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What SWTOR will be


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I remember seeing posts like that on the WoW forum not long after its release.


I also remember complaints about every single aspect of that game, the load times, the bugs, the lag in world pvp, the city crashes, the exploits in every part of the game, the extreme pvp imbalance, the clunky UI, the graphics, etc....


If complaints actually meant something- WoW would be in a grave right now.


Sad part is...it's a lot of the same exact people who complained back then about WOW now complaining about SWTOR.....

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In 4 years everyone will be going. "omg..dude..have you played TOR? That game has like..80 planets with tons of content, it's uber story man. If you want an immersive mmo experience play that. Anything else is just lame."


That's what will happen. Besides if this was war 2.0...it would already be dead and not being growing a gaining rep.


When the next quarterly report comes out and shows growing instead of not growing...the doomsayers will just come up with something else. They will slowly keep moving the goal posts. It didn't come true on launch, it didn't come true on the first month, it didn't come true on the 2nd month, and it won't come true on the 3rd month.


Just stop it already doomsayers and negative people. You are just making yourself look like you WANT this game to fail just so you can say, "LOOK SEE!? I TOOOLDD YOU SOOOO". Wait...you are already doing that...


To all the people who support this game on the forums even though it's worse than starcraft 2 forums, eve forums, and wow forums put together, I thankyou for sticking with the game through the good and the bad and I hope that us, together with constructive criticism and added support for BioWare can come to good terms and realize somethings are going to take some time to do. You can't please everyone all the time, but you can please some people some of the time.


This mmo brought back somethings mmos were missing. While every company tried to make these awesome uber epic pvp smashing games, they forgot that they needed the aspect of what made mmos in the first place: story, and an amazing roleplaying experience. THAT is what BioWare promised, THAT is exactly what they delivered. They aren't about all pvp all the time, they are about passion, romance, decisions of great proportions in their games.


Yes they have the things pvp'ers like and what raider people like. But this game is for ONE thing. STORY

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In 4 years everyone will be going. "omg..dude..have you played TOR? That game has like..80 planets with tons of content, it's uber story man. If you want an immersive mmo experience play that. Anything else is just lame."


That's what will happen. Besides if this was war 2.0...it would already be dead and not being growing a gaining rep.


When the next quarterly report comes out and shows growing instead of not growing...the doomsayers will just come up with something else. They will slowly keep moving the goal posts. It didn't come true on launch, it didn't come true on the first month, it didn't come true on the 2nd month, and it won't come true on the 3rd month.


Just stop it already doomsayers and negative people. You are just making yourself look like you WANT this game to fail just so you can say, "LOOK SEE!? I TOOOLDD YOU SOOOO". Wait...you are already doing that...


To all the people who support this game on the forums even though it's worse than starcraft 2 forums, eve forums, and wow forums put together, I thankyou for sticking with the game through the good and the bad and I hope that us, together with constructive criticism and added support for BioWare can come to good terms and realize somethings are going to take some time to do. You can't please everyone all the time, but you can please some people some of the time.


This mmo brought back somethings mmos were missing. While every company tried to make these awesome uber epic pvp smashing games, they forgot that they needed the aspect of what made mmos in the first place: story, and an amazing roleplaying experience. THAT is what BioWare promised, THAT is exactly what they delivered. They aren't about all pvp all the time, they are about passion, romance, decisions of great proportions in their games.


Yes they have the things pvp'ers like and what raider people like. But this game is for ONE thing. STORY


Well I read first paragraph or so and like I said Sarfux, you defeat your own argument.


Just the fact you are having to look forward to the future so much to defend and justify the game so soon after release just goes to show how lacking this game is in it's current form.


Yeah...it may be great one day in the future. But who cares. It's not that one day in the future yet.


Most gamers are going to care about what the game is like while they are playing it. Not what it's in theory going to be like eventually in the future.

