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What SWTOR will be


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don't worry, once gw2 is released the few that are left can have your ghost-town. The rest will move on and if GW2 doesn't deliver....they will get the Tortanic wrath.


they are completely different games...


gw2 as I see is COMPLETELY PvP all out everywhere...


SWTOR is PvE. Yes, BW put some things in for the pvp crowd, but it's a PvE game..just look at it.


GW2 has cheezy cheezy story, lore, and story. Their voice acting is the npc on the right you on the left and has a cinematic background with black bars top and bottom and when they talk the lips aren't even in sync.


NO game will EVER beat SWTOR in the story, pve, content and voice over aspect.


GW2 will be for the hardcores, and all those people who just LOVE OMGTOTALLYGOINGTOOOOWWNNNCRAZYUBEREPIC stuff lol

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I wont say its a clone, but tor is similar to wow in many, many ways...


That is the genre, not the game. All cars are similar, but they can vary greatly in style.


If we think about it in those terms, then we can see such things as space flight, space combat, cut scenes and story line leveling, companions as uniquely SW within the genre of MMORPGs.

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don't worry, once gw2 is released the few that are left can have your ghost-town. The rest will move on and if GW2 doesn't deliver....they will get the Tortanic wrath.
The thing is GW2 WILL deliver. And once it comes what SWTOR will be? Well... for me it will be dead. And indeed there is so much derping in this thread lol


Granted, SWTOR has the nice story telling but it doesn't help the derp end game. Also all the mechanics and **** feels so old in SWTOR.

Edited by PalawaJoko
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The thing is GW2 WILL deliver. And once it comes what SWTOR will be? Well... for me it will be dead. And indeed there is so much derping in this thread lol


Granted, SWTOR has the nice story telling but it doesn't help the derp end game. Also all the mechanics and **** feels so old in SWTOR.


The problem is that BW, or marketing people think releasing the game in patches is better than releasing a full MMO product.


-For example adding a legacy system.

-Making the cantinas a social place and a place to meet there (mini games?)

-Adding more warzones

-Adding open world pvp that is similar to a sand box MMO - sieging etc

-Raids which are not buggy (what happened to the smooth release? its normal and would have been easier to brush aside if there was other content)

-Weather effect

-Dev created events (weekly/or every couple of days)

-Better crafting system that allows people to add to the community and economy

-mini games


-Now instead what they have is buggy raiding, which might be a lot better now. ( I stopped after my pvp guild left when they were raiding instead of pvping beucase how bad pvp was for them)

-Limited PVP

-and no social atmosphere because it lacks the tools to make it one.


The problem is after people have played thier game and have been fed up, rebuilding the community other that squeezing everyone into less servers will be more difficult.


If thier solution is to keep swtor running by milking the SW IP, and keeping enough players in to slowly release thier content to keep some interested, then they failed at realizing on how to deliver a game in the MMO market.


They will have a smaller MMO sub base, which means they will have less money to develop the game.



Edited by VegaPhone
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The problem is that BW, or marketing people think releasing the game in patches is better than releasing a full MMO product.


-For example adding a legacy system.

-Making the cantinas a social place and a place to meet there (mini games?)

-Adding more warzones

-Adding open world pvp that is similar to a sand box MMO - sieging etc

-Raids which are not buggy (what happened to the smooth release? its normal and would have been easier to brush aside if there was other content)

-Weather effect

-Dev created events (weekly/or every couple of days)

-Better crafting system that allows people to add to the community and economy

-mini games


-Now instead what they have is buggy raiding, which might be a lot better now. ( I stopped after my pvp guild left when they were raiding instead of pvping beucase how bad pvp was for them)

-Limited PVP

-and no social atmosphere because it lacks the tools to make it one.


The problem is after people have played thier game and have been fed up, rebuilding the community other that squeezing everyone into less servers will be more difficult.


If thier solution is to keep swtor running by milking the SW IP, and keeping enough players in to slowly release thier content to keep some interested, then they failed at realizing on how to deliver a game in the MMO market.


They will have a smaller MMO sub base, which means they will have less money to develop the game.




I am 99.9% sure this is because of EA pushing them to release it before Christmas. Little do they know the long term damage they did to this franchise. People will/have already found other games to play. More than likely the sub numbers will never be what they were in the first month.

