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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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no, that's stupid. we should have a quick travel point on our ships, and bioware needs to get rid of Airlocks, just make the green screens take us straight to our ship and cut the airlocks out of the equation. there, fixed.


Yeah...airlocks are so pointless. I don't know if they are going for more realism is what but it's star wars...nothing is really that realistic now is it lol. Totally agree about QT to ship. It gets old traveling all the way to a starport (which btw all look the same) then through airlock then finally ship. Just QT to ship and be done!

Edited by fluffydelusions
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Let's say for instance I'm on a planet and i want to go to the next planet...


I start off on planet A... I have to run through the pointless space station that for some reason looks the exact same on every planet...


I think I then have to zone into the hangar of my class... then I have to run all the way to shuttle or whatever...


Then for whatever reason I'm now on a pointless orbital station... god dammit! So I have to run to the next point where I have to zone... now I'm in a gosh darn airlock??? jesus Christ when will I get to my Spaceship...


Ok cool I'm finally on my spaceship... oh my god I wish my stupid droid had something else to say other than the same 5 lines every time I zoned in... I wish he would shutup already!


Ok cool, finally I'm ready to go to the planet I want... what the hell I'm in the gosh darn airlock again... awesome I'll just run through that again for whatever pointless reason...


Jesus Christ I'm on another orbital station. I guess I'll just spend more time running to the stupid shuttle... is there even a point to this stupid orbital station other than pissing me off...


Cool I'm finally on the planet I want... oh Jesus tapdancing Christ i have to run through the hangar again... oh look I zoned into the exact same space station again? is this even a different planet or am I on the same one? Guess I'll have to run through this generic space station to see what planet I'm on...


All that time wasted for no reason...

My point... please for the love of god BW... make travel between planets less painful...


Lol!! This guy is funny. But ya, fleet emergency pass and fast travel need like a 5 min cool down.

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Never understood why people hated on emersion so much. It's already so much easier to travel in this game than it is in most MMOs. Not to mention orbital stations are used in place of space stations. You never have to go through a space station into a hanger, into an orbital station, into an air lock.


It takes me like a minute to go to whatever planet I want, I fail to see the difference between that and waiting on a zepplin or sitting on a flight path for 3 minutes.

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Yeah, that QT cooldown is kind of ridiculous and annoying. I hate when I'm on one side of the planet and objective is on another and have a long wait on cooldown.


The long cooldown is annoying but it's not like you can't buy others with a shorter cooldown...

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I felt the same.

planets should be like korriban is now, with a shuttle with option to go to the fleet, and they should have drop ships if you like, to a shuttle sitting ont he planet. most planets from what i know have a shuttle for instant fleet access. why not 2 way?


Not sure when they fixed the starter ships. i remember it offering the fleet or orbital station and the fleet choice would just make the screen flicker.

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Let's say for instance I'm on a planet and i want to go to the next planet...


I start off on planet A... I have to run through the pointless space station that for some reason looks the exact same on every planet...


I think I then have to zone into the hangar of my class... then I have to run all the way to shuttle or whatever...


Then for whatever reason I'm now on a pointless orbital station... god dammit! So I have to run to the next point where I have to zone... now I'm in a gosh darn airlock??? jesus Christ when will I get to my Spaceship...


Ok cool I'm finally on my spaceship... oh my god I wish my stupid droid had something else to say other than the same 5 lines every time I zoned in... I wish he would shutup already!


Ok cool, finally I'm ready to go to the planet I want... what the hell I'm in the gosh darn airlock again... awesome I'll just run through that again for whatever pointless reason...


Jesus Christ I'm on another orbital station. I guess I'll just spend more time running to the stupid shuttle... is there even a point to this stupid orbital station other than pissing me off...


Cool I'm finally on the planet I want... oh Jesus tapdancing Christ i have to run through the hangar again... oh look I zoned into the exact same space station again? is this even a different planet or am I on the same one? Guess I'll have to run through this generic space station to see what planet I'm on...


All that time wasted for no reason...

My point... please for the love of god BW... make travel between planets less painful...


I think at lvl 25 when you get your speeder you should get a shuttle pass that is on a 15 min timer to port into your spaceship. That way you can at least get to your ship asap, and be off to the other planet, and only then deal with one orbital station when you arrive.

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I've seen several planets a shuttle to fleet, but they are not marked on the map, you have to sort of remember where they are.


Here is my suggestion:

Every spaceport in the game (Starting location for each planet) Should have a shuttle to fleet (Republic and Imperial for late-game planets) right next to the speeder at the spaceport.


Problems solved?


I think traveling to a planet from fleet is fine as is, although I dislike the hanger, if it wasn't there I think people would complain about not being able to see their ship.


People always complain about something, regardless of how you do it.


Like George W. Bush. He figured that out


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people are still going on about the 60 seconds it takes to get from your ship down to a planet?


reminds me of that little girl in the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory...


"I want it nooowwwwww!!!"


If you people have problems with 60 seconds of downtime in your game, maybe you shouldn't be playing an MMO.

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people are still going on about the 60 seconds it takes to get from your ship down to a planet?


reminds me of that little girl in the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory...


"I want it nooowwwwww!!!"


If you people have problems with 60 seconds of downtime in your game, maybe you shouldn't be playing an MMO.


If you can't read the thread maybe you shouldn't be commenting.

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Never understood why people hated on emersion so much. It's already so much easier to travel in this game than it is in most MMOs. Not to mention orbital stations are used in place of space stations. You never have to go through a space station into a hanger, into an orbital station, into an air lock.