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In 4 years everyone will be going. "omg..dude..have you played TOR? That game has like..80 planets with tons of content, it's uber story man. If you want an immersive mmo experience play that. Anything else is just lame."


That's what will happen. Besides if this was war 2.0...it would already be dead and not being growing a gaining rep.


When the next quarterly report comes out and shows growing instead of not growing...the doomsayers will just come up with something else. They will slowly keep moving the goal posts. It didn't come true on launch, it didn't come true on the first month, it didn't come true on the 2nd month, and it won't come true on the 3rd month.


Just stop it already doomsayers and negative people. You are just making yourself look like you WANT this game to fail just so you can say, "LOOK SEE!? I TOOOLDD YOU SOOOO". Wait...you are already doing that...


To all the people who support this game on the forums even though it's worse than starcraft 2 forums, eve forums, and wow forums put together, I thankyou for sticking with the game through the good and the bad and I hope that us, together with constructive criticism and added support for BioWare can come to good terms and realize somethings are going to take some time to do. You can't please everyone all the time, but you can please some people some of the time.


This mmo brought back somethings mmos were missing. While every company tried to make these awesome uber epic pvp smashing games, they forgot that they needed the aspect of what made mmos in the first place: story, and an amazing roleplaying experience. THAT is what BioWare promised, THAT is exactly what they delivered. They aren't about all pvp all the time, they are about passion, romance, decisions of great proportions in their games.


Yes they have the things pvp'ers like and what raider people like. But this game is for ONE thing. STORY


I agree this game is going good. And don't worry about the posters here. They are just the trolls from when this was announced. This game is going to be good.

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I hope the OP is right.


Unless Bioware fixes PVP and/or the endgame in the next three weeks, I personally think the game is going to experience a severe drop in population within a month or two, after which will come the inevitable server merges and what not. The game will then follow WAR, RIFT and other promising games down the MMO toilet.


I really do hope I'm wrong. If they just fix PVP/endgame, they can salvage things. But I'm not optimistic given what I've seen from 1.2 so far.

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In 4 years everyone will be going. "omg..dude..have you played TOR? That game has like..80 planets with tons of content, it's uber story man. If you want an immersive mmo experience play that. Anything else is just lame."

But this game is for ONE thing. STORY


You can have all the planets in the known universe. They're still big empty, wasted space questing zones. You ever notice how much empty dead space is on all "large zones bigger than most other MMOs continents"? I notice.


On top of that, you can have all the planets in the world, 80 of them whatever. It's going to be the same lame quests over and over. They have nothing new to offer every planet. Just a new location. They don't have dynamic quest areas, phasing, vehicle combat on the ground missions. Nothing. Grind this, grind this, covered up with voice acting. Nothing you do alters the actual physical game.


But this game is for ONE thing. STORY


You can go ahead and be one of those people that are ok with paying monthly for one thing. I am not one of those people.




Well I read first paragraph or so and like I said Sarfux, you defeat your own argument.


Just the fact you are having to look forward to the future so much to defend and justify the game so soon after release just goes to show how lacking this game is in it's current form.


Yeah...it may be great one day in the future. But who cares. It's not that one day in the future yet.


Most gamers are going to care about what the game is like while they are playing it. Not what it's in theory going to be like eventually in the future.



^ This guy knows what is up

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Well I read first paragraph or so and like I said Sarfux, you defeat your own argument.


Just the fact you are having to look forward to the future so much to defend and justify the game so soon after release just goes to show how lacking this game is in it's current form.


Yeah...it may be great one day in the future. But who cares. It's not that one day in the future yet.


Most gamers are going to care about what the game is like while they are playing it. Not what it's in theory going to be like eventually in the future.


And currently most trolls are in the future saying " this game is going to fail" Like one person said in this thread, "I can see it as its going to be a game with a store and potions." You just defeated yourself in that statement. Please don't continue doing it.

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You can have all the planets in the known universe. They're still big empty, wasted space questing zones. You ever notice how much empty dead space is on all "large zones bigger than most other MMOs continents"? I notice.