Edited by permz
because i felt like it
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I am 99.9% sure this is because of EA pushing them to release it before Christmas. Little do they know the long term damage they did to this franchise. People will/have already found other games to play. More than likely the sub numbers will never be what they were in the first month.


Its unfortunate. However several years of development with the amount of money BW had at thier disposal, I dont blame EA.


Adding something like mini games in cantinas, or several more warzones, or giving open world pvp enough attention over the course of several years should not be an issue.


So BW ignored those aspects, and its not the fault of EA that BW was not managing their time well, or decided it is better to release those later with a smaller subscription to thier MMO.


Good thing this is SW, or otherwise I would say there is little chance. They can easily pull this together imo. They just need to make the right decisions with thier expansions and give people a chance to enjoy it with a free weekly trial.

Edited by VegaPhone
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I can to some degree swallow the OP, but just to some.

Sure Bioware will most likly fix alot of the problem, if not all, and there will be more content etc etc.


But is it going to come fast enough, on my server and in my guild the general vibe is not so good, we used to be 10-15 people who knew each other, now we are 1-5 people only tops, some are leveling a new character (second or third one) but it seems that they do the story arc and grind pvp for inbetween levels (I'm trying to level my third alt while waiting for my wife to come home from her parents, not going well btw).


There are to many features I miss, the story is good enough, but the sidemissions are to tedious to repeat, I spacebar so quick it's starting to leave marks on my keyboard now.

PvP is no longer fun for me, so I probably wont hit a high valor rank or anything.

I also find the lack of proper timesink tasks, strangly I miss grinding for rep and stuff, I actually enjoyed that in other games (like wow, getting ambasador, getting all the dwarf or orc reputations in the start of cataclysm or firelands daily quests towards the end), I started ilum on my first 50 (I have one 50, one 48 and a 17) but it didnt catch my attention, so now my level 50 is doing crewskill missions for cash and schematics.


Anyway, hopefully the game will improve, fixes will come and I might stay or come back to check it when it does, if not I'll prolly play a pandarian monk or something (D3/GW2/secret world, what do I know).

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you highly underestimate what this game offers and people don't give games a chance these days. It's sad really


Do tell just what this game has to offer?

Flat out the only thing it has going for it is VO and story. Thats it!


My prediction is that this will be just another failed mmo under EA's belt.

Once i have seen all the story lines i want to ill be gone also like most of my friends that came over.

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Well, I am level 44 now and getting worried. I took my time leveling and noticed the game had a very non massive feel. A lot of them time there is under 10 people on any planet, and the most people in one area is always the fleet and that hardly gets over 100, and the server says heavy population at the time. I think they made the server sizes to small in the first place. Also I see a lot of people in my clan of 118 not really on anymore, most we have on is 8 or 9 now and out of the 30 level 50s only 10 or so even log on. To be honest the warzones are somewhat fun, but world pvp is nearly not even there. Maybe a little on ilum, but on my server the 50s say it's a ghost town most the time ( or ghost world ). I like this game but I play so I can play with other people, and they are running out of people very fast. When you have a game like guild wars 2 coming out with server vs server pvp, and new open world options, it does not look good for star wars. A lot of new mmos are always scared to merge servers to soon as they think it means they are dying, but it is better to keep people playing if they have someone to play with, at least keep the game alive with people that like the game, just have not many people around.
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It is not like wow at all. Yes, it is online and has buttons you push to kill enemies. F2P that's funny...don't even have anything for that sir, I'm going to remember your name. I think I remember some people going "my prediction: the game will be f2p come 2 months in." Still waiting :) every single person that is still on here and month that goes by without it dying or not going free to play and they made all their little predictions based on nothing...I message them and go "soo..about that prediction" and they just message me back going. "shutup..you'll see" lol.


So bring it on trolls. If you have that bad of a life where you have to go onto a forum of a gmae that you do not like or pay money to troll to try and feel better about yourself in your head. That is pretty unforgiven and an abomination to the human condition. But..I'm sorry you feel this way about this game.


Once again..if you do not feel like it has reached potential for YOU, the paying customer, then by all means leave. This is a free country and you can do what you want. But no need to bash the game on the games own forums...does it really make you feel THAT much better? Or are you trying to fool yourself it's making you better when in reality it isn't?


1) A bit defensive are we?



