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People are saying this game launched without basic features. I really don't consider, combat logs, dps meters basic features. The UI well I think that is a basic feature. There are bugs that need to be fixed, graphics issues, lag issues, combat issues. But these things all take time. You can have some patience. December 20th release date, it is now just over a month released. Some of you act like they have done nothing.


I don't think rushing through content and expecting there to be an awesome end game realistic at all. I don't understand all the hate spewed forth by people. I don't understand why you can not explain your points of view in a more mature manner. People would take those of you who do not plan to stay anyway a little more serious if you didn't phrase your postings in such a childish manner.


Just give it time, they are responding, they are just not going to hold your hand like a little kid. This is not the WoW forums where GC comes in and opens his big mouth or where a customer service person chit chats. WoW is not the norm, WoW was the elephant in the room. There is more than just balance in a game there is balance in your life, it's not good for people to just continually complain, it becomes complain for the sake of complaining. When I see complaints about "i want this now or you will fail" I close my ears and go lalalalalalalalalalalalala. Because in the end it's only that person having a tantrum.


This game will grow.

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I don't think rushing through content and expecting there to be an awesome end game realistic at all. I don't understand all the hate spewed forth by people.


The problem is that this game is competing with others that are complete on day 1. $15 a month is a lot to ask for and I know a ton of people that opted to get other games (Arkham City, Skyrim, etc) instead. When the paying consumers like us put our money down we expect a completed product. It doesn't matter if our expectations are unreasonable, we are paying $15 a month. That's where all the hate comes from. This game already has a reputation for having broken PvP and Operations. We will see how long that will last.

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People are saying this game launched without basic features. I really don't consider, combat logs, dps meters basic features. The UI well I think that is a basic feature. There are bugs that need to be fixed, graphics issues, lag issues, combat issues. But these things all take time. You can have some patience. December 20th release date, it is now just over a month released. Some of you act like they have done nothing.


I don't think rushing through content and expecting there to be an awesome end game realistic at all. I don't understand all the hate spewed forth by people. I don't understand why you can not explain your points of view in a more mature manner. People would take those of you who do not plan to stay anyway a little more serious if you didn't phrase your postings in such a childish manner.


Just give it time, they are responding, they are just not going to hold your hand like a little kid. This is not the WoW forums where GC comes in and opens his big mouth or where a customer service person chit chats. WoW is not the norm, WoW was the elephant in the room. There is more than just balance in a game there is balance in your life, it's not good for people to just continually complain, it becomes complain for the sake of complaining. When I see complaints about "i want this now or you will fail" I close my ears and go lalalalalalalalalalalalala. Because in the end it's only that person having a tantrum.


This game will grow.


Bioware & Co where the creators of our expectations of there game. Not only that: they had years of development. Don't underestimate the market they aimed for: mmo and players who experienced other mmo for years. Lets put it this way: You can't sell a motorcycle with the promise that it is a car. Maybe in the '20 Ford would have managed something like that.. But Ford was to smart and well aware what people wanted.. Yust a thought..

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The problem is that this game is competing with others that are complete on day 1.
MMOs being complete on day 1 is an urban legend unless the discussion is about console games. Oh wait, there hasn't been a console MMO released in almost 6 years - since FFXI. Guess we're stuck with imperfection. ;) Edited by GalacticKegger
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MMOs being complete on day 1 is an urban legend unless the discussion is about console games. Oh wait, there hasn't been a console MMO released in almost 6 years - since FFXI. Guess we're stuck with imperfection. ;)


Not really, the majority of mmo players now seem to be casuals, thanks to WoW (perhaps Mainstream is the right word, rather than casual...), the type of people that buy a game from a shop, and expect to play a good game. There are way too many games to chose from, to release a game that isn't finished, people's attention spans and loyalty are very quick to change today, as opposed to 5-10 years ago.

Edited by Soazak
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  • 2 weeks later...
I think the gameplay needs a lot of work its just not nearly as smooth as playing a mage. It really just needs a lot of work its close to being good but it could have been great. Ive cancelled my account as the gameplay just feels quite dry for being a brand new game.
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I remember seeing posts like this in the Vangard: SoH forum not long after release.


I remember seeing posts like that on the WoW forum not long after its release.


I also remember complaints about every single aspect of that game, the load times, the bugs, the lag in world pvp, the city crashes, the exploits in every part of the game, the extreme pvp imbalance, the clunky UI, the graphics, etc....


If complaints actually meant something- WoW would be in a grave right now.

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Love this. Although I had to laugh when you said new planets twice. This game in my opinion will succeed cause I played WoW for 5years and haven't looked back since then. Things are getting fixed and new things are being added and it will continue to be that way so all you people saying it's going to fail **** this community and take your negativity elsewhere.
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Star Wars: The Old Republic will be the game of the new generation.



I like that fact that you think you know what exactly Bioware's plans are for this game & where this game will be in terms of success in the MMO genre.


Your post is full of opinions, not facts.

Edited by SnakeBites
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I like that fact that you think you know what exactly Bioware's plans are for this game & where this game will be in terms of success in the MMO genre.


Your post is full of opinions, not facts.


When did he say any of his statements were facts?

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Star Wars: The Old Republic will be the game of the new generation. Slowly but surely it will crawl, walk, run, sprint..and just keep on going and chuggin along. BioWare will not disappoint. This is their baby and they are proud of it. They are trying so hard to please mainly everyone for the majority of the game.


