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How do you guys handle vs interupts ?


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Pyro brutalizes Arsenal in pvp. There isn't a WZ we don't shine in, nor one we don't top damage and kill ratio in.


And if you know how to manage your heat, and take venting talents - you're not nearly as gimped in pve as people like to tell you. As an experienced endgame raider in other games, I can tell you the ability to do 85% of your damage on the run in tough encounters can be absolutely priceless. When actual hard content starts coming out in the next year, and all the classes that have to remain stationary to deal their damage start dying in fire or pools of acid, etc. Pyro the red-nosed-Mercenary will look like a beacon of immortality.




Pyro ftw.

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Yeah, people often talk about topping damage as pyro in WZ's, yet decline to talk about how much is dot/aoe damage. In real PvP scenarios where a target such as a healer needs to die quickly, pyro fails in every aspect. Mobility is laughable, considering we're walking tanks regardless of spec -- it's only players who refuse to learn proper playstyle for the class who love being able to run n' gun. Regardless, I have yet to see a pyro spec beat me in damage on any warzone as arsenal; even the ones who claim to be good.


As for handling interrupts, do whatever the situation calls for. The important thing is that you do something.


Funny, I've never had an Arsenal Merc come even remotely close to me in damage. Nor topped me in kills, objective points, defender points or healing points. Seems like my "laughable mobility" makes me a better Merc to have around, doesn't it?


The only thing an Arsenal Merc will beat me in is Killing Blows...and I don't give half a **** about those. Learn to be a team player and you'll understand being the guy who deals the killing blow isn't important if you're making your team able to kill their opponents much easier.


Only a complete fool, and someone with very little MMO experience thinks DOTs are weak. Get a grip on reality.

Edited by Stranded_Law
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