orbital stations as i would banging my head against a post.

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Moving even three developers from something with a point to this is too many.


Stop being so self-focused!


You make it sound like fixing travel would be some sort of monumental achievement for a company that has worked on countless games. One person could probably fix it in 3 minutes.

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