On top of that, you can have all the planets in the world, 80 of them whatever. It's going to be the same lame quests over and over. They have nothing new to offer every planet. Just a new location. They don't have dynamic quest areas, phasing, vehicle combat on the ground missions. Nothing. Grind this, grind this, covered up with voice acting. Nothing you do alters the actual physical game.




You can go ahead and be one of those people that are ok with paying monthly for one thing. I am not one of those people.







^ This guy knows what is up


Seems most people are hard headed who can't hear anything. I hear speeder traffic, talking, and walking on coruscant. Don't know what your hearing.

Edited by Cordarn
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And currently most trolls are in the future saying " this game is going to fail" Like one person said in this thread, "I can see it as its going to be a game with a store and potions." You just defeated yourself in that statement. Please don't continue doing it.


Cordarn, you can't say I defeated myself by making a statement I didn't even make. That makes no sense.


I don't know what this game's going to be like in the future and have never claimed I do. It's irrelevant to me, as I"m not playing this game in the future - i'm playing it now, so that's what matters.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic will... crawl, ...and just keep on going and chuggin along. This is their baby and they are proud of it. They are trying so hard to please mainly everyone for the majority of the game by making a baby endgame and a baby MMO.


This game will continue to grow and get better as time goes on. I hope you live long enough to see that day.


They are fixing lots of bugs, they are coming out with more buggy content, they will keep adding more fixes to the stuff we want. This is their plan.


They launched with the stuff they had because they want to keep away MMO players from playing thier game so they can just keep on adding the stuff for the few players little by little to keep people from not coming back so they can do what they want with the game.


I believe BioWare keeps the community at heart when releasing this content and just know they can't do everything right now to make sure they shrink they community to the right size. So hang in there, you will be the remaining few that they will make this game for.


The things that you guys want, whether it be sitting in chairs in an empty cantina, swimming alone in an MMO, day/night cycle which will never happen, weather becuase they want you to worship some idol (malgus statute)( to make it rain while in other games its free to have weather) and to start praying to malgus. They WILL come in time, but i recommend freezing yourself in nitrogen since the crystalization gurantees you wont be able to see if swtor was a success without the gurantee I cant honestly make. So its better to imagine improvement at this point than to see more dissapointment.


The heroengine is getting updates constantly and performance issues ARE being worked on! This is one of the smoothest mmos ever (Sorry malgus made me troll you here - kneel before Malgus!) and the running looks VERY good (bring me lotion and some tissue!). At this point I thought I was going to give you a reason to argue about the end to troll you- here you go. Argue about the Hero engine mostly, and not about swtor please. Enjoy the troll. So the environments and running feels natural when parts of the environment is disabled. My hopes and dreams will come true as long as something improves despite other parts fail.


Great game BioWare keep it up, I want to be one of the few playing your game :)


Fixed it for you.


However, the last paragraph did not need much to fix since that really was a troll paragraph.

Edited by VegaPhone
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you highly underestimate what this game offers and people don't give games a chance these days. It's sad really


Umm, no.


Edit: PS, I would rather be playing SWG NGE(Pre-CU Vet) then this garbage/scam of a game.

Edited by Kunra
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You can have all the planets in the known universe. They're still big empty, wasted space questing zones. You ever notice how much empty dead space is on all "large zones bigger than most other MMOs continents"? I notice.


On top of that, you can have all the planets in the world, 80 of them whatever. It's going to be the same lame quests over and over. They have nothing new to offer every planet. Just a new location. They don't have dynamic quest areas, phasing, vehicle combat on the ground missions. Nothing. Grind this, grind this, covered up with voice acting. Nothing you do alters the actual physical game.




You can go ahead and be one of those people that are ok with paying monthly for one thing. I am not one of those people.