2) This game is so alike WoW that if they just replaced the space skin with a fantasy skin and added a LFG tool I'd think I was playing the same game. Grind to 50, do some PVP, do dailies, do 50 HM FPs, get HM FP gear, raid, get raid gear, do HM raid, get HM gear, do NM mode raids.


WoW: Grind to 85, do some PVP, do dailies, do HM dungeons, get HM dungeon gear, raid, get raid gear, do HM raids.


Edited to add: Once you're locked out of your weekly raids you get to stand around in Orgrimm....I mean the fleet station.


Crafting is equally useless in both games. PVP is essentially the same: chain-queue WZ/BGs all day long. Both rely on dailies as endgame grind.


The one unique thing SWTOR does have is space combat, but can we really compliment it on this? Space missions are only used for cheap leveling XP or done once and forgotten about.



3) My prediction is just that, a prediction. I have no animosity toward this game even though you are trying to put words into my mouth. I hope it doesn't go F2P and Bioware turns the ship around, but I don't think they will. Their patches are too small and come too slowly. Most of the time at least 1 thing listed as fixed in patch notes isn't actually fixed. I mean how many patch notes have we been told that Soa was fixed? 3 in a row?



4) I didn't personally attack you so I'm not sure why you feel the need to attack me with: "If you have that bad of a life where you have to go onto a forum of a gmae that you do not like or pay money to troll to try and feel better about yourself in your head. That is pretty unforgiven and an abomination to the human condition. But..I'm sorry you feel this way about this game."



5) Way to be mature about starting a discussion and then attacking anyone who doesn't agree with you. If you can't start a thread discussing the game without resorting to attacks on a person who you don't and will never know, then I suggest you don't start threads of this nature in the future.

Edited by CogitoErgo
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I will agree with you that WoW had more bugs at launch then SWTOR did. That being said, most people didn't quit the game over them in WoW, the population actually exploded.


The difference? When wow shipped, there was no wow.


That's sort of the problem with SWTOR. A lot of us were hoping/expecting bioware to do to mmorpg's what they did to action rpg and turn based rpg before that - innovate, reinvent and redefine a genre. Instead they went the cheapy cheapy route of having a bunch of scrubs who failed at warhammer try yet another copy/paste of wow.


Apparently some EA suit, between lines of coke, decided that wow is successful because it uses tiled hotkeys on a 1.5 second global cooldown to regulate combat. Even though lotro, vanguard, star trek, champions, everquest 2, and to a lesser extent rift have all proven this to be untrue.


Never should have let the mythic scrubs anywhere near this game. They botched warhammer and ruined daoc. This is the most important game bioware has ever produced, and it looks like a lot of EA crap got rammed down their throats - art in india, coding by mythic.


Disappointment is a side effect of hope. Lots of people were hoping for a bioware game, and are now disappointed by a mythic/EA Mumbai game.

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Seriously? SWTOR will be fine. Its not gonna be the best MMO ever but it will be played for years. There are a lot of games coming out all with equal potential. What amazes me about this so-called "MMO Community" that everyone keeps going on about is how completely unrealistic they are about things. Game has been out what? 2 months? Please name a game with a successful launch and end game content? Don't say WoW because you would be making yourself look like an idiot, or you're one of those that came in 6 months after launch.


How many articles do you have to read to get it? Most people who are looking for a polished product don't even GET an MMO and superscribe for at least 3 to 6 months after the games release. Please folks, quit acting like you know where this game is going based off sites statistics because most of those sites have been proven wrong or not the least reliable many times over.


I just wish people would shut up already. SWTOR: Best Game Ever? Not by a long shot. SWTOR: Good game and has Potential to be better? For sure!


Note: Guild Wars 2 does look awesome played it at PAX it was fun. Heh. But I think people will be sorely disappointed when they find its not all its cracked up to be. I think it will be an amazing game but I wouldn't get my hopes up for it being the new "Change" in mmo game play. NCSOFT wont allow it to be. They are a horrible company and their games tend to fail hard. Aion, Tabula Rasa the list could go on. Arena Net is awesome though and they will do great but NCSOFT is a big mistake.

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Note: Guild Wars 2 does look awesome played it at PAX it was fun. Heh. But I think people will be sorely disappointed when they find its not all its cracked up to be. I think it will be an amazing game but I wouldn't get my hopes up for it being the new "Change" in mmo game play. NCSOFT wont allow it to be. They are a horrible company and their games tend to fail hard. Aion, Tabula Rasa the list could go on. Arena Net is awesome though and they will do great but NCSOFT is a big mistake.