This game will continue to grow and get better as time goes on. More planets will get added, more gear, more raids, more planets, more weapons, more major content, more story. This game will be the next mmo giant and the game to beat in the coming years. You just watch!


Listen guys...they are fixing lots of bugs, they are coming out with content, they will keep adding more stuff we want. This is their plan, they launched with the stuff they had and just keep on adding the stuff players want little by little to keep people coming back for more because they will keep releasing content update patches every month or close to that. I believe BioWare keeps the community at heart when releasing this content and just know they can't do everything right now.


The things that you guys want, whether it be sitting in chairs, swimming, day/night cycle, weather, they WILL come in time :) The heroengine is getting updates constantly and performance issues ARE being worked on! This is one of the smoothest mmos ever and the running looks VERY good. You can't argue that. The environments and running feels natural.


Great game BioWare keep it up :)


To me it seems loads of ppl r canceling they subs. Everytime they have patched in last 3weeks they had to have hot fix after that, looks like they dont test their patches at all.

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Cool i played the tera beta and it blows this game out of the water. There are so many features already in the beta that this game still doesn't have. Enjoy your nice cold glass of EA (sopa joining) poo every day you play this game.


>subscribes to game he hates

>trashes it on the forums

>mentions a game that's not released as "The killer"









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Blizzard has allways produced High quality games, im not denying that.


but wow's release was extremely buggy, i remember getting ctd's when mouseovering a mob .... it got fixed by a hotfix 2 mounths later


Also got to remember that wow has had 7 years of Polishing. It wasnt after 5 years they changed the Graphics engine to be more "graphical"


i firmly believe thay did an OK job with this release, with some points i do find weird but thats debatable. And they allready adressed certain issues, so thats a good sign. More fixes to come i guess, UI changes will be comming in 1.2 according their Community movie they posted.

LOL ya. Interesting how some either forget or fudge their resumes pretending they were there. That's RP I suppose.


WoW shipped with zero PvP BGs and no WPVP. Gurubashi was added a month after release, a PvP honor system didn't exist until 5 months after release and the first battlegrounds (ATV & Warsong) weren't added until 6 months after release. Other than Ony there was no end game for 14 months until AQ was patched in. Regional world bosses Azuregos and Kazzak weren't added until 4 months after release. The game launched with 8 dungeons (Scarlet, BFD, Gnomer, Ulda, ST, RFD, BRS & Strat) and Mara was added with Gurubashi. That's 9 dungeons, 1 raid boss & 1 PvP battleground at this time in it's lifecycle.


In WoWspeak, TOR already has 9 dungeons (Esseles, BT, Hammer, Athiss, MR, Cad, BP, T5 and D7); 12 world boss raids (SD-0, The First, Subject Alpha, Grandfather, Trapjaw, R4-DL, Ulgo, Warbot, Ancient One, Snowblind, Gargath & Destroyer); 2 end game raids (EV and KP); 3 battlegrounds (BA, Huttball and VS) and a space daily minigame. One could surmise that the ship's many item slots are reserved for more than rail quests from a gunnery chair.


WoW even overhauled their model and animation system 2 months before release and it took them a year to get it right.


By Memorial day TOR should have a workably customizable UI, a handle on the combat mechanics & fp/ops bugs, a mature server transfer system, seriously improved PvP and even more FPs and end game Ops content. It's considerably better than what doomsaying trolls and moles would want us to believe - especially at this early stage of its evolution.


Now were BioWare to eventually open up space to free flight, squadron fps, armada ops & PvP ... then SWTOR could easily become a 300lb gorilla. There will never be another 600lb one.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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you highly underestimate what this game offers and people don't give games a chance these days. It's sad really


You fail to see over 2 million people did give the game a change.


Its not that people didnt give the game a chance its that Bioware took advantage of people wanting a star wars MMO and hyped it up and then gave us this garbage. I am not going to wait 2-6 months for something that should have been in the game from launch.


Just because we are not willing to keep paying $15 dollars a month to hopefully get something added to the game is not us not giving the game a chance.


Bioware had a chance to push itself into the MMO scene with the star wars name. All they did was give us a lemon without a glass so we cant even make our own lemon-aid.

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Ignorance is bliss i'd say. A steady launch is the most imported thing for an MMO, and the first month/two months after release. If the reputation gets smeared, it will have lasting effects (Dragon age 2 anyone?). Fixing bugs like crazy after each patch doesn't exactly spell "professional" or "competent". I don't mean to bad-talk one of my favorite game developers, but how they've been handling this game well let's just say it sure doesn't seem with the long-term in mind.

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You fail to see over 2 million people did give the game a change.


Its not that people didnt give the game a chance its that Bioware took advantage of people wanting a star wars MMO and hyped it up and then gave us this garbage. I am not going to wait 2-6 months for something that should have been in the game from launch.


Just because we are not willing to keep paying $15 dollars a month to hopefully get something added to the game is not us not giving the game a chance.


Bioware had a chance to push itself into the MMO scene with the star wars name. All they did was give us a lemon without a glass so we cant even make our own lemon-aid.


how did bioware hype the game up?


ive still not seen a tv ad


and up untill launch i only seen the odd page in pc gamer mags but then there about 3-4 months apart if not longer.


so again how DID bioware hype up the game?

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