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Jug w 9.1k aoe and we get the nerf dart?


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Is concealment reliant on a 1 min colldown to function?


Nope, but if you get stunned/kb'd/your target gets a single heal after your opener *or* your initial burst is mitigated in any way (easy to do most of the time), you have to blow evasion/vanish and reopen or run away like a *****.


Do you even play an operative?

Edited by noctred
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Is concealment reliant on a 1 min colldown to function?


Actually, we're reliant on a 2-minute cooldown to function. It's called "Cloaking Screen"; a 1-minute cooldown would be an improvement. Without it, then no matter how awesome our initial burst is, we'll die in the process of using our attacks. So even if our burst was absolutely guaranteed to kill our target (which it's not), it'd still be a 1-for-1 exchange to use it as we'd be dead soon after. We'd kill the other side's healer, his teammates would kill us, the end.


So yes, we're reliant on a 2-minute cooldown (3-minute for Lethality types)... that becomes unusable if someone uses a DoT on us, or uses AoEs, or uses a stealth-detection ability... so even if the Jugg spec in question WERE completely limited by a 1-minute cooldown (which it's not), they'd still be better off than us. And again, that's assuming we can actually kill our intended target with our initial burst, and anyone who's actually played the game a little will know how many different ways there are to survive our burst and escape (or, in the case of tank classes, just ignore it outright and beat us down). So most of the time it's a 0-for-1 exchange... unless there's a huge disparity in gear, buffs, or levels, all of which are far less common post-1.1.

Edited by Spatzimaus
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So wait.. OPS are crying about the nerf...



Cries that the video's are buff stacked against lowbies..





Somone posts another class doing it.. and says they need nerfed.. but it was fine for the ops to do it ?




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So wait.. OPS are crying about the nerf...



Cries that the video's are buff stacked against lowbies..





Somone posts another class doing it.. and says they need nerfed.. but it was fine for the ops to do it ?





reading comprehension much? the point is people cry for a nerf because operatives did it to ONE person every couple minutes, and bioware caves. yet this Jugg spec allows them to do the same thing, but with a damn AoE, and no one says anything and just lets it go

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reading comprehension much? the point is people cry for a nerf because operatives did it to ONE person every couple minutes, and bioware caves. yet this Jugg spec allows them to do the same thing, but with a damn AoE, and no one says anything and just lets it go


Yup. That's a tank hitting for dps role numbers with utility and armor to boot. It was more or less just a demo that its not just us as the forums would have you believe. The videos op said its broken and needs examining. Many ops shared the same type of vids too. Not everyone is grooming or qqing. Some people actually recognize issues and want to help with sharing information for future balance. It's the challenge that keeps you entertained. If you always get stomped that's no fun but if you always win that's not much fun either....given it'll be more fun for a longer time than the first Haha.

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Had to post...it looks recent as of latest live server version...and we get nerfed how hard?




To trolls: yes I'm an op. Yes I'm concealment. No I'm not a fotm roller. Yes I'm going to play post patch. No I'm not QQ'ING. I think that's it LOL.


Buff Stacking vs lvl 12s.


One patched fixed both of these. Nothing to see here.

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I think all those problems with relics/biochem still remain. Bonuses provided by those are added in a weird way. For example say you use a relic with 380 power and you have a talent that adds 20% dmg bonus to a skill.


The way it is (needs testing) : You pop power relic+ power adrenal and you get +600 power. This buff is not added by a flat amount to your final damage output but on the contrary it goes something like this --> (X power + Y power ) * 1.2 and then that's added to your overall , should be X power* 1.2 + Y power.


X power is your normal power, Y is the buff one. Numbers are just an example to make you understand my logic.


Atm, it's tested that armor adrenal and stat stims work that way. So, if this goes for the relics you realize how broken it is to some abilities that get severely boosted by talents...


It's not the classes that need fixing, it's the buffing system, or talent tweaking.

Edited by zaknaphein
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  • 1 month later...
Buff Stacking vs lvl 12s.


One patched fixed both of these. Nothing to see here.






At the very end, she solos a few 50s and their companions (without her companion)... open world pvp.. there is no arguing, juggs and guardians are OP, why Bioware nerfs scoundrel/operative I don't know, their job is to drop enemies and to drop them fast, now that is very hard.


However, i dont believe nuking the damage of the guardian/jugg is the answer, bioware should rethink the nerf on scoundrels and operatives, maybe buff their damage so they can crit equal to the guard./jugg,

Edited by Sallastar
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Had to post...it looks recent as of latest live server version...and we get nerfed how hard?




To trolls: yes I'm an op. Yes I'm concealment. No I'm not a fotm roller. Yes I'm going to play post patch. No I'm not QQ'ING. I think that's it LOL.


Then play a jug because you WILL never get 9k.

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