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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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Don't like it? Try some more traditional MMO's where travel is even more challenging, and then come back here.

Still don't like it? Then quit and go back to insta-gratification land.


I never said i didn't like the game, I'm picking something about the game I don't find particularly appealing and wishing for it to be improved upon.


I guess some people will defend anything...


I acknowledge everyone has different tastes, I just can't find anything about this travel system that anyone could possibly like.

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Since some people seem to enjoy and like the current travel system but others do not, why not just make the stations optional?


That way the players that enjoy the rp elements can choose to play the game with stations turned on and experience the more realistic travel times; whereas the playets that do not enjoy the travel system can turn stations off and instead go directly from planet to ship to planet.

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You have fast travel, which you can pop every 30 minutes, almost every planet has a place you can port which is very close, if not inside, your spaceport. How much easier can you make it?


Be honest, what you want is a pocket Mage to port you wherever you want to go. Or a Warlock to summon you there.


The system in-place is fine as it is, being lazy, however, isn't.

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Well, if my insta travel is off CD, I wouldn't mind a insta travel point in the hangers by the ship. Maybe cut the part when you get in the ship (where it goes into space firs)t and let me enter ship pick the planet then show cut scene of leaving planet and traveling. Would that be more to your liking?
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You have fast travel, which you can pop every 30 minutes, almost every planet has a place you can port which is very close, if not inside, your spaceport. How much easier can you make it?


Be honest, what you want is a pocket Mage to port you wherever you want to go. Or a Warlock to summon you there.


The system in-place is fine as it is, being lazy, however, isn't.


You seem to be a lot more knowledgeable about the abilities of WoW classes than I am. I never played the game, but know enough of it to know that you're trying to bash me because you think I'm a WoW-fan but you're actually the one that appears to have played it.

I could care less if it takes time to travel somewhere, I came from FFXI which is far worse for travel than anything in this game. For whatever reason i just find it painful in this game.

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I'd like it if my annoying droid could like make my ship come pick me up whenever/whereever I wanted.


But that would be too much like the movies and actually fun... the Devs don't like fun.


They want us to look at a loading screen and run through endless carbon copy corridors for most of our game play.

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As a lvl 35 SI, I was just forced to travel to Korriban starter area, the part where you arrive at the very beginning, in order to have a single converation. After that one convo, I was sent off to another planet again. So that was travelling to the space port, going through to the hanger, boarding the ship, going to Korriban, spaceport again, then move across Korriban to the starter area, go back and back though the spaceport and onto my ship. For one conversation.And that's not mentioning planet loading screens!


I wasted half a bloody hour just travelling around to do one tiny conversation that could have eaily been done through this little handy thing my character has in his back pocket. An instant communication holo-display.


I love the game, but this senseless running about is killing me!

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Educate yourself on the meaning of the phrase 'time sink'.


Welcome to MMO's.


This doesn't compare to other MMO's at all.


In other MMO's you can AFK through much of the travel time. In TOR you cannot. You have to be there actively clicking on things every 30 seconds or so and running between points to get where you're going.


Because of this, 8 minutes of travel in TOR is far more aggravating than a 15 minute taxi ride in other games.

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This doesn't compare to other MMO's at all.


In other MMO's you can AFK through much of the travel time. In TOR you cannot. You have to be there actively clicking on things every 30 seconds or so and running between points to get where you're going.


Because of this, 8 minutes of travel in TOR is far more aggravating than a 15 minute taxi ride in other games.


Right on. Not linking up the taxis on Dromund Kaas makes it seems like the Devs want to prevent me from taking a bathroom break. Always felt like WoW was designed to force me to take a bathroom break.

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It's an RPG. Travelling is an essential element of RPG's. If there was no time between travelling to different planets, you can bet there will be a **** load of people complaining about the lack of exploration and sense of journey in this game. And I would agree with them.


The main problem is all the layers of fat that occupy travelling. Orbital stations and mile long corridors and elevators in spaceports. Stuff like that needs to be cut down the a reasonable level because right now it's ridiculous the length of distance you need to run between the speeder and your ship.


But an instant teleport button to another planet is dumb and lazy. If you can't even handle taking a speeder to your ship then an RPG is not the kind of game for you.