Anyone who lets themselves get eaten up by the Hype monster is a fool really, they are. NCSoft owned ArenaNet since 2002, before GW1 released in 2005. Your presumptions about them not allowing something to change anything or be good are a little silly considering GW1 was loved by many many people, and sold very well.


People don't think NCSoft was their parent company until AFTER they made GW1, which isn't true. "Change" in MMO game play doesn't have to mean utterly revolutionary, it can just take things that were done before, and make them better and interesting again, like TOR did for questing the 1st time through.


Rumor and opinion are dangerous things, especially when touted as fact. Aion didn't do very well, and Tabula Rasa was just horrible yes, but different dev teams did both. TOR has the sad chagrin of being the next attempt by Mythic that was absorbed and placed under BW Austin. You can see their influences very easily in TOR. For the good, and the bad.


Note: The BioWare that produces Mass Effect is completely separate from BioWare Austin, which is primarily made up of Mythic, which is not the same Mythic that made DAoC. Which is why I'm still buying ME3. :)

Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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Anyone who lets themselves get eaten up by the Hype monster is a fool really, they are. NCSoft owned ArenaNet since 2002, before GW1 released in 2005. Your presumptions about them not allowing something to change anything or be good are a little silly considering GW1 was loved by many many people, and sold very well.


People don't think NCSoft was their parent company until AFTER they made GW1, which isn't true. "Change" in MMO game play doesn't have to mean utterly revolutionary, it can just take things that were done before, and make them better and interesting again, like TOR did for questing the 1st time through.


Rumor and opinion are dangerous things, especially when touted as fact. Aion didn't do very well, and Tabula Rasa was just horrible yes, but different dev teams did both. TOR has the sad chagrin of being the next attempt by Mythic that was absorbed and placed under BW Austin. You can see their influences very easily in TOR. For the good, and the bad.


Note: The BioWare that produces Mass Effect is completely separate from BioWare Austin, which is primarily made up of Mythic, which is not the same Mythic that made DAoC. Which is why I'm still buying ME3. :)



My problems with NCSOFT are my own problems. I played guild wars sense day 1 actually. I know what it is and isn't. I have PvPed I have done the PvE thing. I have gone to developer meetings I have been invited to their new studio in Washington. NCSOFT does indeed destroy games. Their business ethics are horrible. I have had many issues.


What they did to Richard Garriott was horrible and shows what kind of class they have. I love ArenaNet I have and always will. I was sad with the split back in the day from blizzard after Diablo 2 but, hey that's how it goes.


Edit* And I never said Guild Wars wasnt a good game :) . NCSOFT Pushes games out before they are done and love to cut corners.

Edited by Newsinz
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This will be the best MMO on the market by far soon, maybe even the best ever, all in due time, all of the haters will come crawling back... Or not, their egos are far too big to admit they were wrong.


Enthusiasm is good! It may not always get you what you want but being positive can never hurt...loool now if I could just stop laughing :p

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Star Wars: The Old Republic will be the game of the new generation. Slowly but surely it will crawl, walk, run, sprint..and just keep on going and chuggin along. BioWare will not disappoint. This is their baby and they are proud of it. They are trying so hard to please mainly everyone for the majority of the game.


This game will continue to grow and get better as time goes on. More planets will get added, more gear, more raids, more planets, more weapons, more major content, more story. This game will be the next mmo giant and the game to beat in the coming years. You just watch!


Listen guys...they are fixing lots of bugs, they are coming out with content, they will keep adding more stuff we want. This is their plan, they launched with the stuff they had and just keep on adding the stuff players want little by little to keep people coming back for more because they will keep releasing content update patches every month or close to that. I believe BioWare keeps the community at heart when releasing this content and just know they can't do everything right now.


The things that you guys want, whether it be sitting in chairs, swimming, day/night cycle, weather, they WILL come in time :) The heroengine is getting updates constantly and performance issues ARE being worked on! This is one of the smoothest mmos ever and the running looks VERY good. You can't argue that. The environments and running feels natural.


Great game BioWare keep it up :)


I remember you from the beta. Your posts were as nonsensical then as they are now. Same orange text, too.


No surprise someone like you is having a good time. No surprise at all. You and this game deserve each other.

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