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Help me fix what I did wrong...


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So I was playing in the Alderaan WZ yesterday, instead of Huttball:eek:.....I know, right? I was just as shocked as you may be right now...

Anyways, so I'm in Alderaan on my Assassin. I moved in on a solo lvl 49 Sage guarding an outside turret. A maurauder was with me and in fact initiated the confrontation. I opened as soon as he had the Sages attention and began putting the stick to the Sage too. To my surprise, that little sucker was able to out heal our damage. He would just slip out of LOS for a sec or two, pop some heal or two and was right back up to 80% health or more. He did this a couple times in a row after we got him down to under 30%. He eventually killed the maurader(lol?) so I gave up after having one more go at him. He couldn't kill me but I certainly wasn't able to kill him alone....

I was simply not able to out DPS his heals. I'm only lvl 36 now but have all purple/orange gear and stats look pretty decent on my char. Currently building towards a 23/0/18 build so I do a fair amount of thrash/shock but I do crit quite a bit already. Is there a better rotation to use when fighting a Sage. He wasn't the first Sage I couldn't DPS down but starting to wonder if I could be the problem in this equation?

Advice and tactical offerings beyond L2P are appreciated. :D

Edited by WickedImage
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Did you jolt, electrocute, overload him?


Sure, used all those.....prolly could have used jolt more than I did though...:(

Tried to save/use electrocute until he was at half or less health. Put it on him at about 30% once and went for Assassination, but....I must have flat out missed lol. He scooted around the corner for a second or two, I force sped back to him and he was back up to over 50% health again and proceeded to heal to 80% as I thrash/shocked him.:confused:

Hmm maybe I try more jolt and less QQ....

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A tank-based build is going to be rough for killing any healer.


With 3/31/8 I destroy healers aside from Mercenaries (too much armor).


23/0/18 or 33/0/10 it's hard to even put a dent in any of them. I'd actually suggest 33/0/10 over 23/0/18 for fighting a healer. If you manage to get them low and interrupt them you can do a bit of burst damage with Telekinetic Throw.

Edited by savionen
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If you used interrupts on heals and two of you couldn't burst him down, I'm thinking the sage either massively outgeared you both or he used good CC/tactics/trinks to survive the fight.


Depending on your spec, thrash/shock is not the optimal abilities for bursting though.


Savio - I'd agree with you but it was a 2v1. Mara/Sin vs Sage.

Edited by Aribethx
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Interrupt his heals instead of his pebble pelt if you can take it. When your interupt is down use your knockback and force speed up to him. When your interrupt and knockback are on cooldown, use your stun. Use that order to keep from filling his resolve bar. You should be able to use your interrupt again at this point. If either he or you aren't dead by then, you need more dps to drop him so level a bit more to get a higher tier of gear or bring another friend.


Breaking LoS on a dps Sage is good advice to wreck his cooldowns if your interrupt is on CD. Breaking LoS on a healer is bad because you can't interrupt. There is no way I know of to tell the difference until you see them either fry you or get a good heal off on themselves. 1v1 I recommend not letting them break LoS at all and keep the pressure on.

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Going against a sage/sorc healer:


1. Save stun for interrupt.


2. Burst dps when the bubble is down.


3. Only interrupt Deliverance/Dark Infusion since that is the only ability out heal dps.


4. Beware when sage/sorc use their HoT(Rejuvenate/Resurgence), that usually means their next Deliverance/Dark Infusion is going to be a 1.5sec cast time.

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You need to slow him. Healers are severely gimped when they're slowed as they have a harder time being able to LoS and if they're wasting a GCD on a dispel you're going to be able to knock him down little by little. Just keep reapplying the slow and use your interrupts.


Use your stuns/knockback as a second and third interrupt.

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