^ This guy knows what is up



I am sorry the game isn't for you. I hope you enjoyed your time here while it lasted :) For me, it is the best for me. As these are my opinions, you have yours. Goodbye sir

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My prediction:


SWTOR is free to play within the year. It's doing as well as it is now because the only competition is WoW, a game exactly like WoW (Rift) and this game that's exactly like WoW (SWTOR).


It is not like wow at all. Yes, it is online and has buttons you push to kill enemies. F2P that's funny...don't even have anything for that sir, I'm going to remember your name. I think I remember some people going "my prediction: the game will be f2p come 2 months in." Still waiting :) every single person that is still on here and month that goes by without it dying or not going free to play and they made all their little predictions based on nothing...I message them and go "soo..about that prediction" and they just message me back going. "shutup..you'll see" lol.


So bring it on trolls. If you have that bad of a life where you have to go onto a forum of a gmae that you do not like or pay money to troll to try and feel better about yourself in your head. That is pretty unforgiven and an abomination to the human condition. But..I'm sorry you feel this way about this game.


Once again..if you do not feel like it has reached potential for YOU, the paying customer, then by all means leave. This is a free country and you can do what you want. But no need to bash the game on the games own forums...does it really make you feel THAT much better? Or are you trying to fool yourself it's making you better when in reality it isn't?

Edited by Sarfux
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In 4 years everyone will be going. "omg..dude..have you played TOR? That game has like..80 planets with tons of content, it's uber story man. If you want an immersive mmo experience play that. Anything else is just lame."


Yes they have the things pvp'ers like and what raider people like. But this game is for ONE thing. STORY


I have a couple of things I'd like to clarify.


You see, I have a theory. My theory is that , realistically, the problem with the game is that it is very inconsistent in who and what it caters to, and who and what it's marketed to.


I've seen three types of players, Sarfux.


I've seen the kind that rush to 50 and the end-game because that is the kind of gameplay they value. They could care less about the story, MMO's aren't about stories, they're about interacting with other people. If you want a story it's up to you to make it, not to be railroaded through a few hundred cutscenes only to end up in the same exact place regardless of your choices, which have affected nothing but a few story rewards and which set of fuzzles you have to kill or bring back, and what color your saber is. The "end-game raid/PVP" people are giving up on this game because it's not for them, and Bioware continues to try to say it is, instead of just being honest.


Bioware has made a lot of efforts in fixing FPS, in dealing with PVP balance, fixing raid bugs and PVP bugs, and taking a stab at Ilum. None of these have really improved anything, we're stuck with a slightly different, futuristic and kinda buggy version of WoW content, and Huttball. And there's not any sandbox content coming, there's very little word on what will change to really shift this up, a lot of talk about 1.2 and Legacy and that's it.


People like you dismiss most of the above because, in my opinion, the game is aimed at a different group. People who level very slow, and don't play much, or who play 8 or more alts and take forever to get to max level. People who don't focus very much on any one character, who don't really feel competitive and who are more interested in occassional social interactions in the game but solo most of the time.


For that crowd? The game is very literally flawless and perfect, and in that market crushes WoW, RIFT and all other MMO's on every possible level. Graphics are good, the story is interesting, there's lots of things to do on the way to 50, and by the time the "main body" of the playerbase is at 50 , 1.2 and some further patches will be out. For you guys, what the group I spoke of above is literally nonsense, as you not only don't see it, but you can't even understand the play-style that would lead to it.


Finally, there are those who do level slowly but have hit 50 earlier than they expected, and are now very displeased because there is no end-game, and have basically decided to wait and see. They're on the fence. They can (and sometimes do) play with a few alts but they were looking for more engaging features and, to be honest, stuff from other games. Whether they wanted EQ3, or SWG 2, or World of Wookies... they didn't find it.