It takes me like a minute to go to whatever planet I want, I fail to see the difference between that and waiting on a zepplin or sitting on a flight path for 3 minutes.


1 load screen thats the difference. Also you can go get a drink or pee while you wait. The wait time in this game is about the same unless you having that load time lag where it takes 10 min to load each new area. There is 7 load times between planets and each one you need to walk to and click and wait and click and wait and click and wait 7 times. Cut that down to 1 like other MMOs and people would be fine with it. BW has some bad design when it comes to getting to your ship to switch planets.

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1 load screen thats the difference. Also you can go get a drink or pee while you wait. The wait time in this game is about the same unless you having that load time lag where it takes 10 min to load each new area. There is 7 load times between planets and each one you need to walk to and click and wait and click and wait and click and wait 7 times. Cut that down to 1 like other MMOs and people would be fine with it. BW has some bad design when it comes to getting to your ship to switch planets.


I've never really experienced that load lag I guess... maybe that's why it never bothered me. Seems like an entirely different issue though.


I'm not sure it's fair to call the 1 second fade to black between doors a "load screen." Seems to me that there are 2 load screens 1 to get on the ship, 1 to get off. Your point still stands about the "one" load screen business but it seems like splitting hairs and I'd much prefer this to sitting on a zepplin tower.


Difference of opinion I guess though.

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I agree 100%, the time it takes to travel from planet to planet is retarded. Another thing I find retarded, if you happen to get booted from being afk a whopping 25 seconds in any WZ, no matter where you were prior to the WZ, for instance Ilum, you get ported to the fleet.... *** now I have to travel another 15 minutes to get back to Ilum to farm for my daily in that RETARDED zone.





Thanks a lot for wasting my time and money.....

Edited by pelomixa
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Congrats, you know things! Have a cookie! ;)


Of course aspects of your argument will be ignored by me (and other people) just because the are pointless:


again: 'what is actual an artefact of their story content' - wrong! It is part of the environment they have created! This may contain characters that only spawned as part of the story/planet arc which in theory could be dropped but this would do very little change things.


What you are saying is 'I have done the storyline, now give me the bare bones of anything other than storyline'


Sorry, this still leaves the open quest on each world...


okay, I'm done with those as well! Can I now have the bare bones?


Meaning what? PvP? (Please don't say FP this falls under 'open quests' in my book)


I'm really curious whether you can say anything other than 'this is another strawman argument' :eek:




Again, no. :)


Arguing that because they've left an artifical artefact of the story lines, which then cause you to have to run loading screen run loading screen every time you travel is "intended" is again silly.


It's fine for the first time you visit somewhere, or if you visit somewhere ON a story quest, but the reality is because of BAD GAME DESIGN every time you visit somewhere you're having to put up with this artefact.


You get the product ONCE, yet you pay for it EVERY TIME, no matter how many times you use it.


It is purely bad design and can be relatively easily fixed.




Either by:


- allowing you to speeder straight to your ship.


- allowing you to quick travel straight to your ship.


- allowing you to travel without needing to reach your ship (select your destination in the space port and go.



Personally I prefer the first and second options because they are realtively simple to implement (speeder straight to your ship would only need an extended cut scene at most) and fix the majority of the issue in one swoop.



So it's a choice of functional game vs broken artefact borking travel. Pretty easy choice in my book. :D

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I don;t have a problem with space stations during the initial leveling up. They have some cool views of the planet and quest NPCs. Its later when you run planet to planet and deal with the same thing over and over it gets old.


I would like to see something like an additional mod for your ship you can buy at lvl 50 like a "shuttle". Maybe charge 300K so you need to work a little, but not too much, to get it. After you buy it, once an hour your companion can come down and pick you up off any world, taking you DIRECTLY to your ship.


Also on each world there would be a shuttle pad near one for the end planet areas which allows you to land there DIRECTLY from your ship once discovered. Then when guildy Joe says "I need help with poisonous strategy" and your deep in Belsavis you could simply:


shuttle to ship, fly ship to ilum, shuttle to ilum


rather than:


QT to space dock, run to shuttle, zone to space dock, run to elevator, load level, run to ship, zone to ship, run to bridge, fly to planet, run to ship door, zone to space dock, run to elevator, zone to level, run to shuttle, zone to planet

Edited by OrionSky
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I've never really experienced that load lag I guess... maybe that's why it never bothered me. Seems like an entirely different issue though.


I'm not sure it's fair to call the 1 second fade to black between doors a "load screen." Seems to me that there are 2 load screens 1 to get on the ship, 1 to get off. Your point still stands about the "one" load screen business but it seems like splitting hairs and I'd much prefer this to sitting on a zepplin tower.


Difference of opinion I guess though.


Switching planets takes me about 3-5 min. My wife takes about 10-15 min. Each black screen takes 1-3 min to load. Her system ran great in beta and for 28 levels but 2 weeks ago since the patch it takes 10-15 min to get places but I find the 3-5 min it takes me a pain as I would rather that was not me loading screen after screen. I would be happy if they cut it down to 2-3 loading screens.

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Bioware is dealing with a very slippery slope here. If they allow instant travel between planets people will expect instant travel everywhere. The next batch of complaints would be there's no traveling and the game is all teleporting place to place.


They could reach a compromise with planet hearths.


If you complete you class quest line on a planet you recieve a skill, very similar to Emergency Fleet Pass in your general tab. The cooldown would be 5 hours and it allows you to instantly hearth to any class completed planet. That seems fair to me.

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