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Here is a snip from an article written by Georg Zoeller on SWTOR's death penalty, referring to why corpse runs have been eliminated/reduced:


“The goal for us is to offer entertainment to our players. That means reducing incidents where players quit in frustration because they have to re-run the same content over and over."


I think the left hand of combat doesn't know what the right hand of travel is doing..

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It's an RPG. Travelling is an essential element of RPG's. If there was no time between travelling to different planets, you can bet there will be a **** load of people complaining about the lack of exploration and sense of journey in this game. And I would agree with them.


The main problem is all the layers of fat that occupy travelling. Orbital stations and mile long corridors and elevators in spaceports. Stuff like that needs to be cut down the a reasonable level because right now it's ridiculous the length of distance you need to run between the speeder and your ship.


But an instant teleport button to another planet is dumb and lazy. If you can't even handle taking a speeder to your ship then an RPG is not the kind of game for you.


No one's complaining about the time. The problem is the tedium. Try to absorb the true nature of complaints next time.


If there was an option to "Travel to Dromund Kaas" from, say, Taris, and the system came up with a menu saying "it will take 7 minutes and 15 seconds for you to arrive at Kaas City," I would be a happy camper. Then I could click a button, go make myself some lunch, and come back and watch whetever automated travel sequence there was in the game while I eat my sandwich.


In TOR you can't do that. Other than the taxi rides (which generally eat up less than 1 minute) you are going to be sitting at your computer the entire time you're travelling.

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I couldn't disagree with the OP here more. What makes a good MMO is the feeling that you are playing in a vibrant virtual world that almost seems real. When you can click and go anywhere instantly you completely destroy that feeling, everything seems like a disconnected set of instances.


Back in old EQ, a world that truly seemed real, people would wait for 20 minutes at boat docks, then ride on boats for 30 minutes just to go to certain continents. When you got there you actually felt like a traveler and an adventurer.


You WoW kiddies want to point and click your way to max level in one afternoon, and you are simply missing the point.

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I couldn't disagree with the OP here more. What makes a good MMO is the feeling that you are playing in a vibrant virtual world that almost seems real. When you can click and go anywhere instantly you completely destroy that feeling, everything seems like a disconnected set of instances.


Back in old EQ, a world that truly seemed real, people would wait for 20 minutes at boat docks, then ride on boats for 30 minutes just to go to certain continents. When you got there you actually felt like a traveler and an adventurer.


You WoW kiddies want to point and click your way to max level in one afternoon, and you are simply missing the point.


I think you're missing the point from those complaining. It isn't about instant travel. It is about engaging travel.

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No one's complaining about the time. The problem is the tedium. Try to absorb the true nature of complaints next time.


If there was an option to "Travel to Dromund Kaas" from, say, Taris, and the system came up with a menu saying "it will take 7 minutes and 15 seconds for you to arrive at Kaas City," I would be a happy camper. Then I could click a button, go make myself some lunch, and come back and watch whetever automated travel sequence there was in the game while I eat my sandwich.


In TOR you can't do that. Other than the taxi rides (which generally eat up less than 1 minute) you are going to be sitting at your computer the entire time you're travelling.


Why does actually playing the game equate to tedium. That you would actually like a game that you don't need to be at the keyboard for is silly.

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I couldn't disagree with the OP here more. What makes a good MMO is the feeling that you are playing in a vibrant virtual world that almost seems real. When you can click and go anywhere instantly you completely destroy that feeling, everything seems like a disconnected set of instances.


Back in old EQ, a world that truly seemed real, people would wait for 20 minutes at boat docks, then ride on boats for 30 minutes just to go to certain continents. When you got there you actually felt like a traveler and an adventurer.


You WoW kiddies want to point and click your way to max level in one afternoon, and you are simply missing the point.


Oh man...


So running through a 'lifeless' airlock is awesome to you? The orbital stations are vibrant and full of life?

The class hangars seem real and engaging?


Sorry, I just don't feel like a traveller or an adventurer clicking on elevator controls and going through airlock loading screens.


Please drop the WoW thing, it has nothing to do with anything and makes anything you say seem silly. You didn't need to add it.

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