Now, here's why we have all this ... forum mess. For people who only care about end-game and PVP and raids and , well, epeen, story is meaningless. And it's not really fair to imply that they're wrong for thinking that way when the bulk of improvements Bioware has done recently is fixing those systems. Despite strong-sounding noises made early on about not catering to the hardcore, a review of the bug list fixes is mostly PVP, Raids, and what we call QOL (quality of life) issues.


None of these really interrupt or even effect the story-only, level alts and enjoy the game people. Why is Bioware working so hard on these, then, when they have the majority of the population locked into the wonderful story and world they've built?


There are only two possibilities. One is that Bioware is a wonderful company and , despite the fact that according to everyone that the PVP/Raid/End-Game playerbase is a minority, they want everyone to have a wonderful experience and are willing to waste money to ensure that.


The other is that they aren't the minority everyone says they are, and that Bioware has had to adjust their targets if they want to keep their playerbase impressively large. I would submit that we might break 2.5 million. But you certainly won't do it if you tell conventional MMO players that their way of playing the game is wrong, that what they value has no value, and that wanting it to change is trolling or hating.


A company like Bioware would not bother with this focus if there wasn't money to be made. They said they needed 500,000 to make a profit. That is probably the people like you, who are content with what they got. To make a bigger profit they have to move beyond that.


Every time people say "the game is fine" the people who don't think it's fine will complain. And as long as Bioware is paying attention to those issues and not issuing "story expansions" or anything like that, the unhappy masses will continue to complain.


My worthless two cents.

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It is not like wow at all. Yes, it is online and has buttons you push to kill enemies. F2P, I'm going to remember your name. I think I remember some people going "my prediction: the game will be f2p come 2 months in." Still waiting :) every single person that is still on here and month that goes by without it dying or not going free to play and they made all their little predictions based on nothing...I message them and go "soo..about that prediction" and they just message me back going. "shutup..you'll see" lol.


So bring it on trolls. If you have that bad of a life where you have to go onto a forum of a gmae that you do not like or pay money to troll to try and feel better about yourself in your head. That is pretty unforgiven and an abomination to the human condition. But..I'm sorry you feel this way about this game.


Once again..if you do not feel like it has reached potential for YOU, the paying customer, then by all means leave. This is a free country and you can do what you want. But no need to bash the game on the games own forums...does it really make you feel THAT much better? Or are you trying to fool yourself it's making you better when in reality it isn't?


Sarfux, this game is a WoW clone but poorly done with no Inovation beyond the Story...which gets "spacebarr'ed" after the first or second toon.

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To the internet world, a lot of mmos will always be a wow clone no matter how good the game is if it has hotbars, together with abilities, together with a 3rd person character view.


Delusional or a DEV?


Dude, there are many other games already on the Market that surpass this game on many levels. Even games no longer in existance.


Dude, just stop.

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My biggest problem with SWTOR and why i unsubbed is the lack on sosial endgame

on all lvls.There is no plance to hang out with others were we trade dual RP what ever.

No end game planet with awesome and fun open world PvP were in the end of days players go back to the social place and hang out after the battles are over.And these things should all be on the same planet with all the endgame vendors, GTN,barbershop etc.


There should be a great social endgame planet were players want to hang out.

Not like depressing Ilum with nothing on it but a tiny cantina underground no one uses.

But a planet like Voss or Hoth.


What do we do now ? Hang around in a boring hallway on fleet next to a daily pvp box.

Atlest they could have made the weekly/daily bounty box into living npcs that were standing

in a ops room giving you these missions like they meant something.With VO saying things like, your mission for today,For the republic ! Or Here are your orders, glory to the Empire !


I mean how hard is it ...

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the idiot mmo community maybe or the wow fanboys

no..people like him.


They are people who think what THEY say is the ONLY THING that matters and when they make predictions they WILL COME TRUE. Why? well..they have to right? Because it's them!


But if it doesn't...they go MAD, or if others have better opinions or they get nailed on subjects, they don't like that...therefore ATTACK MODE!!


That's what we, as an mmo community, have to deal with no unfortunately :(

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