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Level 50 Gunslingers/Snipers in WZ.


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My friend is a gunslinger in not even full champ, and he tops the damagechart about every game. So its just a l2p issue. They are the best singletarget rdps class in the game. All about positioning, choosing your targets, waiting for opportunity and CC. Bubble is also very good and is a definite gamechanger in close battles. Edited by Niconogood
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My friend is a gunslinger in not even full champ, and he tops the damagechart about every game. So its just a l2p issue. They are the best singletarget rdps class in the game. All about positioning, choosing your targets, waiting for opportunity and CC. Bubble is also very good and is a definite gamechanger in close battles.



No, really. I'm a Sniper in "not even full champ", and when either team is full of people who actually have a clue--I'm barely reaching the top 3 on damage.

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Snipers/slingers excel against targets that don't pay attention to them. They have to be one of the easiest classes to avoid damage from if you're patient/paying attention. I'm actually pretty happy on mine, but IMO they're probably the most support/group oriented class. Edited by BDutch
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I had a 40 sniper. Major problem I had was lag in deploying cover.


Another issue is in PVP mobility is everything. So while you run into position then hit cover and take your shot your pretty much gimping yourself.


Meanwhile your bh buddy is bending over and tossing out 2.5k tracer missile spam without the red/blue neon glowing 'Look I'm a sniper' cover bar mechanic.


PVP is all about positioning and quick movement. You need to be really good sniper to do that in PVP. Too much hassle.


Just roll sith sorc. You get bubble, roadrunner abilities and lightning. Your pretty much good to go at lvl 16.

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Too much energy drain is the only thing wrong.


Dont know about that. I just know that my Gunslinger friend kills Sorcerers in less than 5 seconds if he doesn't get disturbed :s


EDIT: And Snipers do the same with me.

Edited by Teabaker
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He, uhm.. he is?


Is he biochem with rataka stim and full champ and up using relic and going for sorcs with 12-13k hp? Othwerise I won't believe he drops champs and up in 5s until I see it for myself.

Yes, I'm champion geared gunslinger as well.

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Okay,...I'm not lvl 50 yet, but I am leveling a GS as we speak. He's lvl 20 atm. My point may be moot since I've not hit 50 with this toon yet, but I really like this class in PvP. It's challenging and very rewarding.


My first character was a Vanguard Trooper. I took him to 50 and it was way too easy to pvp with. I wanted something with a little more challenge and the dual-wielding cowboy appealed to me the most.


I actually find the cover ability to be very ingenious in pvp. Maybe I'm a rare breed in today's MMO's, but it can be a very fun class. It does, I won't lie, take a while to get used to, but once you figure out that you weren't meant to face off toe toe, learn to utilize you CC in a way that keeps the enemies away from someone, you can nail anyone to the wall just as easily as a sorc can. I'm not a pro pvper, but it does require a little more thought the other classes do.


Having said that, I like being the minority. I'm always able to find groups, I never have to fight over loot, and it makes me stand out a bit more than the same jedi/sith carrying lightsabers.


If you have any questions just ask me...I'll be monitoring this thread for a bit.

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Interesting to see what non-snipers think of snipers in this forum.


I think they need work..I play one, I'm by no means a good player I am as casual as they come but I have played a lot of MMOs in my younger days.


I tend to look at the opinions of players playing against snipers as more interesting than those of snipers themselves because the latter is often skewed a little to far to the right or left.


Hearing from sniper's enemies that snipers are not considered much of a threat or as ineffectual is very telling and maybe BW ought to take notice.

Edited by Doxxs
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May have been raised before, but I only got 10 pages in. I think another aspect of their difficulty is that they depend heavily on their team knowing what they're doing. Without escapes and being prone to roots (which nullify their best abilities), unless your team is keeping virtually everyone else busy and distracted, snipers can't do crap.


All other classes in the game (including their alternate: operatives) can either do significant damage even when outnumbered and/or escape with a variety of area cc or knockbacks to back out of the onslaught without having to rely on a system like cover to utilize it. For other classes, you can still perform fairly well in a losing match, but that becomes nearly impossible for snipers once they're noticed.


And you might say,"Hey, that's the whole point of the class. It's in their name." But that doesn't really reflect the nature of pvp in this game since they have the same range and damage output as other ranged dps classes, yet they're restricted by cover and have less utility.


They could use some love.

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I'm a BM sniper myself and i am usually allways at the top of damage in WZs by a large margin, but im allways active as well, not losing any time in there. I guess i have to use 24 different abilities all the time in a WZ, not counting hotkeys for relics and OOC heal etc. I do fine.


Snipers are cool, but there are some issues. The rooting disables us from going to cover needs to go, since its an effective "stun" on a Sniper, especially MM.


Pure white damage would be fine if other classes had the same, but it seems most classes got majority of yellow damage abilities, so this is kinda unfair, unless regular damage has any advantage over yellow which i don't know of.


Cover needs some reworking i guess. Entrench bugging on some abilities, especially in PvE (maybe it is intended). I also don't like ballistic dampeners and instant snipe beeing removed as soon as you go out of cover due to a small misplacement, but i understand why the internal CD needs to be there. Must be a way around it though, not punishing beeing quick on the move..


For future PvP i guess poisions should get some dispell protection or punishment for dispelling them, if not a whole spec can be ruined with 1 click, which allready happens now, just not in random WZs.


I play as lethality mostly. running around 500 exp.

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Yozbick I like both you suggestions above. Although I don't "hate" cover like a lot of people, it really does need to be streamlined.


Do you really feel that slingers/snipers are so squish? My Gunnery commando with battlemaster feels really squishy when i take ona sniper.


And of course the outdps me considerably...


Snipers are good in cover. MM Snipers are great 1v1. But get them out of cover via stun or some other mechanism and they are by far the squishiest class in the game. The are the "glass cannon" of SWTOR.

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I think "glass pellet gun" is more like it. They don't seem to have enough burst to make up for their squishyness and lack of mobility.


I disagree. Good snipers will kill you very quick if you ignore them. There's some classes which are hard to take down yes, but the squishies are an easy target. I know Voidstar is a nice warzone for a sniper. There are a lot of cover points there and there are situations where I get >50 kills and 0 deaths if people ignore me completely. I win 1 on 1 with most DPS classes.

Edited by Drungus
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Cover sucks, i see a gunslinger/sniper in cover i just run out off his range, then all those fancy things he got is no good now, are they?






And neither are you.


He effectively neutralized an opponent without firing a shot.


GG Gunslinger.




(This is assuming he's guarding something important and not standing out in the middle of a field)

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